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ОглавлениеAll who have the faculties proper to man must have been to some extent students of cloud form. Go where we will, do what we will, we cannot easily escape from the sky, or avoid noticing some of its features and coupling them with the varying conditions of weather. We all sometimes want to know if it is likely to rain, or whether some other change is probable; and experience soon shows us that the clouds give the simplest and most obvious indication of what we may expect. It is almost impossible to avoid noticing that certain types of cloud, or the simultaneous appearance of certain types, is the usual accompaniment of definite kinds of weather or of particular changes. Thus it is that most people acquire some small measure of weather wisdom before their schooldays are over.
Generation after generation, through all human history, the same causes must have led to the same conclusions; and the study of clouds must, therefore, be one of the oldest of all branches of scientific inquiry. Yet, old as it is, it is still in its infancy, having made very little advance indeed towards the precision of an exact science.
There are many reasons for this want of growth, and so far as the theoretical aspects of the subject are concerned it is easy enough to understand. Clouds are among the most inaccessible of terrestrial objects. Except by balloon ascents, by sending up kites bearing recording instruments, or by making observations among the mountain-tops, we have no means of getting at them to study the conditions under which they exist. Temperature, pressure, humidity, have generally to be guessed at, those guesses being based on the scanty data which have been laboriously obtained by one or another of these cumbrous methods. Moreover, many clouds have such vast dimensions that it is very difficult to grasp all that goes on in such a space.
Besides the difficulty of attacking the problems presented by cloud formation, it is probable that even if we could have got among the clouds at will, we should have understood little more than we do, from a want of sufficient certainty on many of the purely physical questions involved. It is not many years since Mr. J. Aitken discovered the necessity for material nuclei as a first step in the formation of cloud particles, and not many months have elapsed since Mr. C. T. R. Wilson showed that those particles can be formed by the action of radiation on the air itself. There is nothing surprising, therefore, in the fact that our theoretical knowledge of the why and wherefore of the facts revealed by a study of clouds is limited to general principles, and quite fails to say exactly why each special form should be assumed. The matter for surprise is quite different.
Theoretical explanations are not the first step in the working out of a branch of science. It begins with the acquisition, by diligent and painstaking observation, of a great mass of facts. This may go on for centuries, the accumulation growing greater and greater, until at last some one comes who examines the records, classifies them carefully, and finally makes a summary in the form of a number of generalizations, which are announced under the name of Laws.
Two examples of such “Laws” will suffice. Astronomers for centuries had observed the movements of the planets, always with increasing accuracy, until Tycho Brahe made his famous series of observations on the planet Mars. These materials fell into the hands of Kepler, and the result of his work was the announcement of Kepler’s Laws, which state the rules which govern the movements of the planets in their orbits. He found that the records could not be accounted for unless the planets moved in a certain way, but he knew nothing of the reasons for a method and order which clearly existed.
Kepler’s Laws, in fact, rest upon another set, namely, Newton’s Laws of Gravitation, and these are themselves a second example. They are the summary of accumulated experience, and even at the present day we know nothing certain as to why two bodies should attract each other, and nothing as to why that mutual attraction should act as it was found to act by Newton.
The observational part of cloud study, however, is still in its infancy, in spite of the fact that it has been going on for such countless ages. We are still in the condition of the humble observers engaged in the comparatively humdrum task of gathering facts for future arrangement and interpretation. Cloud observers, in all ages, have suffered from a peculiar difficulty. They have had no common language, no code of signs by which they could benefit from the work of those who had gone before them, no means of transmitting their own experience to each other, or to those who would come after them. No progress would be possible in any study under such conditions, for each person would begin where the previous generation began, instead of taking up the task where others had left it. In all languages there is an extraordinary scarcity of cloud names, and such as do exist are frequently applied to quite different forms by different people. So pronounced is this lack of terms, that any one who tries to describe a sky without using any of the modern scientific names, finds himself obliged to rely on long detailed descriptions, backed with references to well-known objects, whose outlines or structures resemble the clouds more or less vaguely; and even then he has to be a word-painter of singular skill if his description calls up in the mind of the reader a picture much like the original.
