Читать книгу War and Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa - Ariel I. Ahram - Страница 2




Title Page

Copyright Page




Introduction Which Mena? Why Mena? How to Read This Book Notes

Part I: Context 1 Accounting for War in the Middle East and North Africa First Cut: Frequency of War Second Cut: Conflict Types Third Cut: Conflict Magnitude Conclusion Notes 2 The MENA Security Predicament MENA’s Wars and Levels-of-Analysis Problems A Historical Sociology of War and Conflict in MENA Conclusion: A View from Beirut Notes

Part II: Conflict Traps Notes 3 Oil as Conflict Trap A Social History of Mena’s Oil Curse Oil and International Wars The Oil Price Cycle and Mena’s Regional Conflict Oil and Internal Wars Case Study: Oil and War in Libya Conclusion Notes 4 Identity as Conflict Trap Group Identities and States in the Middle East Ethnic Groups and the Equilibrium of Cooperation Why Ethnic War? Case Study: Making Ethnic War in Syria Conclusion Notes 5 Geopolitics as Conflict Trap Geopolitics as Practice and Discourse The Geopolitics of Colonialism Cold War Geopolitics and America’s Ascent Case Study: Pax Americana, Counterterrorism, and the Greater West Asian Crisis Conclusion Notes 6 Fragmentation, Integration, and War in the 2010s Proxy Wars and the Politics of Distant Proximities From Local Disputes to Civil War Libya Syria Yemen Networks Unwound A Thirty Years’ War? Notes 7 Peace and Peacemaking Defining Peace and Pursuing It The Evolution of MENA’s Peace Infrastructure Arab–Israeli Conflicts and the Question of Peace The Future of Peace, 2011 and Beyond Conclusion Notes

10  Conclusion Notes

11  Bibliography

12  Index

13  End User License Agreement

List of Tables

1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Conflict-affected countries by fatalities, top twenty countries, 1989–2017Table 1.2 State, non-state, and one-sided violence in MENA, 1989–2017Table 1.3 Ten countries with the most terrorist events in 2018

2 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Marginal cost to produce one barrel of oil (or gas equivalent) in US dollars (20…

3 Chapter 4Table 4.1 Minority groups in MENA

4 Chapter 5Table 5.1 Soviet and Eastern European military technicians in late developing countriesTable 5.2 MENA states among the world’s top fifty arms importers, 1950–89Table 5.3 US drone strikes in Yemen, 2000–June 2019Table 5.4 MENA states among the world’s top fifty arms importers, 1990–2018

5 Chapter 7Table 7.1 International peace operations in MENA, 1948–2019

List of Illustrations

1 IntroductionFigure 0.1 MENA’s share of global battle deaths in 2017

2 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Percentage of conflict in MENA countriesFigure 1.2 Number of conflicts by yearFigure 1.3 Years at war for MENA countries, 1945–2017Figure 1.4 Interstate conflicts, MENA v. the worldFigure 1.5 Internal wars, MENA v. the worldFigure 1.6 Internationalized civil wars, MENA v. the world

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 MENA share of global oil productionFigure 3.2 Oil and gas income per capita (2005)Figure 3.3 Top MENA oil producers (millions of barrels)

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Fractionalization in selected MENA countries

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 US troop deployment by region, 1950–2013Figure 5.2 US troops deployed to MENA as percentage of forces worldwide, 1980–2016Figure 5.3 Sources of MENA arms imports, 2010–17

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Battle-related deaths in Syria, March 2011–January 2020Figure 6.2 Deaths by parties responsible, Syria, March 2011–January 2020Figure 6.3 Change in light emissions by province, Syria, 2011–17




Title Page

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Begin Reading

10  Conclusion

11  Bibliography

12  Index

13  End User License Agreement










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War and Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa

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