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Preface v
Primitive Astronomy, §§1-18 1-20
§1. Scope of astronomy 1
§§2-5. First notions: the motion of the sun: the motion and phases of the moon: daily motion of the stars 1
§6. Progress due to early civilised peoples: Egyptians, Chinese, Indians, and Chaldaeans 3
§7. The celestial sphere: its scientific value: apparent distance between the stars: the measurement of angles 4
§§8-9. The rotation of the celestial sphere: the North and South poles: the daily motion: the celestial equator: circumpolar stars 7
§§10-11. The annual motion of the sun: great circles: the ecliptic and its obliquity: the equinoxes and equinoctial points: the solstices and solstitial points 8
§§12-13. The constellations: the zodiac, signs of the zodiac, and zodiacal constellations: the first point of Aries (♈), and the first point of Libra (♎) 12
§14. The five planets: direct and retrograde motions: stationary points 14
§15. The order of nearness of the planets: occultations: superior and inferior planets 15
§16. Measurement of time: the day and its division into hours: the lunar month: the year: the week 17
§17. Eclipses: the saros 19
§18. The rise of Astrology 20
Greek Astronomy (from about 600 b.c. to about 400 a.d.), §§19-54 21-75
§§19-20. Astronomy up to the time of Aristotle. The Greek calendar: full and empty months: the octaeteris: Meton’s cycle 21
§21. The Roman calendar: introduction of the Julian Calendar 22
§22. The Gregorian Calendar 23
§23. Early Greek speculative astronomy: Thales and Pythagoras: the spherical form of the earth: the celestial spheres: the music of the spheres 24
§24. Philolaus and other Pythagoreans: early believers in the motion of the earth: Aristarchus and Seleucus 25
§25. Plato: uniform circular and spherical motions 26
§26. Eudoxus: representation of the celestial motions by combinations of spheres: description of the constellations. Callippus 27
§§27-30. Aristotle: his spheres: the phases of the moon: proofs that the earth is spherical: his arguments against the motion of the earth: relative distances of the celestial bodies: other speculations: estimate of his astronomical work 29
§§31-2. The early Alexandrine school: its rise: Aristarchus: his estimates of the distances of the sun and moon. Observations by Timocharis and Aristyllus 34
§§33-4. Development of spherics: the Phenomena of Euclid: the horizon, the zenith, poles of a great circle, verticals, declination circles, the meridian, celestial latitude and longitude, right ascension and declination. Sun-dials 36
§35. The division of the surface of the earth into zones 37
§36. Eratosthenes: his measurement of the earth: and of the obliquity of the ecliptic 39
§37. Hipparchus: his life and chief contributions to astronomy. Apollonius’s representation of the celestial motions by means of circles. General account of the theory of eccentrics and epicycles 40
§§38-9. Hipparchus’s representation of the motion of the sun, by means of an eccentric: apogee, perigee, line of apses, eccentricity: equation of the centre: the epicycle and the deferent 41
§40. Theory of the moon: lunation or synodic month and sidereal month: motion of the moon’s nodes and apses: draconitic month and anomalistic month 47
§41. Observations of planets: eclipse method of connecting the distances of the sun and moon: estimate of their distances 49
§42. His star catalogue. Discovery of the precession of the equinoxes: the tropical year and the sidereal year 51
§43. Eclipses of the sun and moon: conjunction and opposition: partial, total, and annular eclipses: parallax 56
§44. Delambre’s estimate of Hipparchus 61
§45. The slow progress of astronomy after the time of Hipparchus: Pliny’s proof that the earth is round: new measurements of the earth by Posidonius 61
§46. Ptolemy. The Almagest and the Optics: theory of refraction 62
§47. Account of the Almagest: Ptolemy’s postulates: arguments against the motion of the earth 63
§48. The theory of the moon: evection and prosneusis 65
§49. The astrolabe. Parallax, and distances of the sun and moon 67
§50. The star catalogue: precession 68
§51. Theory of the planets: the equant 69
§52. Estimate of Ptolemy 73
§53. The decay of ancient astronomy: Theon and Hypatia 73
§54. Summary and estimate of Greek astronomy 74
The Middle Ages (from about 600 a.d. to about 1500 a.d.), §§55-69 76-91
§55. The slow development of astronomy during this period 76
