Читать книгу Paralyzed - Ashlynn Dee - Страница 5

Chapter 4


After we finally arrived at our destination, I was ready to sleep; the trip had taken longer than we had planned for. At the border, the patrolmen took a long time to check our passports and confirm that they were genuine. And it turned out that the small town we would be stopping at had been burned to the ground a few days previous. We also had an unexpected stop when our capsule broke down in a deserted city. We had to page a taxi-car to come and get us from the closest town, 8 miles away. It took Jain almost a full day to find a mechanic who could and would fix our cart.

I had fallen asleep when we were an hour away from the stopping platform. I woke suddenly; we had stopped. We climbed into the small rental car the government had provided for us. We drove for an additional 4 hours, also not planned for. I slept for that part of the trip as well. The trip ended up taking 19 hours in addition to the day spent looking for a mechanic.


I was dimly aware of strong arms lifting me up and carrying me to a dimly lit room. After that, I slept for a while, until I woke with a start. I pushed myself into a sitting position and looked around in the near darkness. I was in a large room with an enormous set of double doors, and three smaller doors as well. There was a vanity desk in the corner and a large chest at the foot of the huge canopy bed, a rug was to the side, and a soft-looking chair was up against a wall. I lay back down, and the next thing I knew I was fast asleep again.

I woke up and looked around remembering the events of the previous day. The clock on the fancy nightstand said it was around 6 am. I could hear a faint noise, but I wasn’t sure what it was. I pulled myself over to the edge of the enormous bed. I was at least three feet high. I pushed off the edge of the bed and landed on the thick rug with a muffled thump.

I wasn’t as quiet as I thought though, because a few minutes later a young woman walked in through the door. Her name was Meiry, and she was going to be my personal maid. I was confused about that, if I was going to have a personal maid, did that mean I was going to be adopted, with the official papers and everything? Meiry must have seen my hopeful look because she smiled and told me if I needed help with anything all I had to do was ring the small silver bell on the nightstand.

I asked what time breakfast was at, and she told me I could have it whenever it best suited me. I was delighted! Breakfast whenever I wanted! That was the best thing that could ever happen in my new life!

I told Meiry that I was ready for breakfast as soon as the food was done and she walked out of the room with a smile. A few minutes later she walked back in with a tray big enough to sled on. On the tray was a massive amount of food. There was crunchy bacon, buttery toast, glittering jelly, fat sausages, chocolate muffins, hot oatmeal with sliced fruit, and a glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice. I gasped, was all of this for me? Meiry just looked at me and said, “Would like to sit in the chair or on your bed?”

I wasn’t used to getting so much food; It tasted so good I ended up overeating and got a stomach ache. If this was breakfast for them, what would lunch be like? The next two meals turned out to be just as big but with foods typically found according to their times. I couldn’t believe this was going to be my new life!


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