The Insulin Factor: Can’t Lose Weight? Can’t Concentrate? Can’t Resist Sugar? Could Syndrome X Be Your Problem?

Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Antony Haynes. The Insulin Factor: Can’t Lose Weight? Can’t Concentrate? Can’t Resist Sugar? Could Syndrome X Be Your Problem?
Why should I read this book?
What is Insulin Resistance?
How do I get started?
Medical conditions
1 Tell Me About Insulin Resistance. What is insulin?
What exactly does insulin do?
Insulin and carbohydrates
Insulin and proteins
Insulin and fats
How much insulin your body releases depends on what you eat
Insulin Resistance
The harm Insulin Resistance does
What causes Insulin Resistance?
Contributory factors in Insulin Resistance
Summary of key points
2 Are Refined Carbs and Sugar the Bad Guys?
Captain Cleave on sugar
The sugar-body fat connection
Sugar and diabetes
Sugar and heart disease
Sugar and tooth decay
Digestive problems
Summary of key points
3 What’s My Risk of Insulin Resistance?
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Interpreting your result
Insulin Resistance questionnaire
Part one – family and health history. Scoring this part of the questionnaire
Part two – signs and symptoms. Scoring this part of the questionnaire
Part three – Diet. Scoring this part of the questionnaire
Part four – lifestyle and exercise. Scoring this part of the questionnaire
Part five – Blood test results. Scoring this part of the questionnaire
Your scores
Total scores
Interpreting the questionnaire
Improving your situation
The six major causes of Insulin Resistance
The Insulin Connection
Age and insulin
Low Risk – Stage 1
Moderate Risk – Stage 2
High Risk – Stage 3
High Risk-Stage 4
Stage 5
Summary of key points
4 How Your Digestion Affects Insulin
Gut Health Questionnaire
Summary of key points
5 Carbs and Proteins – Your Key to Reverse Insulin Resistance. The Insulin Connection
Mixed messages
The Carbohydrate Questionnaire. Scoring the questionnaire
Interpreting the questionnaire
Carbohydrate groups
The Glycemic Index and Load
The Glycemic Index and obesity
Case Study: Carol
What’s the difference between simple sugars and starches?
Starchy vegetables
Fibre foods
Limit carbohydrates, don’t avoid them
Main sources of carbohydrate
Why shouldn’t I cut out carbs altogether?
Serving size
Starchy vegetables, legumes & grains
Non-starchy veg
Cravings and addictions
Summary of dietary recommendations for carbohydrates
Introducing protein
The Protein Questionnaire
Scoring the questionnaire
Interpreting the questionnaire
Functions of proteins
Protein facts
Amino acids
Biological value
Carb protein balance
How much should I eat?
Case Study: Martin
The healthiest BV foods
Summary of key points
6 What’s So Essential About Essential Fats?
Fats Questionnaire. Scoring the questionnaire
Interpreting the questionnaire
Fats – the good, the bad and the ugly
Essential fatty acids
Functions of essential fats
Omega 3 family
Omega 6 family
Omega 9 family
The importance of vitamins and minerals
Bad fats
Ugly fats
Know your trans fats
Getting the correct balance of essential fatty acids
Insulin Resistance and fat metabolism. How hyperinsulinism effects EFA metabolism
Low fat diets are bad for your health
So which oils should I eat?
Cooking and eating oils
Oils that you can cook with
How much and how often should I eat essential fats?
So what supplements should I take?
A note on purity
Summary of key points
7 Antioxidants: Your Defence Against Excess Insulin. The Insulin Connection
The Antioxidant Questionnaire
Scoring the questionnaire
Interpreting the questionnaire
What is oxidative stress?
The Insulin Factor Plan is effectively an anti-ageing plan
Antioxidants and Insulin Resistance
Foods and antioxidants
Selected foods rich in plant antioxidants
Summary of key points
8 Key Nutrients to Reverse Insulin Resistance. The Insulin Connection
Key minerals and vitamins to reverse Insulin Resistance
Vitamins and minerals work best as a team
Chromium, exercise and insulin
Good sources of chromium
A Note on yeast
Can chromium be toxic?
Magnesium and mood
Magnesium and oxidative stress
Good sources of magnesium
Good sources of zinc
Good sources of vanadium
Calcium and fat loss
Calcium and cravings
Dietary sources of calcium
Good sources of calcium
Vitamin B6
Good sources of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Vitamin B3 (niacin)
Good sources of niacin
Good sources of biotin
Powerful help from nature
Alpha lipoic acid
How does it work?
