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Co-operative nurseries, where a few parents look after the young while the rest of the adults, temporarily freed of the care of their offspring, can go about their other affairs, appear in the bird world.

The wild turkey of our Eastern United States commonly steals away singly to lay its eggs and incubate them in its nest on the ground. But occasionally it happens, Audubon writes, that several hen turkeys associate together and lay their eggs in one nest, and raise their young together. With the turkey apparently there is little division of labor, as Audubon writes of finding three hens sitting on forty-two eggs, but he says that one of the hens is always on the watch at the nest so that natural enemies have no chance to rob it.

A GREGARIOUS BIRD What is of only occasional occurrence in one species may be the regular course of events in another, and in the ani we find it customary for a number of birds to nest together. The anis are moderate-sized cuckoos living in the tropical Americas. The smooth-billed ani is perhaps the best known, for Dr. D. E. Davis, when studying at Harvard for his doctor's degree, made a special trip to Cuba to study them in the field. The smooth-billed ani goes in flocks the year round. Usually there are about seven birds in the flock, but there may be as many as twenty-four. The nest is a bulky structure of twigs and fresh leaves. When nest building starts usually one bird is most active, but as many as five birds were seen carrying in sticks at one time. When the nest of sticks and leaves is finished several females may lay their eggs in it. But apparently only one bird incubates at a time, and the male takes his turn at incubating. When the young hatch, after about thirteen days, most of the adults in the colony help feed the young.

Eider ducks may nest in dense colonies, but each bird has its own nest in which it lays its own eggs, and in which the female alone incubates. But after the young hatch and the mother leads them to the water, the young may band into larger flocks, accompanied by a number of females, and the young seem to be independent of their particular parent, but attach themselves to and are tended by the nearest duck.

PENGUIN SOCIAL GROUPS A much more elaborate system for caring for the young has been evolved by certain penguins. The sexes alternate in their care of the young in the early stages. But when the young are partly grown the family unity breaks up for a communistic type of social organization. The young are now grouped into bands of up to twenty or more birds and are left under the care of a few old birds, while the rest of the adults go to the water, which may be some distance away. Periodically they return with food for the young. Apparently the individual young is not recognized by the parent, which goes to the particular group of which its young is a part, and there may feed any one of the "child groups."

Here we have two definite cases of a social organization that has resulted in division of labor: in the incubation of the ani, and in the care of young penguins. In addition we have two less specialized cases of the same thing, showing the sort of raw material on which evolution can operate to produce new behavior patterns.

Stray Feathers From a Bird Man's Desk

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