Читать книгу American Indian Ghost Stories of the West - Antonio Sr. Garcez - Страница 12

Maricopa Ak-Chin


The Maricopa nation’s history is one of constant battles with neighboring tribes. Their numbers were small and they claimed their homeland as being along the lower Gila and Colorado rivers. In 1825, a major event took place when their friendly neighbors, the Pima, welcomed the Maricopa into their villages. This union obviously benefited the Maricopa, as now aggressive attackers had a much larger, united force to confront. In the year 1864, settlements of Mormons from the northern state of Utah had begun in the area, but not unnoticed by the watchful eyes of the Apaches. The Apaches loathed the intrusion of their land by these alien strangers and attacked the settlements with gusto. The Mormons obtained the help of both the Pima and Maricopa who acted as scouts and security. This focal area was in Lehi, which today the Maricopa retain as part of the reservation. Collectors for its beauty and creative use of shape now seek Maricopa red-clay, geometrical pottery. Like the Pima, they have prospered in modern society.

American Indian Ghost Stories of the West

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