America under enemy rule and the world as it is

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Антон Николаевич Геля. America under enemy rule and the world as it is
I. Introduction
II. The levels of natural selection
III. The biological paradigm of humaniti
IV. What we are in a social sense
V. Self-regulated systems with feedback loop
VI. State & bureaucracy as necessary evil; Government as the biggest problem of any given people, country or nation . The role of the feedback loop at the different levels of a society
VII. Freedom layers & freedom lovers. Meaningful classification of participants in the politics
VIII. Comparative anatomy of freedom loving conservative/libertarian/teaparty camp and freedom hating totalitarians in the US
IX. Phylosophy of pragmatic neo-centrism
X. Who won in 2008 elections?
XI. Random thoughts bowl:
XII. Current situation and developing trends in the US & in the world
XIII. Possible case scenarios
XIV. Is there still chance to save the world? If yes– what can be done?
The Summary
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This book's content is primarily my personal opinions backed with some citations, quotations and basic popularized science to project the future trends. An academic level of such analysis would require many scientists and thousands of volumes. When the draft started getting closer to a thousand pages then I decided to cut mercilessly to a hundred pages that would contain the essence of the book, the summary, but the stubborn book started growing again. So, I had to stop it abruptly and publish as raw as it is. Thus, we shall be satisfied with just a short mini-version that gives a general idea, scatchy main points and the criteria for analysis that you can do yourself to follow my train of thoughts (rather than expanding to a thoroughly discussed and proven monograph). The format is a diary type draft written in short stretches almost every night after I was coming back home from hard work in a hospital. Why me? I lived in many countries with different systems and I have first hand experience with totalitarians of different kinds (communists, socialists, statists, islamists, nationalists and the like), I've a scientific mind and research background and my mind is not tainted by ideological filters, including political correctness. I just see things as they are, and I am not afraid to show the truth. Originally this was supposed to be published in the end of 2008, but the work turned out to be overwhelmingly burdensome and time consuming. May be, for better because it's safer now– in 2008 I'd be one of the very few critisizing the leftist regime with high risk of retalitation by the Obama's regime. Tell me who your friends are and I shall tell you who you are. All Obama's friends were America's haters. Now majority of Americans have woken up to realize what a huge mistake they made electing their enemy to rule them. Hopefully, it's not too late, although for sure it will be clear only on Jan. 20, 2011. There is still huge risk that Obama will push America on the railroad to serfdom where the next station is Greece and the final destination is Sudan. That's what Obama does right now in his native Kenya trying to change secular constitution to Shariah law based one. All it takes is to create another crisis– and Obama is very good at that– and then announce the Marshall law with all elections and Bill of rights suspended. If Stalin and Hitler did so– why another totalitarian can't?). Provoked by Obama's inaction Iran or North Korea might start a nuclear crisis, giving Obama a perfect excuse to postpone the elections until the next millenium and to cancel the result of November elections. Americans are so used to be in position to vote out the government they dislike that they can't imagine it's not granted , but it may be not the case anymore. When totalitarians grab enough power to the point of no return– then it doesn't matter anymore what WE, THE PEOPLE want. As Stalin was saying :"It doesn't matter who votes– matters who counts the votes". When tricked by Obama and misinformed by leftist media Americans elected Obama, they didn't realize that the Left wants to create a Nanny State, and that that would be a death sentence to America because Nanny State inevitably ruins demographics and the country starts dying out. There is no single Nanny State in the world that can survive– Europe has 1.38 children per woman including Muslims, Japan 1.3, S. Korea 1.1, Canada 1.4 and so forth. We shall discuss later in details why it is so, but it is just a fact of the matter, they all are doomed. The US is not completely welfare state yet, so the demographics are bearable now with 2.2 children per woman, but if the Democrats will shove Eurosocialism into throats of Americans– America will go extinct too. Each consequent shrinking generation will be taxed heavier and heavier just to pay back at least some of the embezzled by the government retirement funds until society implodes. Even now unfunded liabilities on Social Security alone are $106 trillion. Not billion! Scandinavian countries already tax 70% of income, and it will not take long until the domino effect, chain reaction from Greece will destroy the whole European Union within 5 years. Socialism never worked and never will, it is against the laws of nature (we shall discuss it later in details too). You choose redistributive society, the Nanny State under false pretext of "equality"– then you choose the path of self-destruction, slow choking death of the nation. You choose individual liberties and free market– then you choose life, prosperity and freedom. That's the only 2 choices available.