Corosolic acid
Case Study: Mr Andrews
Silymarin (MilkThistle extract)
Case Study: Mr Patel
Summary of key points
9 Is Stress Affecting You More Than You Think? The Insulin Connection
Adrenal Stress Questionnaire
Scoring the questionnaire
Interpreting the questionnaire
Anti-anxiety remedy for all
What is stress?
Factors that contribute to stress
The three stages of stress response
Stage 1: Alarm reaction
Stage 2: Resistance
The DHEA: Insulin connection
Stage 3: Exhaustion
The body’s response to stress?
Stress, the adrenals and Insulin Resistance
Adrenal Stress Profile test
Type A personalities, Insulin Resistance and heart disease risk
Stress and personality type
Characteristics of a Type A personality pattern
Summary of key points
10 Are You Exercising Enough? The Insulin Connection
Exercise and Insulin Resistance
So what is moderate exercise?
Exercise, blood glucose levels and insulin
What time of day should I exercise?
Exercise and oxidative stress
The Insulin Factor 4-Point Exercise Plan
1. Warming up and down
2. Stretching
Stretching and the adrenals
3. Cardiovascular exercise
Examples of CV exercise
CV and adrenals
4. Resistance
Resistance training and insulin
Resistance training and the adrenals
What type of exercise should I emphasize? Insulin resistant but scored under 21 in the Adrenal Stress Questionnaire
Insulin resistant but scored over 21 in the Adrenal Stress Questionnaire
Summary of key points
11 Is It In My Genes? The Insulin Connection
Who has the most genetic risk?
Australian Aboriginals
Summary of key points
12 Your Plan to Reverse Insulin Resistance
Reversing Insulin Resistance
Your 5-point action plan
Model of how to reverse Insulin Resistance
Is there any reason why you shouldn’t start immediately?
Step one – Completing the questionnaires and doing the lab test(s)
Step two – Diet plan
Step three – Supplement plans
When do I need to repeat my lab tests?
Step four- Exercise plan
The best exercise for you. Insulin resistant but scored under 21 in the Adrenal Stress Questionnaire
Insulin Resistant but scored over 21 in the Adrenal Stress Questionnaire
Step five – Lifestyle and stress management
How long will it take before I notice a change in my health?
What happens after I have reversed my Insulin Resistance?
13 The Insulin Factor Diet Plan
The Insulin-Friendly Food Pyramid
A guide to protein portion size
General healthy eating guidelines
Meal suggestions
Key to recipes
Protein powders
Margarine spreads
Salad dressings
Dinners. Soups
Insulin-friendly spices
Add your own meal suggestions
15 Snacks
14 What Supplements Should I Take and When?
Recommended intakes – RDAs and RNIs
Why do we need supplements anyway?
1 Food is not as nutritious as it once was
2 Modern living and pollution increases our need
3 Nutrients in larger doses have benefits
4 Clinical experience
Quality supplements
Insulin Factor Supplement Plans
A special note on calcium supplements
1 Gut Supplement Plan
2 Insulin Resistance Supplement Plan 1
3 Insulin Resistance Supplement Plan 2
4 Insulin Resistance Supplement Plan 3
5 Adrenal Support Supplement Plan – General
6 Adrenal Support Supplement Plan – Lower Cortisol
7 Adrenal Support Supplement Plan – Raise Cortisol
8 Anti-Anxiety Supplement Plan
9 Antioxidant Supplement Plan A
Antioxidant Supplement Plan B
Antioxidant Supplement Plan C
Information about these supplements
10 Good Fat Supplement Plan A
Good Fat Supplement Plan B
Good Fat Supplement Plan C
11 Cravings and Appetite Control Supplement Plan. Cravings
Appetite Control
Amino Acids for Vegans and Vegetarians
Final Word. Well done
Resource contents
1. Where to find a nutritionist
Qualified nutritionists (alphabetical by name not county)
2. Testing laboratories
3. Summary of recommended tests. Degrees of Insulin Resistance
The five stages of Insulin Resistance. Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
4. Where to get nutritional supplements
5. BMI table and how to measure BMI
BMI categories:
BMI assessment
6. Body fat calculations
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Body Mass Index table
Body fat calculation figures
7. Colleges of nutrition
8. Other information sources
9. Glycemic Index (GI)
10. Index of good sources of essential fatty acids Omega 3 fats
Omega 6 food sources
Omega 9 food sources
11. Weights and measures conversion chart
Glossary of Key Words and Terms
About the Publisher
Отрывок из книги
Can’t Lose Weight?
Can’t Concentrate?
23 Drink less than five glasses of water a day?
24 Drink less than eight glasses of water a day?