Читать книгу BORDER JUSTICE - Aubrey Smith - Страница 11

Chapter 10


Smoke from a barbecue pit singed the air. Sierra jumped when a boy wearing a red shirt threw a firecracker and a group of young girls squealed, as they ran in make-believe terror. The crowd was loud and jubilant over their grass roots political success. The fiesta was the beginning of a nightlong celebration proclaiming Rey Garza’s victory.

The band continued to strum a steady rhythm as Sierra watched the soon-to-be sheriff and his wife, BJ drive up. Sierra had never met Mrs. Garza. She was surprised to see how beautiful she was with her short blond hair and moss green eyes. Garza stretched his neck and tugged at the red, white and blue tie around his neck. At thirty-three, Garza was a handsome man. His dark, almost black, curly hair was cut short. His brown eyes were sparkling with energy and kindness. These were the features you noticed first. But she was also aware that his outstanding personality and determination were what had won him the election to be the next sheriff of Rio County. She thought, He’s a different breed, a man who’s not afraid. You can see that in his eyes. Garza walked with confidence and came straight to where Sierra stood with her parents.

“Tony, mi amigo. Thank you and your family for all your help. My friend, without your help, none of this would have been possible. Just yesterday, I didn’t think I had a chance of winning the election.” Rey spoke louder and said to everyone around, “So much has happened to me since I returned to Texas. I remember clearly that day I drove back into Magic Valley to find Mama on her deathbed. Then to discover that Sheriff Smart and the Bommer gang had murdered both Mama and Papa was horrible. I’ll never forget what Sheriff Smart did to my family. I’ll always see him in his sweat-stained, felt hat pulled low to cover his balding head and his beet complexion as the evil man he was.”

There was a murmur that ran through the crowd as they agreed with Rey. He paused, thinking. Then he said, “The night Smart almost beat my brother Johnny to death will live in infamy, to be remembered over and over. Thank God, Johnny turned out okay in spite of all that happened to him. You all know h e’s working in Laredo and going to college at night. Heck, I think he might just become a computer tech after all.”

“Rey, I’m so proud of you,” Tony said. “And we’re proud of Johnny. Just think, it wasn’t very long ago that your new bride was working undercover for the DEA in the cantina.” Tony shook BJ’s hand and introduced her to his family.

She said, “I’ll never forget the night Rey and Maria came in looking for Johnny. I can still see Bommer’s reaction when Rey stood his ground with him that night. Even now, I can’t say I’m sorry that Bommer’s dead. One of my biggest regrets is that Alonzo Custer escaped. I hope they find him before he hurts someone else.”

“You both have the right to be proud. You too BJ. Without your help, Rey wouldn’t have had a chance. How many doors do you think you all knocked on?” Tony asked.

“About a million,” she answered.

“I love you BJ,” Rey said and put his arm around her shoulder. “Tonight, I love everyone. I’m the luckiest man in the world. I’ve never been so excited about the future of Magic Valley. The West End Park was already crowded. The smell of food hung in the warm night air and the sounds of the mariachi made toes tap.

“Tomorrow morning,” Rey continued, “at ten o’clock, I’ll be sworn in by the District Judge at the County Courthouse in Rio City. Everyone here is invited to the ceremonies.”

Tony was grinning from ear to ear. Waving his hands, he gave a yell that could be heard for blocks. Sierra turned red with embarrassment. She looked around and, even though everyone was smiling and laughing, she wanted to move away from the center of attention. They were surrounded by so many exuberant people. It was hard for her to make her way through the crowd.

When she finally pushed through the crowd, there was Randy and, before she saw it coming, he gave her a big hug that almost squeezed the breath from her. She saw right away that Randy had already started partying and was more than a little tipsy.


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