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[1] A translation of Averroes’ Kitab Fasl a’l Maqal wa Taqrir ma bain’a’l Shariata wa’l Hikmati mina’l Ittisal. Ed. by D. J. Muller, Philosophie und Theologie von Averroes, Munich 1859.

[2] i. e. Shariat. Compare Jewish Torah.

[3] Quran lix, 2.

[4] Quran vii, 184.

[5] Quran vi, 75.

[6] Quran lxxxviii, 17.

[7] Quran iii, 176.

[8] Quran lix, 2.

[9] Quran xvi, 126.

[10] “It is he who hath created you whatsoever is on earth, and that set His mind to the creation of heaven and formed it into seven heavens; he knoweth all thing.” Quran ii, 29. For an interpretation of this see Raji’s Tafsiri Kabir vol. I. p. 249 et seq. Cairo. 1307. A. H. and Tabari’s Commentary vol. I. p. 146 et seq. Cairo. 1902 A. D.

[11] “Verily God comes down every night to the earth” (Nibayah fi Gharibil Hadith by Ibu Athir vol. IV. p. 138 Cairo 1311 A. H.) For an interpretation see the above and Qustatain’s Commentary on Bukari, vol. IX p. 178. Cairo. 1307 A. H.

[12] Quran iii, 5.

[13] Quran iii, 5.

[14] Quran xi, 9.

[15] Quran xiv, 19.

[16] Quran xli, 10.

[17] Quran xxxi, 12.

[18] Quran iii, 5.

[19] Quran xvii, 87.

[20] Quran ii, 79.

[21] Quran xxii, 38.

[22] Quran xxix, 44.

[23] Quran xxxiii, 67.

The Philosophy and Theology of Averroes

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