Читать книгу Parallel worlds – one. Fire and flame - Артур Задикян - Страница 8

Chapter 7. The Ribhu Mission


Rutra had been interested in this technology since his days with the secret organization Zero. But it had frightened him a great deal at the time. The tried and tested method assured him even more that this method of humanity's existence in the future would not be alternative. But only not by moving into each other, but by moving the consciousness according to the principle of the influence of entangled pairs to the far reaches of space. There the consciousness had to find its shelter, i.e. another biological body. If not, it would return to the original one without risk. What is consciousness? It's an aura of brain waves generated by the brain. With their help Rutra wanted to influence the particles, and those in turn, influencing each other, exchanging states (and the distance, as it was said, did not play a role for them), had to do the same as any other change. When we speak, draw, write, tap out Morse code, even when we make babies – we are converting one action into another, and initially converting an idea, a thought into a desire and action. In the same way these particles, influencing each other, had to form a copy of the original consciousness from other waves there, somewhere far away, in someone's brain. People use such technologies everywhere, only we are not copying consciousness yet.

Rutra began to prepare a large-scale project, although a pilot launch had to be done first. The project had many organizational and other issues, including moral and ethical ones. This is inevitable in any new endeavor, especially one so phantasmagorical. Rutru's life experience had taught him that it was necessary to endure it, and also to properly justify and present the idea, but nothing, of course, should stop the prospect, progress and his idea. He decided to take it seriously.

How often does it happen in people? Because of lack of free time, indecision, fear, they begin to think that it is not worth wasting their nerves and strength. Those who believe in failure do just that. And those who believe in victory dive in headfirst. Disappointment is their companion, but still the latter often win, achieve their goal, because at least they try.

Ruthra couldn't afford, and didn't want, to point his finger at the sky. What he wanted was a specific, programmed result. He decided without reservation that if he were to use such an extraordinary technology, he would use it with the most probable, intended result. Thinking about it, Ruthra came to a seemingly simple, as it might seem at first glance, but striking conclusion: the mission had to be carried out by a child, and not by any child. Everything had to meet certain criteria. From his genes to his subconscious… or, as Ruthra himself said, the thoughts he would have in the long run. Yes, there was a possible risk: the child might not return....

By transmitting consciousness through the influence of one particle on its copy, it was possible to achieve the main goal – to overcome great distances. After all, even if you fly at the speed of light, i.e. 300 000 kilometers per second, you will pass our galaxy only in a circle for 327 000 years. That's if you go in one outer circle, and there are about 400,000,000,000,000,000 stars in it, except for the planets. It will take you 2,551,000 years to get to the nearest galaxy at this incredible speed. And it's 18,000,000,000,000 years to the known edge of the universe, not to mention other universes whose existence is in doubt. So, the second advantage of this technology is that, apart from the instantaneous transfer of the state of one particle to another, these particles find each other. That is, they do not fly anywhere, or rather, they transfer their state, knowing in advance from u the entangled pair. This can be compared to the way a glass lens and electrical signals preserve your appearance, voice and transmit instantly to the other side of the earth. This too would once have been magic, tell anyone such a thing, even Archimedes himself.

Parallel worlds – one. Fire and flame

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