It was to meet this want of a common tongue that Luke Howard, in 1803, proposed his scheme of cloud names. He recognized three main types of cloud architecture, which he named Cirrus, Stratus, and Cumulus. Cirrus included all forms which are built up of delicate threads, like the fibres in a fragment of wool; Stratus was applied to all clouds which lie in level sheets; and Cumulus was the lumpy form.
By combinations of these terms other clouds were described. Thus, a quantity of cirrus arranged in a sheet was called cirro-stratus, while high, thin clouds like cirrus, but made up of detached rounded balls, was cirro-cumulus. Many cumulus clouds, arranged in a sheet with little space between them, became cumulo-stratus, while the great clouds from which our heavy rains descend partake, to some extent, of all three types, and were therefore distinguished by a special name—Nimbus.
This system had much to recommend it. The three fundamental types were obvious to all. Their names were descriptive, and were derived from a dead language, so that no living international jealousies were raised. It was sufficiently detailed to serve the purposes of the time, when accurate observation was in its infancy. Hence it was universally adopted, and will pretty certainly hold its own as the broad basis upon which any more detailed system must necessarily rest.
It has done excellent service; but although observation of clouds in a general way is far from complete, attention is now being given to much smaller details and much more minute differences of form, and our vocabulary must be amplified. Precision of description is the first essential of a satisfactory system, and the question is, what sort of edifice can we build on Luke Howard’s foundation.
The great difficulty is the infinite variety of clouds. Certain forms may be arbitrarily selected as types, and names may be given to them; but however well they are chosen, a very short period of observation will show that there are all manner of intermediate forms, which make a perfect gradation from one type to another. This fact should never be forgotten. There is always a danger that the use of any system of names based on types shall lead to the neglect of everything not typical. A curious illustration is afforded by the well-known fact, that in arranging collections of fossil shells, it is frequently found that some specimens do not exactly match the type examples to which names have been assigned. In former days it was the custom to throw aside such “bad specimens,” as they did not show plainly the specific characters. It is now realized that they have a value of their own, in that they are the links in the evolutionary chain, once supposed to be missing. Indeed, it is not unfrequent nowadays to see carefully selected series, showing the gradual change whereby one species passed into another, displayed in the place of honour, while the type specimens are relegated to humbler places in the general collection.
Types there must be, no doubt, and where the series is continuous, some one must make the selection. With clouds the series is absolutely continuous. The task is like choosing typical links from a long chain in which each link is almost exactly like its neighbours, yet no two are alike, and the greater the distance between them the less their likeness. Clearly any system put forward must be accompanied by illustrations, so that all may know exactly which links have been chosen.
Many attempts have been made to meet the want; some of the systems proposed being based on the forms assumed by the clouds, some on their supposed mode of origin, and some on their altitudes. Those which were not founded on Luke Howard’s types had no chance of being accepted, while knowledge was not yet sufficiently far advanced to make classifications based on origin of form at all possible. But the great reason why none of the proposed schemes could come into general use was that they were put forward without adequate illustration, so that none but their authors knew exactly what they meant.[1]
Matters came to a head in 1891, when an International Meteorological Conference met at Munich. One object of this gathering was to promote inquiries into the forms and motions of clouds, by means of concerted observations at the various institutes and observatories of the globe. Luke Howard’s system was not enough for the purpose in view, and the addition of more detailed terms had to be settled before work could be begun.
Professor Hildebrandsson, of Upsala, and the Hon. Ralph Abercromby jointly submitted a revised scheme, the main feature of which was the introduction of a new class of clouds, to be distinguished by the prefix alto-before the other name. Such alto clouds were less lofty and denser than cirrus. This scheme was the best before the Conference, and without waiting to discuss, and possibly improve it, it was formally adopted, and a committee appointed to arrange and publish an atlas showing pictures of the type-forms. This atlas did not appear until 1896, and in the mean time the Rev. W. Clement Ley had published proposals of his own, some of which had much to recommend them. But he was too late. The International Committee had come to a decision, and, although it may be far from ideal, the system backed by such an authority must be regarded as the standard until some similar gathering has given worldwide sanction to a change, and even then it would be better to modify by addition rather than by substitution.
