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Table of Contents

The general satisfaction given by the following sketches when originally printed in the Preston Chronicle, combined with a desire, largely expressed, to see them republished, in book form, is the principal excuse offered for the appearance of this volume. Into the various descriptions of churches, chapels, priests, parsons, congregations, &c., which it contains, a lively spirit, which may be objectionable to the phlegmatic, the sad-faced, and the puritanical, has been thrown. But the author, who can see no reason why a “man whose blood is warm within” should “sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster,” on any occasion, has a large respect for cheerfulness, and has endeavoured to make palatable, by a little genial humour, what would otherwise have been a heavy enumeration of dry facts. Those who don't care for the gay will find in these sketches the grave; those who prefer vivacity to seriousness will meet with what they want; those who appreciate all will discover each. The solemn are supplied with facts; the facetious with humour; the analytical with criticism. The work embodies a general history of each place of worship in Preston—fuller and more reliable than any yet published; and for reference it will be found valuable, whilst for general reading it will be instructive. The author has done his best to be candid and impartial. If he has failed in the attempt, he can't help it; if he has succeeded, he is thankful. No writer can suit everybody; and if an angel had compiled these sketches some men would have croaked. To the generality of the Church of England, Catholic, and Dissenting clergymen, &c., in the town, the author tenders his warmest thanks for the generous manner they have assisted him, and the kindly way in which they have supplied him with information essential to the completion of the work.

Preston, Dec. 24th, 1869.



7 Parish Church

13 St. Wilfrid's Catholic Church

18 Cannon-street Independent Chapel

23 Lune-street Wesleyan Methodist Chapel

28 Fishergate Baptist Chapel

34 St. George's Church

39 St. Augustine's Catholic Church

45 Quakers' Meeting House

51 St. Peter's Church

55 New Jerusalem Church

60 Trinity Church

66 Lancaster-road Congregational Chapel

70 Saul-street Primitive Methodist Chapel

75 St. Ignatius's Catholic Church

82 Vauxhall-road Particular Baptist Chapel

88 Christ Church

94 Wesley and Moor Park Methodist Chapels

99 Presbyterian and Free Gospel Chapels

104 St. James's Church

110 The Mormons

116 St. Walburge's Catholic Church

122 Unitarian Chapel

127 All Saints Church

132 United-Methodist Free Church and Pole-street Baptist Chapel

137 Church of the English Martyrs

142 St. Saviour's Church

148 Christian Brethren and Brook-street Primitive Methodists

153 St. Thomas's Church

158 Croft-street Wesleyans & Parker-street United Methodists

164 Grimshaw-street Independent Chapel

169 St. Paul's Church

175 St. Mary's-street and Marsh End Wesleyan Chapels, and

the Tabernacle of the Revivalists

181 St. Mary's and St. Joseph's Catholic Chapels

187 St. Mark's Church

192 Zoar Particular Baptist Chapel

196 St. Luke's Church

201 Emmanuel Church and Bairstow Memorial Chapel

207 St. Mary's Church

Our Churches and Chapels: Their Parsons, Priests, & Congregations

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