§56. The East. The formation of an astronomical school at the court of the Caliphs: revival of astrology: translations from the Greek by Honein ben Ishak, Ishak ben Honein, Tabit ben Korra, and others 76
§§57-8. The Bagdad observatory. Measurement of the earth. Corrections of the astronomical data of the Greeks: trepidation 78
§59. Albategnius: discovery of the motion of the sun’s apogee 79
§60. Abul Wafa: supposed discovery of the variation of the moon. Ibn Yunos: the Hakemite Tables 79
§61. Development of astronomy in the Mahometan dominions in Morocco and Spain: Arzachel: the Toletan Tables 80
§62. Nassir Eddin and his school: Ilkhanic Tables: more accurate value of precession 81
§63. Tartar astronomy: Ulugh Begh: his star catalogue 82
§64. Estimate of oriental astronomy of this period: Arabic numerals: survivals of Arabic names of stars and astronomical terms: nadir 82
§65. The West. General stagnation after the fall of the Roman Empire: Bede. Revival of learning at the court of Charlemagne: Alcuin 83
§66. Influence of Mahometan learning: Gerbert: translations from the Arabic: Plato of Tivoli, Athelard of Bath, Gherardo of Cremona. Alfonso X. and his school: the Alfonsine Tables and the Libros del Saber 84
§67. The schoolmen of the thirteenth century, Albertus Magnus, Cecco d’Ascoli, Roger Bacon. Sacrobosco’s Sphaera Mundi 85
§68. Purbach and Regiomontanus: influence of the original Greek authors: the Nürnberg school: Walther: employment of printing: conflict between the views of Aristotle and of Ptolemy: the celestial spheres of the Middle Ages: the firmament and the primum mobile 86
§69. Lionardo da Vinci: earthshine. Fracastor and Apian: observations of comets. Nonius. Fernel’s measurement of the earth 90
Coppernicus (from 1473 a.d. to 1543 a.d.), §§70-92 92-124
§70. The Revival of Learning 92
§§71-4. Life of Coppernicus: growth of his ideas: publication of the Commentariolus: Rheticus and the Prima Narratio: publication of the De Revolutionibus 93
§75. The central idea in the work of Coppernicus: relation to earlier writers 99
§§76-9. The De Revolutionibus. The first book: the postulates: the principle of relative motion, with applications to the apparent annual motion of the sun, and to the daily motion of the celestial sphere 100
§80. The two motions of the earth: answers to objections 105
§81. The motion of the planets 106
§82. The seasons 108
§83. End of first book. The second book: decrease in the obliquity of the ecliptic: the star catalogue 110
§84. The third book: precession 110
§85. The third book: the annual motion of the earth: aphelion and perihelion. The fourth book: theory of the moon: distances of the sun and moon: eclipses 111
§§86-7. The fifth and sixth books: theory of the planets: synodic and sidereal periods 112
§88. Explanation of the stationary points 118
§§89-90. Detailed theory of the planets: defects of the theory 121
§91. Coppernicus’s use of epicycles 122
§92. A difficulty in his system 123
The Reception of the Coppernican Theory and the Progress of Observation (from about 1543 a.d. to about 1601 a.d.), §§93-112 125-144
§§93-4. The first reception of the De Revolutionibus: Reinhold: the Prussian Tables 125
§95. Coppernicanism in England: Field, Recorde, Digges 127
§96. Difficulties in the Coppernican system: the need for progress in dynamics and for fresh observations 127
§§97-8. The Cassel Observatory: the Landgrave William IV., Rothmann, and Bürgi: the star catalogue: Bürgi’s invention of the pendulum clock 128
§99. Tycho Brahe: his early life 130
§100. The new star of 1572: travels in Germany 131
§§101-2. His establishment in Hveen: Uraniborg and Stjerneborg: life and work in Hveen 132
§103. The comet of 1577, and others 135
§104. Books on the new star and on the comet of 1577 136
§105. Tycho’s system of the world: quarrel with Reymers Bär 136
§106. Last years at Hveen: breach with the King 138
§107. Publication of the Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica and of the star catalogue: invitation from the Emperor 139
§108. Life at Benatek: co-operation of Kepler: death 140
§109. Fate of Tycho’s instruments and observations 141
§110. Estimate of Tycho’s work: the accuracy of his observations: improvements in the art of observing 141
§111. Improved values of astronomical constants. Theory of the moon: the variation and the annual equation 143
§112. The star catalogue: rejection of trepidation: unfinished work on the planets 144
Galilei (from 1564 a.d. to 1642 a.d.), §§113-134 145-178
