Читать книгу Defense of the Faith and the Saints - B. H. Roberts - Страница 7
ОглавлениеOne of the most instructive as well as the most important religious movements of the nineteenth century is the rise of what the world has learned to call "Mormonism." In an age which believed that God's voice would no more be heard giving revelation; that said the volume of scripture was completed and forever closed; that declared angels would no more visit the earth to communicate the divine will; and that sedulously taught that all miracles had ceased—the world beholds a religion arising based upon these forces that men had been taught to believe had forever become inactive. True, it has met with many obstacles in consequence of making these rejected stones of ancient Christianity the chief corner stones of its structure; but notwithstanding the fierceness of the opposition it has aroused, it is now so firmly established that it claims the respectful attention of the world.
New religions, when struggling for existence in the face of adversity, with few followers and no influence, may expect to be treated with silent contempt by the supposedly orthodox; but when a religion has fought its way through all opposition to a position of influence, and counts within its pale hundreds of thousands of sincere and intelligent followers, it gives proof that its doctrines contain some measure of truth at least, and by reason of that fact, has a claim upon the respect and thoughtful consideration of mankind.
Such is the position of "Mormonism." Sixty-three years ago [1] the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized with but six members, in the State of New York. That organization was effected in a log room not more than fourteen feet square, by men who made no pretensions to ecclesiastical scholarship, but claimed to be directed by divine revelation. It could but be expected that the great Christian sects, by which the new church was surrounded, and that considered themselves strongly entrenched behind a fullness of religious truth—would scoff at the pretensions of these men. But when, after a lapse of sixty-three years, the work having so humble an origin is still in existence with a membership of over three hundred thousand, it is time the scoffing ceased and earnest attention be given to its pretensions, especially when account is taken of its history between the two points indicated—its origin and present standing.
Within that period it has fallen to the lot of the "Mormon" Church to make more history than any other religious denomination of modern times. Ridicule has laughed at it; Satire has mocked it; Bigotry has refused to hear its defense; Hatred has slandered it; Intolerance has armed the red, right hind of persecution against it; the Government of the United States has seized upon and escheated its property; Mob Violence has opposed its promulgation by murdering its missionaries and driving its devotees from city to city, from county to county, from state to state; and the Civil Authorities refusing the protection guaranteed alike in state and national constitutions, at last permitted those who accepted its faith to be exiled from their native country.
"Mormonism," however, has survived not only the violence which murdered its prophets, burned the houses of the Saints, laid waste their fields and destroyed their temples, but also an exodus which, for the distance covered and the dangers encountered, has not a parallel in ancient or modern history. Its followers settling in a desert land a thousand miles from the frontiers of civilization, like drilled cohorts made war upon the sterile elements of the inter-Rocky Mountain region, and like magic there sprang into existence, as the result of their untiring efforts and divine blessing, cities, towns, hamlets; temples, churches, schoolhouses; peaceful homes surrounded by fruitful fields and gardens and orchards, which, with the peace and good order everywhere prevailing, challenge the admiration of all who become acquainted with the Saints and the land they inhabit.
Meantime, the Elders of the Church, full of sublime faith and trust in God, without purse or scrip, have visited nearly all the nations of the earth and have preached the gospel to them. Not, perhaps, with that nice skill and polish which refined education in renowned institutions of learning may give, but in the power and demonstration of God's Holy Spirit; and nearly every nation under the whole heaven has given to the new faith some of its sons and daughters. By reason of this missionary work "Mormonism" is becoming recognized in the earth as one of the potent religious forces of the age, and as such claims the right to be heard in this Parliament, in giving expression to its faith and distinguishing characteristics.
"Mormonism," like all religions which have any hold either upon the intelligence or affections of men, has, as its foundation principle, faith in God, the Creator of heaven and earth and the Power by which they are sustained. But "Mormonism" not only believes in this fundamental truth of all religions, but it has another belief equal unto it, viz., that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and who through the atonement made by him on Calvary, is the Savior of the world. These two personages and the Holy Ghost, that divine Spirit which bears, record of God and operates throughout the universe as his witness and agent, constitute the God-head—the Holy Trinity, the Grand Presidency of heaven and earth. In attributes, in purpose, in will, these three are one; perfectly united in mind and action.
