Читать книгу Упражнения на разницу времен в английском - Артем Тюльников - Страница 4

Present Simple и Present Continuous #2


А теперь сделайте эти предложения отрицательными и вопросительными


1. He doesn't work in the office / Where does he work?

2. She is not talking on the phone / Is she talking on the phone?

3. They don't buy vegetables regularly / Do they buy vegetables regularly?

4. They are not studying at the moment / Are they studying at the moment?

5. She doesn't surf the net every day / Does she surf the net every day?

6. I am not typing now / Am I typing now?

7. She is not very beautiful / Is she very beautiful?

8. He is not painting a very nice picture now / Is he painting a very nice picture now?

9. He is not 39 years old / Is he 39 years old?

10. They are not preparing for the holidays at the moment / Are they preparing for the holidays at the moment?

Упражнения на разницу времен в английском

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