Читать книгу Genuine Mediumship; or, The Invisible Powers - Atkinson William Walker - Страница 46

Mental Vibrations and Transmissions
Transformation of Vibrations


One of the things which seem to greatly puzzle the average student of the subject of mental vibrations, and thought-transference, is that which may be called "thought waves." The student is unable to conceive of a wave of "thought" being projected into the air, and then traveling along until it reaches the mind of other persons. The difficulty, upon analysis, is seen to consist of the inability to conceive of "thought" as being a material substance capable of traveling in "waves." It is no wonder that the student finds this conception difficult, for there is no such thing as "thought" traveling in this way. The phenomenon of thought transference is accounted for scientifically in quite another manner, as we shall see in a moment. The student is advised to carefully note this distinction, for upon its understanding depends greatly the intelligent comprehension of the entire subject of thought vibrations and thought-transference.

Genuine Mediumship; or, The Invisible Powers

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