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Voodooism Explained


"Among the negroes of the South, in America, and among the Hawaiians, we find marked instances of this kind. The negro Voodoo men and women work Black Magic on those of their race who are superstitious and credulous, and who have a mortal fear of the Voodoo. Travelers who have visited the countries in which there is a large negro population have many interesting tales to recite of the terrible workings of these Voodoo black magicians. In some cases, sickness and even death is the result. But, mark you this! It is only those who believe in, and fear, the power of the Voodoos that are so affected. In Hawaii, the Kahunas or native magicians are renowned for their power to cause sickness and death to those who have offended them; or to those who have offended some client of the Kahuna, and who have hired the latter to 'pray' the enemy to sickness or death. The poor, ignorant Hawaiians, believing implicitly in the power of the Kahunas, and being in deadly fear of them, are very susceptible to their psychic influence, and naturally fall easy victims to their vile arts, unless they buy off the Kahuna, or make peace with his client. White persons living in Hawaii are not affected by the Kahunas, for they do not believe in them, neither do they fear them. Unconsciously, but yet strongly, they 'deny' the power, and are immune. So you see the principle working out here, too. Once you have the master-key, you may unlock many doors of mystery which have heretofore been closed to you."

Genuine Mediumship; or, The Invisible Powers

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