Читать книгу Copper Work: A Text Book for Teachers and Students in the Manual Arts - Augustus F. Rose - Страница 3



Table of Contents

In this book the subject of Copper Work, as it may be introduced into the public schools, is treated to the extent of specifying an equipment and suggesting some of the possibilities of a course. Not only will there be found an abundance of illustrative material on this subject, consisting of drawings and photographs of various objects executed by upper grammar and high school pupils, but also a detailed description of the processes necessary for the execution of many of the designs. It is not expected that the problems as given will be slavishly copied, but rather that they will make clear the methods and processes that may be applied in the working out of similar problems. It is hoped that this volume will be especially helpful to teachers in the Manual Arts who are trying to introduce Metal Work into the regular school course.

The author is indebted to Charles J. Martin and Antonio Cirino, for valuable assistance in making some of the illustrations.



Table of Contents

3.Shears and Plyers18
5.Escutcheons. Photograph25
6.Hinge Tails27
7.Hinge Tails28
8.Hinge Tails29
9.Drawer and Door Pulls31
10.Drawer and Door Pulls32
11.Drawer and Door Pulls33
12.Drawer and Door Pulls. Photograph34
18.Finger Plates46
19.Finger Plates. Photographs47
20.Pad Corners49
21.Pad Corners51
22.Pad Corners52
23.Stamp Boxes54
24.Stamp Boxes56
25.Stamp Boxes. Cover Designs57
26.Stamp Boxes. Photograph59
27.Match Boxes61
28.Match Boxes. Cover Designs62
29.Sconce A64
29a.Sconce A. Pattern65
30.Desk Set. Photograph66
31.Sconce B68
32.Picture Frame70
33.Picture Frame Designs72
34.Raised Forms78
35.Raised Forms. Photograph81
37.Tea Set86
38.Pupils at Work. Photograph87
40.Porringer. Handles90
41.Porringer. Photograph92
42.Ink Pot95
43.Ink Pot. Photograph96
44.Ink Pot98
45.Sealing Wax Set100
46.Watch Fobs102
47.Watch Fobs. Photograph103
49.Sugar Tongs and Tea Scoops107


Table of Contents

1.Annealing Tray13
2.Sawdust Box14
3.Saw Frame16
4.Sand Bag or Engraver's Pad16
5.Chasing Tools19
6.Engraving Tools19
7.Dapping Tools and Die20
8a.Sawing. Photograph26
9.Draw Pulls30
10.Draw Pulls30
11.Draw Pulls30
12.Draw Pulls35
13.Draw Pulls35
14.Draw Pulls35
15a.Draw Pulls36
15b.Draw Pulls36
15c,d.Draw Pulls36
15e.Draw Pulls36
16a.Draw Pulls37
16b.Draw Pulls37
16c.Draw Pulls37
16d.Draw Pulls37
16e.Draw Pulls37
18.Stamp Box53
19.Stamp Box55
20.Stamp Box55
21.Chasing. Photograph76
22.Chasing Hammer76
23.Hammering. Photograph79
24.Raised Bowl, First step79
25.Surface Plate. Photograph82
26.Snarling Iron84
27.Snarling Iron in use. Photograph85
28.Soldering Porringer88
29.Dapping Tools in use94
30.Drawing Tubing110
31.Drawing Tubing110
32.Drawing Wire. Photograph111
34.Engraving. Photograph115

Chapter I.

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

During the past few years many experiments have been tried in the development of Manual Training Courses and much time has been spent in discussing of what lines of work they should consist. Wood and iron were the first materials used and are yet indispensable, but experience has led those who are developing this work to believe that there are other materials as well adapted to Manual Training work in all its various forms. Clay, used not only for modeling but for ceramic work as well, leather, brass and copper are materials that have also been put to the test and found satisfactory in many ways.

In ancient times copper was known as a useful metal, and down through the ages it not only held its own but increased in usefulness. Among its valuable properties may be mentioned toughness and ductility; its toughness enables it to be beaten into thin strong sheets, while its ductility enables it to be drawn out into fine wire. Copper readily forms important alloys, such as brass from copper and zinc.

Work in sheet copper and brass has been introduced into the public school course with gratifying results. It has proved itself to be a valuable departure from other branches of Manual Training work and gives promise of being permanent. Sheet, copper and brass offer possibilities for various kinds of treatment, either in the flat work which includes saw piercing, embossing and enameling, or in the raised work.

There is something about this work that appeals to pupils and holds their interest. The nature of the material, hard enough to offer some resistance and yet pliable enough to allow its being wrought into many forms, the durability of the object when completed, and the variety of colors that may be obtained, especially with copper, all tend to make the subject not only interesting but fascinating.

All exercises in sheet metal should be of some real value to the pupil; no time should be spent on work done simply for practice, but the various steps should be learned in the making of useful objects of artistic worth. In this, as in other work, it seems best to give each member of the class the same work for a while until he has become acquainted with the different tools and learned the limitations of the material. When this has been accomplished, each pupil may be allowed to work out his own designs. In this the educational value is very greatly increased. The pupil conceives the idea and makes several sketches of it, carrying it through repeated changes until it is brought to the perfected design appropriate in every way to the idea. Some may not be fortunate enough to get a full equipment so that all of the various kinds of metal work may be done, but such may be able to make a beginning by doing light work in saw piercing, which requires a very limited equipment.


Table of Contents

The equipment necessary for a start in Copper work need cost but little if the teacher is somewhat ingenious, for the patterns of the various anvils may be made by him; from these patterns the castings can be made at any foundry for three or four cents per pound. It is better to begin with a few anvils and tools and to add one or two at a time as the need is felt for a more varied supply. If the work can be done in a room already fitted with benches and vises, it will reduce the first cost considerably. Any home-made bench will do if a regulation one is not to be had. One that has given satisfaction was made of 2" × 4" studding with plank tops in lengths of 12 feet, giving space for four vises at each bench. A swivel vise that may be turned at any angle will be found satisfactory.

Figure 1.

An annealing tray made of a piece of sheet iron in the shape of a box about 18" square and 3" deep, with the corners lapped and riveted and filled with slag, answers very well, but one similar to the illustration, Figure 1, is better. In this the top is circular and rotary, which is an advantage. A pair of light long nose-tongs are needed to handle the work. Any ordinary foot bellows and blow-pipe will do.

Figure 2.

Plate 1.

A box, Figure 2, large enough to hold two 2-gallon stone jars and about half a bushel of sawdust, is needed. One of the jars is for water in which the object is cooled after being annealed; the other is for pickle which is used to clean the work. The sawdust is used to dry the object after it has been dipped in the water.

Figure 3. Figure 4. Sand Bag or Engraver's Pad

Plate 1 illustrates forms of anvils that have been found most useful.

Plate 2 shows a variety of hammers needed.

Plate 3 shears and plyers.

The following tools are also necessary:

Cutting shears—straight and curved.

Steel square 12".

Jeweler's saw frame. Figure 3 Piercing saws. Breast drill and assortment of drills.

Plate 2.

Plate 3.

Copper Work: A Text Book for Teachers and Students in the Manual Arts

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