Читать книгу Genuine Mediumship; or, The Invisible Powers - Atkinson William Walker - Страница 34

Mental Vibrations and Transmissions
Answer to Skeptical Critics


The two most likely objections advanced against this conception by sceptical critics are as follows: "(1) The mental vibratory motion, or vibratory waves, are not known to science, nor recorded on scientific instruments such as the galvanometer. What is the rate of such vibrations, and what is their general character? (2) Granted the existence of such vibratory energy, or thought-waves, how and by means of what channel does the second person receive them from the first person? How are they registered or recorded?" These objections are capable of being met in a scientific manner, to the satisfaction of any fair-minded critic or investigator. We shall now give you, briefly, the gist of the answer of science to the aforesaid objections.

Genuine Mediumship; or, The Invisible Powers

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