§113. Early life 145
§114. The pendulum 146
§115. Diversion from medicine to mathematics: his first book 146
§116. Professorship at Pisa: experiments on falling bodies: protests against the principle of authority 147
§117. Professorship at Padua: adoption of Coppernican views 148
§118. The telescopic discoveries. Invention of the telescope by Lippersheim: its application to astronomy by Harriot, Simon Marius, and Galilei 149
§119. The Sidereus Nuncius: observations of the moon 150
§120. New stars: resolution of portions of the Milky Way 151
§121. The discovery of Jupiter’s satellites: their importance for the Coppernican controversy: controversies 151
§122. Appointment at the Tuscan court 153
§123. Observations of Saturn. Discovery of the phases of Venus 154
§124. Observations of sun-spots by Fabricius, Harriot, Scheiner, and Galilei: the Macchie Solari: proof that the spots were not planets: observations of the umbra and penumbra 154
§125. Quarrel with Scheiner and the Jesuits: theological controversies: Letter to the Grand Duchess Christine 157
§126. Visit to Rome. The first condemnation: prohibition of Coppernican books 159
§127. Method for finding longitude. Controversy on comets: Il Saggiatore 160
§128. Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World. Its preparation and publication 162
§129. The speakers: argument for the Coppernican system based on the telescopic discoveries: discussion of stellar parallax: the differential method of parallax 163
§130. Dynamical arguments in favour of the motion of the earth: the First Law of Motion. The tides 165
§131. The trial and condemnation. The thinly veiled Coppernicanism of the Dialogue: the remarkable preface 168
§132. Summons to Rome: trial by the Inquisition: condemnation, abjuration, and punishment: prohibition of the Dialogue 169
§133. Last years: life at Arcetri: libration of the moon: the Two New Sciences: uniform acceleration, and the first law of motion. Blindness and death 172
§134. Estimate of Galilei’s work: his scientific method 176
Kepler (from 1571 a.d. to 1630 a.d.), §§135-151 179-197
§135. Early life and theological studies 179
§136. Lectureship on mathematics at Gratz: astronomical studies and speculations: the Mysterium Cosmographicum 180
§137. Religious troubles in Styria: work with Tycho 181
§138. Appointment by the Emperor Rudolph as successor to Tycho: writings on the new star of 1604 and on Optics: theory of refraction and a new form of telescope 182
§139. Study of the motion of Mars: unsuccessful attempts to explain it 183
§§140-1. The ellipse: discovery of the first two of Kepler’s Laws for the case of Mars: the Commentaries on Mars 184
§142. Suggested extension of Kepler’s Laws to the other planets 186
§143. Abdication and death of Rudolph: appointment at Linz 188
§144. The Harmony of the World: discovery of Kepler’s Third Law: the “music of the spheres” 188
§145. Epitome of the Copernican Astronomy: its prohibition: fanciful correction of the distance of the sun: observation of the sun’s corona 191
§146. Treatise on Comets 193
§147. Religious troubles at Linz: removal to Ulm 194
§148. The Rudolphine Tables 194
§149. Work Under Wallenstein: death 195
§150. Minor discoveries: speculations on gravity 195
§151. Estimate of Kepler’s work and intellectual character 197
From Galilei to Newton (from about 1638 a.d. to about 1687 a.d.), §§152-163 198-209
§152. The general character of astronomical progress during the period 198
§153. Scheiner’s observations of faculae on the sun. Hevel: his Selenographia and his writings on comets: his star catalogue. Riccioli’s New Almagest 198
§154. Planetary observations; Huygens’s discovery of a satellite of Saturn and of its ring 199
§155. Gascoigne’s and Auzout’s invention of the micrometer: Picard’s telescopic “sights” 202
§156. Horrocks: extension of Kepler’s theory to the moon: observation of a transit of Venus 202
§§157-8. Huygens’s rediscovery of the pendulum clock: his theory of circular motion 203
§159. Measurements of the earth by Snell, Norwood, and Picard 204
§160. The Paris Observatory: Domenico Cassini: his discoveries of four new satellites of Saturn: his other work 204
§161. Richer’s expedition to Cayenne: pendulum observations: observations of Mars in opposition: horizontal parallax: annual or stellar parallax 205
§162. Roemer and the velocity of light 208
§163. Descartes 208
Universal Gravitation (from 1643 a.d. to 1727 a.d.), §§164-195 210-246