First let us identify the main problems in the world and their causes that might give a clue how to solve them. They say– a theory that explains everything explains nothing. However, let's pick the challenge because we might be able to analyze virtually all the problems in societies using universal criterion of DEGREE OF FREEDOM. In the chapter about self-regulation and feed back we will study on the deeper level what is the scientific base of that, what the laws of nature govern these processes, but for now it is good enough to observe that freedom is THE most potent engine of progress. History had conducted both longitudinal and parallel studies such as accidental experiments with the same people divided politically– North and South Korea, East and West Germany, and every time the degree of freedom was directly proportional to the productivity and, thus, prosperity of the society. Now Northkoreans even physically several inches shorter than Southkoreans due to chronic starvation. When the freest in the world original American Constitution was created over 200 years ago America had very little human capital, financial capital, science, 'know how' and so forth. All Americans had was freedom, namely most important freedom-freedom from the government! America became the greatest country in the world only because it WAS the freest country in the world. People knew they can work hard and retain the fruits of their hard labor, and it was good enough to attract human capital, finances, technology and science from all over the world. America became the beacon of freedom, the freest country in the world, and, thus, the most prosperous country in the world. With the accelerating and worsening since 1913 encroachment of totalitarian "progressivism" Americans started losing their liberties along with worsening degree of freedom of the self-regulated market place, and, hence, the economic positions. Last 10 years America's share in the world's GDP dropped from 32 to 24%, and under Obama's regime keeps dropping faster and faster. As Dan Kennedy remarked regarding Obama, "if you set up to destroy our entire economic engine on purpose, you'd be hard pressed to achieve more in as short a time, at as fast a pace"
"Life is a complex system in the dynamic stability state that in the ever changing environment maintains its dynamic stability by using self-regulation processes with the feed-back loop and reproduces itself". The key word in stability is "dynamic": as Heraclitus noted, you cannot twice step into the same river because the waters keep changing even though the entity considered to stay the same. We ourselves also keep changing– in a period of several months majority of atoms in our body are completely replaced by new ones and yet we consider ourselves "Yes, I am the same person even though I keep changing". One might find inorganic, electronic and even cosmic structures that will meet this definition, and I would consider them a life form too. Computer viruses can be an example. Imagine a self-learning program that will evolve high enough to be self-aware. Well, you've seen those in Sci Fi movies already, but I read about Japanese program like that in a LAN. Hopefully, it will not get sophisticated enough to find a way from LAN (local area network) into WEB (world wide web). We have enough problems without Terminators. In a way, all evolving and self-regulated systems may be considered a living organism: a language and a society too.
There were many life forms in the primary ocean that were as alien to us as another planet life forms. We are not likely to learn about them in a forseeble future because majority of them are gone forever whether due to competition or because of the everchanging environment. We know only about tiny faction of the ancient life forms and species. Primary ocean was a hot place, there was no ice on the planet, so all the fresh water was in the ocean with resulting diluted salt concentration about 0.9%, and since then all the life forms on Earth, whether living in the 24% salt solution or on the Everest mountain, still have the same 0.9% in their blood. Life is very conservative, it almost never re-shuffles the existing structures preferring rather building another "store" on the multi-story building. That's why "social engineering" of human being will never work– we are what we are: the end result of 4.5 billion year natural selection. We share with gorillas 98% of genes, but majority of them are inactive ones that just like uninhabited ground floors with only the upper floor, built on the top, in use. When you compare only working, expressed genes, then the difference between us is significantly bigger. Those of our genes that code for gills, tails, scales or sea worm eyes and brittles normally are repressed.