Читать книгу Cinderella in the South: Twenty-Five South African Tales - Arthur Shearly Cripps - Страница 4



Some fifteen years now I have been her guest,

For all this land's hers, tho' she does not reign.

She's but a ward, at what late age she'll gain

Her freedom and her kingdom, it were best

To risk no surmise rash. E'en now she's drest

Sometimes in skins. Give her ground-nuts and grain,

Cattle and thatch'd hut, then she'll not complain,

She's happier-hearted than her Sisters blest.

Her Sisters blest! Of them what shall I say?

I like them better when they keep away,

And toil in their own lands, not loll in hers.

They use her ill. She's not so old as they.

She drudges for them. But her youth confers

A charm on her they've lost these many years.

Cinderella in the South: Twenty-Five South African Tales

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