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General Krofisk was furious. They had refused his offer again, which lead him to make yet another threat that they ignored. If he wanted to get the subject of his obsession he needed a plan, a creation of the mind, one so perfect it would make them surrender it without a second thought. He needed his sister’s ruthless mind. If only she wasn’t locked in the jail of his awful country. He was a well-known figure in Jopichow, his influence was great enough that he could have almost anything he wanted by simply wishing it. He could order the guards to bring her to him, and upon their arrival, order them killed.

Yes, that was it! The perfect way to access the deviousness of his twin.

Within a few days Kalina was standing in front of him. Well, she was strapped in a straitjacket and tied to a frame. But it was a necessary precaution.

He started the conversation, “I need your help.”

“What’s in it for me?” she asked.

“A chance for freedom.”

“No more prisons? No more asylums?”


“What do you need?”

He told her. She thought for a minute, and then a wicked grin spread across her pale face. She had an idea, and it was perfect. There were no flaws in her plan, as always; now it was up to him to put the plan into action.

One month later, the men were all in place, waiting for their orders. Krofisk gave the signal, and the stealth aircraft transitioned into a smooth, silent glide forward. A few moments later it was in the air, gaining altitude as it went. So far the plan was going perfectly. The stealth aircraft would fly a course that intercepted a carefully selected airliner. Due to the previous week’s holiday and tube train tunnel collapse a few days before, the plane would be full of people on their way home. Krofisk had made sure there were lots of people driving underneath the tunnel when it “collapsed” to better persuade the ignorant rulers of these countries to hand over his prize.

The plan was to sabotage the plane from multiple points to eliminate any escape attempts. It had to be done far from any civilization. There would be no survivors. Once the men checked that everyone was dead, they would put out all of the fires and any other sign that could alert civilization of what had happened. This had to be done to ensure that all the surviverspeople would have no chance of escape. Dr. Rofeyurd had refused to let them kill anyone directly, and because he was the General's personal doctor, the soldiers obeyed. It was still ruthless, cruel, and most of all foolproof, but that was the point. The governing rulers of the two countries had to know he was behind the attack so that they would surrender it all to him without resistance.

A few hours after the stealth aircraft left he got a call, it was done. They had made sure that the authorities wouldn’t hear of it for as long as possible to give plenty of time for everyone to bleed out. The airlinerwasn’t expected back for another half day or so, though reports were sometimes given as to the plane’s current location. He expected it to be correctly executed. If it wasn’t, he would make each and every man suffer for their mistakes. The report was given to him a few minutes later; everyone was dead.

But one thing left out of the report could change everything; a girl had been trapped in the bathroom when the plane fell. Her spine was broken in several places and shattered nearthe base. There was a long deep cut along the back of her leg. Whatever had cut her also pushed the bone hard enough that it broke, and it was straining against the skin on the front of her leg. The Doctor had given her sleeping meds; he couldn't stand to see anyone in that much pain. If the General ever found out, he would make the doctor suffer, but there was no way, because the only witness to the situation, the girl, would be dead.

But there was a summer home that the men had not known about, it was only about 4 miles away, and the owners arrived on the scene mere minutes after Krofisk’s men had cleared out. They had called the emergency help system, and the medical unit and task force got there quickly. It was thekingand queen of the western half of the old United States. They owned the summer house nearby that saved the girl’s life; unfortunately, everyone else in the wreck had died or was missing. The medics found the girl when she started groaning. Those who found her would never forget the sight of her twisted and mangled body; it would haunt their dreams forever.

They put her in an aireocopter; tube trains were too dangerous to a severely injured person, the high speed and extreme accelerations could suck the blood out of a person through a shallow abrasion a few inches long. When they got to the hospital, she was rushed into immediate surgery. They had to stitch up her leg and replace the demolished bones on her spine. It was a long process, and the girl kept mumbling. Finally, they were done--she would live. But she would not have the use of her legs. There was nothing they could do for a case this bad. She would never walk again.


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