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Chapter 7: Discovering Your Dog’s Unique Sense of Humor



Just like humans, dogs have their own individual sense of humor. Understanding and appreciating your dog’s unique sense of humor is key to fostering laughter and strengthening your bond. In this chapter, we will explore the ways in which you can discover your dog’s sense of humor, identify what makes them laugh, and create moments of shared joy and laughter.

Observation and Awareness:

The first step in discovering your dog’s sense of humor is keen observation and awareness. Pay close attention to your dog’s reactions, body language, and vocalizations during different interactions and activities. Observe which situations or stimuli elicit laughter-like responses from your dog. By being attentive and present, you can start to unravel the mysteries of their unique sense of humor.

Experimenting with Play:

Engaging in playful activities is an excellent way to discover your dog’s sense of humor. Experiment with different toys, games, and activities to see how your dog responds. Some dogs may enjoy chasing balls or playing tug-of-war, while others may prefer interactive puzzle toys or hide-and-seek games. Observe their level of excitement, enthusiasm, and laughter-like behaviors during different play sessions to uncover their preferences.

Tickling Techniques:

Tickling is a classic way to induce laughter in both humans and dogs. Discovering your dog’s ticklish spots can be a fun and interactive way to explore their sense of humor. Experiment with gentle tickling techniques in various areas such as the belly, chin, or behind the ears. Observe their reactions and laughter-like vocalizations to determine which tickling methods make them laugh the most.

Funny Faces and Voices:

Dogs are highly perceptive to our facial expressions and vocal cues. Use funny faces, exaggerated expressions, and silly voices during playtime and interactions with your dog. Observe their responses to these antics. Do they tilt their heads in curiosity, wag their tails excitedly, or emit laughter-like vocalizations? Pay attention to their reactions to identify the funny faces, expressions, and voices that tickle their sense of humor.

Toys and Objects that Amuse:

Different dogs may find amusement in different toys and objects. Experiment with a variety of toys, such as squeaky toys, plush toys, or interactive treat-dispensing toys, to see which ones elicit laughter-like responses from your dog. You might also try introducing novel objects or unconventional items that pique their curiosity and stimulate their sense of humor. Observe how they interact with these items and look for signs of laughter and enjoyment.

Playful Teasing:

Some dogs find playful teasing amusing and engaging. Playfully teasing your dog can involve gentle tug-of-war games, hiding treats or toys just out of reach, or engaging in light chase games. Observe their reactions to teasing behaviors. Do they wag their tails enthusiastically, emit playful vocalizations, or exhibit laughter-like behaviors? Pay attention to their responses to gauge their sense of humor when it comes to playful teasing.

Laughter as a Social Cue:

Dogs are social creatures and often mirror the emotions and behaviors of their human companions. Your laughter and joyful energy can serve as a social cue for your dog to engage in laughter-like behaviors. Laughing during play, humorous interactions, or shared moments of joy can encourage your dog to reciprocate with laughter-like vocalizations, playful movements, and expressions of amusement.

Keep a Laughter Journal:

Maintaining a laughter journal can be a helpful tool in discovering your dog’s unique sense of humor. Record the activities, toys, tickling techniques, funny faces, and interactions that consistently elicit laughter-like responses from your dog. Over time, patterns may emerge, giving you valuable insights into their preferences and sense of humor. A laughter journal can also serve as a source of inspiration for creating laughter-filled moments in the future.


Discovering your dog’s unique sense of humor is a delightful journey that deepens your bond and enhances their overall well-being. By observing their reactions, experimenting with play, tickling techniques, funny faces, and voices, and being attuned to their preferences, you can unlock their sense of humor and create moments of shared joy and laughter. Embrace the discovery process and celebrate the laughter-filled moments with your furry friend. Remember, each dog has their own laughter language, and by exploring and understanding their unique sense of humor, you can cultivate a bond that is truly special.

How To Make A Dog Laugh

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