Читать книгу The Antichrist - A.W. Pink - Страница 21

XII. The Violent Man.


"Deliver me, O Lord, from the Evil Man: preserve me from the Violent Man" (Ps. 140:1). This is another Psalm which expresses the plaintive supplications of the godly remnant in the "time of Jacob's trouble." Three times over the Antichrist is denominated the Violent Man. In Psalm 140:1 the remnant pray to be delivered from him. In Psalm 140:4 the petition is repeated. In Psalm 140:11 his doom is foretold. Cry is made for God to take vengeance upon this bloody persecutor: "Let the burning coals fall upon them: let them be cast into the fire; into deep pits, that they rise not up again. Let not an evil speaker be established in the earth: evil shall hunt the Violent Man to overthrow him" (Ps. 140:10,11). The Violent Man is a name which fully accords with his Beast-like character. It tells of his ferocity and rapacity.

The Antichrist

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