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A word worth defining before we launch ourselves into space is constellation. It’s based on a word from Latin meaning ‘group of stars’. In total you’ll find 88 of them filling the entire sky, but thankfully you don’t need to know them all to enjoy the hours of darkness. Other starry terms that crop up throughout the book are written in bold and explained in the AstroGlossary in here.

The story of organising things up there in the darkness of the night began thousands of years ago with civilisations such as the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans (as well as many other cultures from around the world). They decided the starry skies could do with a bit of order and a tidy up. So they joined up many of the stars, just like a dot-to-dot picture, putting their myths and legends into the sky as they did so.

Don’t think that there was any rhyme or reason for making a particular pattern. For example, Cepheus, King of Ethiopia, and his wife, Queen Cassiopeia, both have constellations named after them, and yet these look like a house and a set of stairs respectively. Imagination is the key here, I feel. As far as these early civilisations were concerned, the gods and goddesses needed a place to reside in the starry vault, so it was probably a case of first come, first served, and pot luck as to which stars were assigned to which group.

We get our earliest knowledge of the constellations from Aratos, the first Greek astronomical poet, in his work Phaenomena (which was probably based on an earlier ‘lost’ work by another Greek, Eudoxus). Then in AD 150 Ptolemy, a Greek working at the great library of Alexandria in Egypt, recorded them in a book known by its Arabic name, Almagest, which means ‘the greatest’. Hundreds of years ago, other astronomers who wanted to be famous added extra groups (some more successfully than others) to give us our present fixed total of 88 constellations.

Constellation names are traditionally written in Latin. This is because Ptolemy’s book was brought from the Middle East to Italy, where it was translated – and Latin, for centuries, was the language of scholars. So, for example, we know the Great Bear as Ursa Major.

Here are all the 88 constellations of the starry skies. Details of those with interesting things to see are given in Parts 2 and 3.

Latin Name English Name Abbreviation Order of Size(1 is the largest)
Andromeda Andromeda And 9
Antlia Pump Ant 62
Apus Bee Aps 67
Aquarius Water Bearer Aqr 10
Aquila Eagle Aql 22
Ara Altar Ara 63
Aries Ram Ari 39
Auriga Charioteer Aur 21
Boötes Herdsman Boo 13
Caelum Sculptor’s Tool Cae 81
Camelopardalis Giraffe Cam 18
Cancer Crab Cnc 31
Canes Venatici Hunting Dogs CVn 38
Canis Major Great Dog CMa 43
Canis Minor Little Dog CMi 71
Capricornus Sea Goat Cap 40
Carina Keel Car 34
Cassiopeia Queen Cas 25
Centaurus Centaur Cen 9
Cepheus King Cep 27
Cetus Whale Cet 4
Chameleon Chameleon Cha 79
Circinus Drawing Compass Cir 85
Columba Dove Col 54
Coma Berenices Berenice’s Hair Com 42
Corona Australis Southern Crown CrA 80
Corona Borealis Northern Crown CrB 73
Corvus Crow CrV 70
Crater Cup Crt 53
Crux Cross Cru 88
Cygnus Swan Cyg 16
Delphinus Dolphin Del 69
Dorado Goldfish Dor 72
Draco Dragon Dra 8
Equuleus Little Horse Equ 87
Eridanus River Eri 6
Fornax Furnace For 41
Gemini Twins Gem 30
Grus Crane Gru 45
Hercules Hercules Her 5
Horologium Clock Hor 58
Hydra Water Snake Hya 1
Hydrus Little Snake Hyi 61
Indus Indian Ind 49
Lacerta Lizard Lac 68
Leo Lion Leo 12
Leo Minor Little Lion Lmi 64
Lepus Hare Lep 51
Libra Scales Lib 29
Lupus Wolf Lup 46
Lynx Lynx Lyn 28
Lyra Harp Lyr 52
Mensa Table Men 75
Microscopium Microscope Mic 66
Monoceros Unicorn Mon 35
Musca Fly Mus 77
Norma Level Nor 74
Octans Octant Oct 50
Ophiuchus Serpent Bearer Oph 11
Orion Hunter Ori 26
Pavo Peacock Pav 44
Pegasus Flying Horse Peg 7
Perseus Perseus Per 24
Phoenix Phoenix Phe 37
Pictor Painter Pic 59
Pisces Fish Psc 14
Piscis Austrinus Southern Fish PsA 60
Puppis Stern Pup 20
Pyxis Compass Pyx 65
Reticulum Net Ret 82
Sagitta Arrow Sge 86
Sagittarius Archer Sgr 15
Scorpius Scorpion Sco 33
Sculptor Sculptor Scl 36
Scutum Shield Sct 84
Serpens Serpent Ser 23
Sextans Sextant Sex 47
Taurus Bull Tau 17
Telescopium Telescope Tel 57
Triangulum Triangle Tri 78
Triangulum Australe Southern Triangle TrA 83
Tucana Toucan Tuc 48
Ursa Major Great Bear UMa 3
Ursa Minor Little Bear UMi 56
Vela Sails Vel 32
Virgo Maiden Vir 2
Volans Flying Fish Vol 76
Vulpecula Fox Vul 55

Simple Stargazing

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