Читать книгу Let Them Eat Dirt - B. Brett Finlay - Страница 6




PART ONE: We Are More Microbe Than Human

1.Children Are Microbe Magnets

Microbes: Kill Them All!

Revenge of the Microbes

Kids Will Be Kids

Microbes to the Rescue

2.A Newly Discovered Organ: The Human Microbiome

Invisible Life

Avoiding Contagion at Any Cost

Microbes: Partners in Evolution

Bugs “R” Us

Immune Cell School

Feeding Our Microbes So They Can Feed Us

PART TWO: Raising Babies and Their Microbes

3.Pregnancy: Eating for Two? Try Eating for Trillions

The Pregnant Microbiota: Another Reason to Eat Well

The Vaginal Microbiota

Stress, Your Baby, and Your Microbes

Infections and Antibiotics: Can We Avoid Them?

Getting Smart About Antibiotics

Heading Off Group B Strep

Can Bacteria Influence Us Before Birth?

4.Birth: Welcome to the World of Microbes

The Best Laid Plans

Cesarean Epidemic

A Dirty Birth Is a Good Birth

Seeding Hope for the Future

Antibiotics During Birth

Premature Babies

5.Breast Milk: Liquid Gold

Born Too Young

Feeding Trillions

Breastfeeding: Not as Easy as It Sounds

When Breast Milk Is Not an Option

Breastfeeding After a C-section

6.Solid Foods: A Growing Diet for Microbes

New Food Means New Microbes to Eat It

The Boon of Diversity

When, What, and How Much?

Dangerous Eats

7.Antibiotics: Carpet Bombing the Microbiota

The Antibiotic Paradox

Wonder Drugs of the Twentieth Century

Resistance Is Futile

“Mommy, My Ear Hurts!”

Wonder Drugs That Aren’t So Wonderful

Probiotics with Antibiotics—an Oxymoron?

8.Pets: A Microbe’s Best Friend

Love at First Lick

From the Wild to Our Couches

Bring on the Slobberfest

9.Lifestyle: Microbe Deficit Disorder

Starved for Nature

Such a Thing as Too Clean

Cleanliness Q&A

PART THREE: Collateral Damage

10.Obesity: The World Is Getting Heavier

Body Weight and the Microbiome

Fat Mice

Of Mice and Men

A Microbiota Diet

Antibiotics and Childhood Weight


Anorexia Nervosa

11.Diabetes: Microbes Have a Sweet Tooth

A Disease on the Rise

A Sugarcoated Pregnancy

Finger Pricks and Insulin Pumps

The Western Diet: A Life Too Sweet

12.Intestinal Diseases: Fire in the Gut!

The Gut: A Thirty-Foot Tube, but Mind the Gap

For Crying Out Loud

Chewing on Gluten: Microbes and Celiac Disease

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

13.Asthma and Allergies: Microbes Keep Us Breathing Easy

The Burden of Asthma

Searching for the Culprits

From the Gut to the Lung

Allergies and Eczema, Too?

14.Gut Feelings: Microbiota and the Brain

Bottom-Up Thinking

The Microbes Made Me Do It!

Microbes and Moods

Stress, Depression, and Anxiety

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

The Road to a Better Brain

15.Vaccines Work!

The Not-So-Magical Kingdom

A Parent’s Nightmare—What Do I Do?

Vaccines and Microbiota—Is There a Connection?

16.Bugs As Drugs

The Future

Understanding the Microbiome

Analysis of Your Microbiome

Beyond Genes: Microbial Metabolites

Second Generation Probiotics


Back to the Future: Fecal Transfers

RePOOPulating Our Gut

Crystal Ball Time

Personalized Diets


Selected References


Let Them Eat Dirt

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