Читать книгу Foundations of Space Dynamics - Ashish Tewari - Страница 4

List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Decay in the orbit due to atmospheric drag for a spacecraft initi...Figure 1.2 Decay in the orbit due to atmospheric drag for a spacecraft initi...Figure 1.3 The equinoctial sidereal frame , the ecliptic synodic frame , a...

2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 The position vector, , of a particle resolved in an inertial ref...Figure 2.2 A system of particles in an inertial reference frame OXYZ.Figure 2.3 A body as a collection of large number of particles of elemental ...Figure 2.4 An elemental mass, , of a body with centre of mass O, and a test...Figure 2.5 Spherical coordinates for the gravitational potential of a body....Figure 2.6 Geometry for Exercise 1.Figure 2.7 Geometry for Exercise 2.

3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Two spherical bodies in mutual gravitational attraction.Figure 3.2 Orbital angular momentum and the constant orbital plane.Figure 3.3 The conic section shapes of a non‐rectilinear Keplerian orbit.Figure 3.4 The elliptic orbit .Figure 3.5 The parabolic orbit .Figure 3.6 The hyperbolic orbit .Figure 3.7 The orbital velocity vector in the local‐horizon frame.

4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 The auxilliary circle and the eccentric anomaly.

5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 The Euler axis, , and the principal angle, , defining the orien...Figure 5.2 Elementary rotation about the first axis, , of the coordinate fr...Figure 5.3 Elementary rotation about the second axis, , of the coordinate f...Figure 5.4 Elementary rotation about the third axis, , of the coordinate fr...Figure 5.5 The Euler‐angle representation, .Figure 5.6 The Euler‐angle representation, , of an orbital plane.Figure 5.7 Spherical celestial coordinates, , and the local‐horizon frame,Figure 5.8 The local‐horizon frame, .Figure 5.9 The classical Euler angles, .Figure 5.10 Planet‐fixed, rotating coordinates and the local horizon.

6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 A single‐impulse manoeuvre for intersecting initial and final orb...Figure 6.2 A general plane‐change manoeuvre.Figure 6.3 Geometry of Hohmann transfer between two circular orbits.Figure 6.4 Rendezvous by Hohmann transfer.Figure 6.5 Rendezvous by Hohmann transfer between spacecraft A and a space s...Figure 6.6 Positions of the manoeuvring spacecraft, A, at different times du...Figure 6.7 Geometry of the outer bi‐elliptic transfer between two circular o...Figure 6.8 Plots of simulated (exact) and approximate escape trajectory for ...Figure 6.9 The tangential ( ) and normal ( ) directions for resolving the mo...

7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Geometry of relative motion in orbit.

8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Geometry of a two‐point orbital transfer.Figure 8.2 The vacant focus, , of Ellipse #1 of the semi‐major axis, , as ...Figure 8.3 The locus of the vacant focii, and , of transfer ellipses of t...Figure 8.4 Geometry of the minimum‐energy orbital transfer.Figure 8.5 Geometrical interpretation of Lambert's theorem for calculating t...Figure 8.6 Geometrical interpretation of Lambert's theorem for calculating t...

9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 The osculating orbit as a reference for the trajectory in the pre...Figure 9.2 Orbital position around an oblate central body.Figure 9.3 Rotation of apsides, , and regression of nodes, , due to an obl...Figure 9.4 The variation of altitude with time of a satellite initially plac...Figure 9.5 The orbit of relative to , perturbed by .Figure 9.6 The perturbation caused by the apparent orbit of the moon or the ...Figure 9.7 The heliocentric position and velocity components of a spacecraft...Figure 9.8 The heliocentric radius and inertial speed of a spacecraft pertur...Figure 9.9 The heliocentric position and velocity components of a spacecraft...Figure 9.10 The heliocentric radius and inertial speed of a spacecraft pertu...Figure 9.11 The geocentric position and velocity components of the spacecraf...Figure 9.12 The geocentric radius and speed of the spacecraft computed by En...

10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 The synodic frame, , and the sidereal frame, , with common ori...Figure 10.2 Geometry of the circular restricted three‐body problem.Figure 10.3 Lagrangian points of the circular restricted three‐body problem....Figure 10.4 zero‐relative‐speed contours for the Earth‐Moon system for , an...Figure 10.5 zero‐relative‐speed contours for the Earth‐Moon system for , an...Figure 10.6 Complete qualitative set of zero‐relative‐speed contours for the...Figure 10.7 Spacecraft's elliptical orbit around Earth perturbed by the Moon...Figure 10.8 Spacecraft's elliptical orbit around the moon perturbed by Earth...Figure 10.9 Free‐return trajectory passing close to Earth and the moon in ...Figure 10.10 Lunar swing‐by free‐return trajectory passing close to Earth an...Figure 10.11 Lunar swing‐by escape trajectory simulated for (47.76 days)....Figure 10.12 Free trajectory orbiting all five Lagrangian points of the Eart...

11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Torque‐free rotation of a rigid spacecraft in the angular‐moment...Figure 11.2 Attitude kinematics of a rigid spacecraft in a torque‐free state...Figure 11.3 A dual‐spin spacecraft.Figure 11.4 Precession of an axisymmetric spacecraft.Figure 11.5 Solution of the torque‐free Euler's equations of a rigid spacecr...Figure 11.6 The angular‐velocity components, , in a perturbed spin about th...Figure 11.7 The perturbation in the spin rate, , about the major axis, , c...Figure 11.8 The nutation angle, , and the precession rate, , in a perturbe...Figure 11.9 The angular‐velocity components, , in a perturbed spin about th...

12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Two equal and opposite torque impulses separated by time interva...Figure 12.2 Angular displacement, , and angular velocity, , produced by th...Figure 12.3 Two‐impulse, time‐optimal attitude manoeuvre of a rigid, axisymm...Figure 12.4 A control‐moment gyro with spin angular momentum, , and gimbal ...Figure 12.5 A single‐axis, gyro‐stabilized platform.

Foundations of Space Dynamics

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