To this great Presidency, "Mormonism" teaches that man owes praise, adoration, and as best of all worship—obedience; for submission of the mind and the will to God, is alone true worship. Such a result as this can only be obtained through faith, for he who cometh thus to God must believe that he is. But the evidences of God's existence are so overwhelming that none shall be able to find an excuse for unbelief. Such evidences are to be found in the works of God as seen in the works of nature. The orderly procession of the seasons proclaim it; and when man uplifts his eyes from earth to the dome of heaven stretched above him, he beholds, like the Psalmist, the evidences of God's existence and of his majesty and glory. The unbroken line of testimony of prophets and righteous men as recorded in the Jewish Scriptures, both in the old and New Testament, bear witness of it. But to this testimony, the common inheritance of all Christendom, "Mormonism" adds special evidences of its own. It has prophets, who, through righteousness and faith, coupled with the grace of God, have stood in his presence, heard his voice, and beheld in part, his glory. They bear record that God lives, and that Jesus is the Christ; and that testimony, like the ancient prophets, they have sealed with their blood.
To the volume of Jewish scripture "Mormonism" adds a volume equal in bulk and equal in importance to the New Testament—the Book of Mormon. This book is an abridgement of more extensive records kept by the ancient inhabitants of the western hemisphere, the existence of which was revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith by the ministry of an angel and translated by him into the English language by means of the Urim and Thummim hidden with the golden plates upon which the record was engraven.
From this new volume of scripture we learn that the mercies and favors of God are not confined to the inhabitants of the eastern hemisphere; but he of whom it is said that he is "no respecter of persons," had regard for the races of men who inhabited the western half of the world. He raised up wise men and prophets among them to whom he revealed his will, made known his purposes concerning the creation of man, and taught him the way of life. Previous to the coming of the Son of God in the flesh, their prophets taught this ancient people as Isaiah, Jeremiah and others taught the Jews, to look forward to the coming of Messiah, to make an atonement for the sins of the world. And when Jesus had completed his mission to the Jews in Palestine, in fulfilment of his own prophecy which says, "I lay down my life for the sheep; and other sheep I have which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd,"—in fulfilment of this, I say, he visited the land of America, revealed himself to the people, taught the same divine truths which warmed the hearts and purified the lives of men of good will in Palestine; gave them the same ordinances of salvation; and organized the church in their midst for their instruction in righteousness.
Of these things their poets sang, their prophets wrote; and when, through wickedness, anarchy overthrew their civilization, righteous men hid away their records that in the last days they might come forth and be united with the testimony of prophets and men of God who had lived in other lands; to the end that the evidences of God's existence, the Messiahship of Jesus Christ, and the truth of the gospel might be so increased that unbelief would have no excuse for its infidelity; and that they who scoff at faith might be reproved and learn to believe.
One thing has occurred to me while in attendance at this Parliament which has raised in importance the humble part allotted to me in it; and that is, while we have heard from this platform voices from all nations and races of men—voices from Asia, from Europe, from Africa and the islands of the sea; we have had voices from the dead religions and the living religions, and they have united in saying that in all these lands and in all ages God has not left himself without witnesses among them, but has raised up prophets among them who taught them at least some measure of the truth—perhaps all they could accept and incorporate in their lives. But where is the voice to tell us that God remembered the races and nations which flourished for ages throughout this whole western hemisphere before Europeans discovered it? Races that had attained a high state of civilization, too, as proclaimed by the ruins of their temples and cities. Are we to suppose that they were without God while all the rest of mankind found him? Perish the thought. If no other voice is to be heard proclaiming that God was just and merciful to these races, and that he revealed himself to them—then let the pleasing task be mine, and here in this august presence I proclaim the revelation of their record which bears witness of God's goodness to them; and that record is the Book of Mormon.