The subjects of the following pages are named in general accordance with this International Code, but they are by no means restricted to types. Their object is not to attempt any repetition of the work which has already been well done by the Atlas Committee, but rather to show the chief varieties within a type. It will, however, become abundantly evident that the standard system is far from complete, and that any minute and detailed study of cloud-form must take note of the precise variety.
This at once raises the question whether many of these varieties are not sufficiently distinct to be given definite names. If a meteorologist is told that cirrus clouds were seen on a particular occasion, he instinctively asks—What sort of cirrus? and is utterly unable to form any mental picture of the clouds until the question has been answered by a detailed description. A glance at a few of the plates further on will show the difficulty plainly, and it occurs with other forms of cloud as well as cirrus.
Is it not time that the International names were regarded as those of the cloud genera, and to add specific names for those varieties which seem to imply some difference in kind in the conditions which have led to their formation? This has been here attempted by translating into Latin the ordinary English term by which the variety would naturally be described. More extended observation will probably show that other species should be introduced, and possibly some of those suggested in these pages may have to be subdivided. Whatever the names may be, specific distinction of some sort is an essential preliminary to detailed study of the why and wherefore of the particular forms.
The International system is as follows:—
A. Upper clouds.
(a) Cirrus. (b) Cirro-stratus.
B. Intermediate clouds.
(a) Cirro-cumulus and alto-cumulus. (b) Alto-stratus.
C. Lower clouds.
(a) Strato-cumulus. (b) Nimbus.
D. Clouds of diurnal ascending currents.
(a) Cumulus and cumulo-nimbus.
E. High fogs.
(b) Stratus.
In this tabulation the forms marked (a) are detached and occur in dry weather, while those marked (b) are widely extended. The original scheme also gives the mean heights of the various types, but these values have been omitted here because they are extremely variable, and impossible to ascertain with any approach to accuracy by mere eye estimates. They vary also with the season, and probably also with the locality. Moreover, the altitude is no guide to the name, except that on the whole the types occur in the order given, taking group A as the highest and group E as the lowest. In the chapter on cloud altitudes this subject will be further considered, and under the descriptions of cloud-forms their average height or actual measurements for the particular specimen figured will be given whenever possible.
Before coming to the description of individual forms, it may not be out of place to give brief consideration to the best means of observing them in nature. For eye observation, of course, no directions are needed when we are dealing with the lower and denser varieties; but when we come to the highest groups it sometimes becomes necessary to protect the eye from the brilliant glare which may make it impossible to detect the real structure. Smoked glass, neutral-tinted spectacles, or yellow glass all have something to recommend them; but by far the most convenient means is to look, not at the clouds themselves, but at their images formed in a black mirror. A lantern cover glass, or a thin piece of plate-glass, blacked on the back with some black paint, serves admirably. But all black paints are not equally good. The best are oil paints which dry with a glossy surface, the so-called enamels. They have the advantage that the varnish with which they are mixed has an index of refraction not very different from that of the glass. The consequence is that so little light is reflected from the blackened back, compared with that which is reflected from the front surface of the glass, that the second image can only be detected with difficulty. If the mirror is a piece of black or deeply coloured glass all trace of the second image is lost.
With this simple appliance it is easy to study the details of the thinnest clouds right up to the sun, and even the image of the sun itself may be glanced at without serious discomfort. Nor is the general diminution of brightness the only gain. If the glass is so held that the light from the cloud makes an angle of about 33 degrees with the surface, some of the blue light from the sky is suppressed altogether, while that from the cloud is practically unaffected. The exact fraction suppressed depends upon the part of the sky relative to the sun, and also on the position of the mirror, but a few minutes’ trial will show when the maximum effect has been reached.
