Читать книгу The Path of Yog - Ashok K. Sachdeva - Страница 5




Chapter 1: Yog: Its Origin, History and Development

What really is Yog?





Chapter 2: Transformation of the Body through Yog

Health, Exercise and Yog

Yog Aasan and Pranayam also Make the Body Healthy

Yog of the Mandukya Upanishad

Chapter 3: Getting Started with Yog

Keep the Commitment

Focus on Your Breath

Function Tops Form

Dynamic and Static

Focus on the Spine

Slow and Steady

Yog is Not Competition

Use Correct Sequencing

Purpose of Yog

Chapter 4: Yogsanas (Yog-Postures)

Some Yog Postures

Yog Aasans for Children








Neck Strengthening Aasan

Five Safe Yog Postures for Everyone

Chapter 5: Prana and Pranayam

What is Prana (breath)?

Prana (Breath) and Mind

Seat of Prana

Sub-Pranas and Their Functions

The Colour of Pranas

The Length of the Air-Currents

The Centering of the Prana

Pranayam (Restraint of breath)?

Pranayam – A Science of Breathing

Six-cycles (SHADA-CHAKRAS)

The Lungs

Pranayam, How to do and its uses!

Sitting Posture

Khecheri Mudra

Uses of Pranayam

Control of Breath

Benefits of Pranayam

Essential Knowledge about Pranayam

Process of Seven-Step Pranayam

First Process of Pranayam: Bhastrika Pranayam

Second Process of Pranayam: Kapalbhati Pranayam

Third Process of Pranayam: Bahya Pranayam

Fourth Process of Pranayam: Anulom-Vilom Pranayam

Fifth Process of Pranayam: Bhramari Pranayam

Sixth Process of Pranayam: Aumkara

Seventh process of Pranayam: Nadi Shodhan Pranayam

Benefits of the Seven-Step Pranayam

Chapter 6: Rejuvenation Through Yog

Rejuvenating Mind, Body and Soul in old age through Yog and Ayurveda

Yog Posture for Prostate problems

Yog Aasans to treat Prostate problems

Advanced Lessons in Pranayam

The External Kumbhaka (Bahya Kumbhaka)

Easy Comfortable Pranayam (Sukha Purvaka)

Pranayam for Awakening Kundalini

Pranayam during Meditation

Pranayam while Walking

Pranayam in Savaasan

Surya Bheda Pranayam

Ujjayi Pranayam

Sitkari Pranayam

Sitali Pranayam

Bhastrika Pranayam

Murchha Pranayam

Plavini Pranayam

Kevala Kumbhaka Pranayam

Importance of Pranayam

Benefits of Pranayam

Special Instructions for Practicing Pranayam

Chapter 7: Some Diseases and Treatment

Yog for Healthy Life

Yogic Treatment for Asthma

Yogic Treatment for Tonsil Problems

Yogic Treatment for Jaundice

Yogic Treatment for Diabetes

Yogic Treatment for Cough

Yogic Treatment for Obesity

Yogic Treatment for High Blood Pressure

Yogic Treatment for Gastric Problems

Yogic Treatment for Insomnia

Yogic Treatment for Piles

Yogic Treatment for Acidity

Yogic Treatment for Headache

Yogic Treatment for Healing Fibroid

Yogic Treatment for Sciatica

Suggested Yog Poses for Sciatica

Yogic Treatment of Slipped Disc

Some Yog poses for Slipped Disc and Sciatica

Yogic Treatment of Osteoporosis

Flexibility Exercises

Seven-Step Pranayam for Health

Ujjayi Pranayam

Medical and Scientific Basis of Pranayam

Chapter 8: Health and Food

Dietetic Discipline

Yogic Diet


Purity in Food


Milk Diet

Fruit Diet

Recommended Food items

Forbidden Food items

How Various Foods Affect Our Body

Why shouldn't we eat meat?

Turmeric and its effect

Health Benefits of Turmeric

Honey for Health

Health benefits of honey:

Important Points regarding Honey

Uses of Honey in Siddha and Ayurveda

Traditional remedies

2. Almonds

Health Benefits of Almonds

3. Cinnamon

Chapter 9: Health and Fitness

Aerobic Exercises

Tips for a Good Aerobic Exercise

Some Other Ways to Remain Fit



Walk up the Stairs

Washing Clothes and Cleaning Utensils

Wash your car yourself

Baby sitting


Conquer Over Anger through Yog

Yog Bandhas in Pranayam

Jalandhar Bandha

Who should not do Jalandhar bandha?

Uddiyan bandha

Who should not do Uddiyan bandha?


The Importance of Trayabandha in Pranayam

Jalandhar Bandha

Uddiyan Bandha



Right Posture for Pranayam

How Pranayam Works?

Chapter 10: Benefits of Oils

Coconut Oil

Sesame Oil

Improve your Health with Sesame, Rapeseed, Linseed and Groundnut Oil

Rapeseed Oil

Linseed Oil

Groundnut Oil

The Path of Yog

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