A word further in regard to that book. Men have usually satisfied themselves as to its origin by accepting that flimsiest of all theories that it was the production of one Rev. Solomon Spaulding, who wrote it as a romance. This theory of its origin, without any investigation, has generally satisfied those who have heard it. In 1886, however, the long lost manuscript of the Rev. Mr. Spaulding unexpectedly came to light, has been identified beyond the peradventure of a doubt, and is now in the possession of President James H. Fairchild of Oberlin College, Ohio, or rather is in the museum of that institution for the inspection of all. It has been published by the Church, every word of it, with even the erasures made by its author so far as they can be deciphered, and lo there is not an incident, not a circumstance, not a proper name either of place or person, nor any similarity of construction or purpose common to the Book of Mormon and Mr. Spaulding's production. President Fairchild himself says that whatever theory shall be put forth for the origin of the Book of Mormon, the Spaulding theory must be abandoned.
By accepting the records of the ancient peoples of America the "Mormons" have double the amount of evidence for the existence of God and the truth of the gospel that other people possess; and since faith must ever have its foundation in evidence, the enlarged evidences accepted by "Mormons" must account for that mightier faith which both their sufferings and their works proclaim they possess.
In "Mormon" theology the atonement of Jesus Christ redeems all mankind from the consequences of Adam's transgression, irrespective of their belief or unbelief, their obedience or their disobedience, their righteousness or their unrighteousness. It is manifestly evident that the "Fall of Adam" was essential to the accomplishment of the divine purposes of God in the earth-life of man; which earth-life was designed for man's progress in that eternal existence which unquestionably is his. But being a necessity from the nature of things, an essential to the production of those conditions which would place man in a state of probation, in which he might gain those experiences, demonstrate that fidelity, and acquire the strength that shall make him both worthy of, and able to bear, that eternal weight of glory designed of God for those able to overcome the evils of earth-life—its temptations and sins—the "Fall of Adam," I say, being necessary to bring to pass the conditions of this earth probation for man, it is but just that there should be some means of free and universal redemption from the effects of it. For while man, may be held accountable for his personal conduct under given conditions that do not take from him his freedom, nor the power to will and to do what is required, he may not in justice be held accountable for the existence of necessary conditions that establish the state of probation under which he consents to work. Free and universal redemption, therefore, is provided for man from those effects that result from necessity; and hence the Church teaches that "men will be punished for their own Sins and not for Adam's transgressions." [2]
But quite apart from the transgression of Adam is man's individual violations of the laws of righteousness—violations of the laws of God in which man's agency is exercised; for he sins at times wilfully and wantonly; knowing the right, he dares to do wrong. Here justice has a claim upon him and may demand the payment of the penalty to the uttermost. But the mercy of God as well as his justice is active, and offers redemption from the consequences of individual transgressions on the condition of obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.
These laws are not intricate, baffling the understanding. The ordinances are neither numerous nor difficult of performance; but in the plan of man's salvation, as in all other works of Deity, simplicity marks its outlines and efficiency justifies its adoption. The laws and ordinances referred to have not for their chief object the propitiation of the anger of God as the old Pagan ordinances of religion had; but on the contrary, by their nature and operation, they affect the character of man, and are calculated to so purify and exalt his nature as to prepare him to dwell in endless felicity in the presence and companionship of his Maker.
Of necessity Faith in God and in this plan of salvation is of first importance, and must be an active principle in the mind, for without it men would consider themselves under no obligation to yield obedience to any ordinance whatsoever. The reason the infidel does not repent, or perform any other act of obedience, is because he has or pretends to have no faith in the existence of God. As from the rising sun there beams those rays of light which streak the heavens with glory, so from faith spring those acts of obedience required in the gospel of Jesus Christ. First among these acts is repentance, which consists not alone in deep and heartfelt sorrow for sin, but coupled with it must be a firm determination of amendment of conduct. It must be a godly sorrow working a reformation of life. Following repentance comes baptism in water by which men take on them the name of Christ, through which ordinance also they receive, when it is preceded by faith and true repentance, forgiveness of sins. But even after a remission of sins, such is the weakness of human nature that man is not able to stand by his own strength, he needs divine aid: hence, God has ordained that through the ordinance of confirmation by the laying on of hands, the Holy Ghost shall be imparted unto man as a comforter and guide, and by giving heed to his voice man shall overcome the old inclinations to evil, and at last so purify and sanctify himself that he will be worthy to dwell in the presence of his God.