It is astonishing to see for the first time how the delicate filaments of cirrus or the beautiful structures of cirro-cumulus stand out shining white on the deep blue background; and the use of the black mirror is a revelation to most. It also has one indirect advantage, which is really more important than it seems. By gazing down into a mirror long-continued observations can be made, and one form of cloud may be watched changing into another, and possibly back again into its original shape, without any danger of incurring that unpleasant result of much looking upwards which is sometimes known as exhibition headache. Such a mirror may be quite small, so that it can be carried in a pocket-book, a point of some moment, as many of the forms of cirrus are exceedingly transient, coming and going in a few minutes, while others are in a state of continuous change. This is particularly often the case with the exquisite ripple clouds, and the delicate lacework of the higher kinds of cirrus.
Still another advantage possessed by the mirror is that it makes it easy to see the solar halos formed on the verge of a cyclone, and to detect their iridescent colouring in a way which is quite beyond the reach of the naked eye or any protective spectacles. Every one is familiar with the faint halos formed round the moon, but the corresponding solar phenomenon is comparatively little known, though it is far commoner, much more brilliant, and often glows with colour. Its very brightness, and that of the background on which it is projected, hides it from the eye, except on those rare occasions when the sun is conveniently hidden by some thicker cloud.
If some permanent record is desired, much can be done with a few light strokes of a pencil, but more ambitious pictures are best secured by the use of soft pastels, aided by a liberal use of the finger or leather stump. Ordinary paints, whether oil or water-colour, are of little use for actual study of cloud detail, except in the hands of a highly skilled artist who knows how to get the effect he wants in the minimum of time.
But no sketching or drawing can make records of cirrus or alto clouds with the speed and accuracy necessary for careful study. Photography is really the only way in which the amazing wealth of detail can be truthfully portrayed. Yet even the camera has its limitations. It does not record colour, and completely fails to delineate the forms of alto-stratus, stratus, or nimbus, if they are present in the most typical condition, that is to say, when they cover the whole sky with a uniform tint. It is only when these forms are more or less broken up that a photograph, or anything other than a carefully coloured picture, will represent them at all.
Cloud photography, even of the most delicate and brilliant varieties, is easy enough when the right methods are followed; but these are not the same as those which are right for portraiture or landscape work of the usual kind. The background of blue sky produces almost the same effect on the plate as the image of the cloud itself, and the whole art consists in an adequate exaggeration of the minute difference so as to reveal the details of form and structure.
A slow plate—the accompanying illustrations have all been taken on Mawson and Swan’s photo-mechanical plates—extremely cautious development, and sometimes intensification of the image, are all that is necessary; but the process becomes easier if, instead of pointing the camera to the cloud, it is directed to the image formed in a properly constructed black mirror. Many of the following studies have been taken by this method, and details of the camera and processes employed will be found in a later chapter, for the convenience of any one who may be inspired to take up a fascinating branch of photography.
It has been said that reference will be made to the average altitudes of the different types of cloud, and to the actual altitude of some of the varieties shown. The question will, no doubt, have occurred to some as to how those altitudes have been measured. The methods are all more or less complicated, involving rather laborious calculation. They generally depend upon simultaneous observations made from two stations at opposite ends of a measured base line. Sometimes the observations are made directly by pointing an instrument at each station to some agreed point of the cloud. It is obvious that the two directions must converge to this point. If the convergence is measured, the exact distance from either station can be calculated, and if the angle between the cloud-point and the horizon beneath it is noted, it is a simple matter to deduce the actual altitude of the cloud. At other places the observers have relied upon the comparison of photographs simultaneously taken from the two stations. In this method it is necessary to know the exact direction in which the camera is pointed, and the position of the image upon the plate then gives the direction of the cloud as seen from that particular station, and the subsequent calculations are the same.
Measurements by one or the other of the above methods have been made at several places, the most extensive series being those which have been compiled at Upsala, and at the Blue Hill Observatory in Massachusetts. The method employed by the writer at Exeter has been rather different, and a description will be found later on in the chapter on Cloud Altitudes, the fuller consideration of which comes naturally after the different forms have been described and compared.