§164. Division of Newton’s life into three periods 210
§165. Early life, 1643 to 1665 210
§166. Great productive period, 1665-87 211
§167. Chief divisions of his work: astronomy, optics, pure mathematics 211
§168. Optical discoveries: the reflecting telescopes of Gregory and Newton: the spectrum 211
§169. Newton’s description of his discoveries in 1665-6 212
§170. The beginning of his work on gravitation: the falling apple: previous contributions to the subject by Kepler, Borelli, and Huygens 213
§171. The problem of circular motion: acceleration 214
§172. The law of the inverse square obtained from Kepler’s Third Law for the planetary orbits, treated as circles 215
§173. Extension of the earth’s gravity as far as the moon: imperfection of the theory 217
§174. Hooke’s and Wren’s speculations on the planetary motions and on gravity. Newton’s second calculation of the motion of the moon: agreement with observation 221
§175-6. Solution of the problem of elliptic motion: Halley’s visit to Newton 221
§177. Presentation to the Royal Society of the tract De Motu: publication of the Principia 222
§178. The Principia: its divisions 223
§§179-80. The Laws of Motion: the First Law: acceleration in its general form: mass and force: the Third Law 223
§181. Law of universal gravitation enunciated 227
§182. The attraction of a sphere 228
§183. The general problem of accounting for the motions of the solar system by means of gravitation and the Laws of Motion: perturbations 229
§184. Newton’s lunar theory 230
§185. Measurement of the mass of a planet by means of its attraction of its satellites 231
§186. Motion of the sun: centre of gravity of the solar system: relativity of motion 231
§187. The non-spherical form of the earth, and of Jupiter 233
§188. Explanation of precession 234
§189. The tides: the mass of the moon deduced from tidal observations 235
§190. The motions of comets: parabolic orbits 237
§191. Reception of the Principia 239
§192. Third period of Newton’s life, 1687-1727: Parliamentary career: improvement of the lunar theory: appointments at the Mint and removal to London: publication of the Optics and of the second and third editions of the Principia, edited by Cotes and Pemberton: death 240
§193. Estimates of Newton’s work by Leibniz, by Lagrange, and by himself 241
§194. Comparison of his astronomical work with that of his predecessors: “explanation” and “description”: conception of the material universe as made up of bodies attracting one another according to certain laws 242
§195. Newton’s scientific method: “Hypotheses non fingo 245
Observational Astronomy in the Eighteenth Century, §§196-227 247-286
§196. Gravitational astronomy: its development due almost entirely to Continental astronomers: use of analysis: English observational astronomy 247
§§197-8. Flamsteed: foundation of the Greenwich Observatory: his star catalogue 249
§199. Halley: catalogue of Southern stars 253
§200. Halley’s comet 253
§201. Secular acceleration of the moon’s mean motion 254
§202. Transits of Venus 254
§203. Proper motions of the fixed stars 255
§§204-5. Lunar and planetary tables: career at Greenwich: minor work 255
§206. Bradley: career 257
§§207-11. Discovery and explanation of aberration: the constant of aberration 258
§212. Failure to detect parallax 265
§§213-5. Discovery of nutation: Machin 265
§§216-7. Tables of Jupiter’s satellites by Bradley and by Wargentin: determination of longitudes, and other work 269
§218. His observations: reduction 271
§219. The density of the earth: Maskelyne: the Cavendish experiment 273
§220. The Cassini-Maraldi school in France 275
§221. Measurements of the earth: the Lapland and Peruvian arcs: Maupertuis 275
§§222-4. Lacaille: his career: expedition to the Cape: star catalogues, and other work 279
§§225-6. Tobias Mayer: his observations: lunar tables: the longitude prize 282
§227. The transits of Venus in 1761 and 1769: distance of the sun 284
Gravitational Astronomy in the Eighteenth Century, §§228-250 287-322
§228. Newton’s problem: the problem of three bodies: methods of approximation: lunar theory and planetary theory 287
§229. The progress of Newtonian principles in France: popularisation by Voltaire. The five great mathematical astronomers: the pre-eminence of France 290
§230. Euler: his career: St. Petersburg and Berlin: extent of his writings 291
§231. Clairaut: figure of the earth: return of Halley’s comet 293
§232. D’Alembert: his dynamics: precession and nutation: his versatility: rivalry with Clairaut 295
§§233-4. The lunar theories and lunar tables of Euler, Clairaut, and D’Alembert: advance on Newton’s lunar theory 297
§235. Planetary theory: Clairaut’s determination of the masses of the moon and of Venus: Lalande 299
§236. Euler’s planetary theory: method of the variation of elements or parameters 301
§237. Lagrange: his career: Berlin and Paris: the Mécanique Analytique 304
§238. Laplace: his career: the Mécanique Céleste and the Système du Monde: political appointments and distinctions 306
§239. Advance made by Lagrange and Laplace on the work of their immediate predecessors 308
§240. Explanation of the moon’s secular acceleration by Laplace 308
§241. Laplace’s lunar theory: tables of Bürg and Burckhardt 309
§242. Periodic and secular inequalities 310
§243. Explanation of the mutual perturbation of Jupiter and Saturn: long inequalities 312
§§244-5. Theorems on the stability of the solar system: the eccentricity fund and the inclination fund 313
§246. The magnitudes of some of the secular inequalities 318
§247. Periodical inequalities: solar and planetary tables Mécanique Céleste 318
§248. Minor problems of gravitational astronomy: the satellites: Saturn’s ring: precession and nutation: figure of the earth: tides: comets: masses of planets and satellites 318
§249. The solution of Newton’s problem by the astronomers of the eighteenth century 319
§250. The nebular hypothesis: its speculative character 320
Herschel (from 1738 a.d. to 1822 a.d.), §§251-271 323-353
§§251-2. William Herschel’s early career: Bath: his first telescope 323
§§253-4. The discovery of the planet Uranus, and its consequences: Herschel’s removal to Slough 325
§255. Telescope-making: marriage: the forty-foot telescope: discoveries of satellites of Saturn and of Uranus 327
§256. Life and work at Slough: last years: Caroline Herschel 328
§257. Herschel’s astronomical programme: the study of the fixed stars 330
§258. The distribution of the stars in space: star-gauging: the “grindstone” theory of the universe: defects of the fundamental assumption: its partial withdrawal. Employment of brightness as a test of nearness: measurement of brightness: “space-penetrating” power of a telescope 332
§259. Nebulae and star clusters: Herschel’s great catalogues 336
§260. Relation of nebulae to star clusters: the “island universe” theory of nebulae: the “shining fluid” theory: distribution of nebulae 337
§261. Condensation of nebulae into clusters and stars 339
§262. The irresolvability of the Milky Way 340
§263. Double stars: their proposed employment for finding parallax: catalogues: probable connection between members of a pair 341
§264. Discoveries of the revolution of double stars: binary stars: their uselessness for parallax 343
§265. The motion of the sun in space: the various positions suggested for the apex 344
§266. Variable stars: Mira and Algol: catalogues of comparative brightness: method of sequences: variability of α Herculis 346
§267. Herschel’s work on the solar system: new satellites: observations of Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars 348
§268. Observations of the sun: Wilson: theory of the structure of the sun 350
§269. Suggested variability of the sun 351
§270. Other researches 352
§271. Comparison of Herschel with his contemporaries: Schroeter 352
The Nineteenth Century, §§272-320 354-409
§272. The three chief divisions of astronomy, observational, gravitational, and descriptive 354
§273. The great growth of descriptive astronomy in the nineteenth century 355
§274. Observational Astronomy. Instrumental advances: the introduction of photography 357
§275. The method of least squares: Legendre and Gauss 357
§276. Other work by Gauss: the Theoria Motus: rediscovery of the minor planet Ceres 358
§277. Bessel: his improvement in methods of reduction: his table of refraction: the Fundamenta Nova and Tabulae Regiomontanae 359
§278. The parallax of 61 Cygni: its distance 360
§279. Henderson’s parallax of α Centauri and Struve’s of Vega: later parallax determinations 362
§280. Star catalogues: the photographic chart 362
§§281-4. The distance of the sun: transits of Venus: observations of Mars and of the minor planets in opposition: diurnal method: gravitational methods, lunar and planetary: methods based on the velocity of light: summary of results 363
§285. Variation in latitude: rigidity of the earth 367
A Short History of Astronomy

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