As a further means of grace, the Church of Jesus Christ recognizes the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, by which men may frequently renew their covenant with God and witness to each other that they are willing to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, gratefully remember the atonement he has made for them, express a willingness to keep his commandments, and by doing so draw to themselves a constant renewal of the Spirit of God.
Few and simple as these ordinances are, the Church teaches that in order to be of effect they must be administered by divine authority. No man can take the honor upon himself to administer in things pertaining to God. He must be called by direct revelation from God, or be commissioned by a divinely authorized power. Here is where "Mormonism" comes in conflict with all Christendom. Men even in the early centuries of the Christian era having transgressed the laws, changed the ordinances, broke the covenant, and lost divine authority to administer the of Jesus Christ—though the letter of the Gospel remained in part with the world in the writings of the ancient Apostles—there arose a necessity for the re-opening of the heavens and a restoration of that priesthood which alone can administer the ordinances of salvation.
That is the significance of the revelations of God and the visitation of angels to Joseph Smith. To him was revealed anew the gospel, to him was committed a new dispensation of it, and angels bestowed upon him the apostleship, the fullness of all priesthood which God gives to man in the earth, and by its power Joseph Smith and those to whom he transmitted authority preached the gospel. By the power of that priesthood they organized the Church of Christ never more to be destroyed; sustained and upheld by that power the Church has outlived all the opposition arrayed against it, and stands today planted impregnably upon the eternal foundations of truth.
But notwithstanding the absence of the gospel and the authority to administer its ordinances, the children of God living through those dark ages will not be deprived of its saving powers. That must be a very contracted view of the great plan of human redemption which would confine its operations to the brief span of man's existence in this life. "Mormonism" holds no such view. On the contrary, it teaches that the gospel is everlasting; that it walks beside man throughout eternity; and means for its application to him have been provided by the mercy of God. It may be that "Mormonism" does not stand alone in this broad conception of the application of the gospel to our race; but while others are speculating as to whether it is possible or not for man to attain unto repentance and forgiveness of sins in his future existence, "Mormonism" is erecting temples to the name of the Most High, and within their sacred walls the Saints are vicariously performing the ordinances of salvation for those who have passed from the earth when the gospel and authority to administer it were not among the children of men. Such is the conception that Mormonism holds and teaches of the gospel of Jesus Christ and its application to mankind; and surely one may see in this conception the fullness of that glorious scripture which says: God, our Savior, would have all men to be saved, and come unto the knowledge of the truth. (I Timothy 2:3, 4.)
If asked what the distinguishing characteristics of "Mormonism" are, I should answer:
The acceptance of Jesus Christ as the full and complete revelation of God to man, in person and in attributes; that as Jesus was and is—for to us he still lives, a resurrected, glorified man—so is God, the Father—a perfected man. This is only saying that as "the Son is, so also is the Father."
The belief that the spirit of man is in very deed the child of God—his offspring; that men in reality are brothers to Jesus Christ, and to each other.
A more pronounced faith than is possessed by other people in the imminence of God in the world and in men, through the medium of the divine spirit.
A positive belief in present and continuous revelation.
A broader conception of God's treatment of men in the matter of revealing himself and his purposes to them.
Acknowledging an inspired priesthood, authorized to direct the affairs of, and instruct the Church.
The possession of a living faith which lays hold of all the promises made in the gospel of Jesus Christ; personal communion with God through the Holy Spirit, and enjoyment of all the spiritual gifts and graces granted to the saints in any age of the world.
If asked what special benefits "Mormonism" has conferred upon mankind, my answer would be: 1st. That it presents to the world the fullness of the gospel, with the authority to administer its ordinances; that through obedience to it men may attain unto all those gifts, graces and powers known to the ancient saints. It assures them that God in his relationship to men, is the same today as he was nineteen centuries ago, that the gospel is the same now as it ever was, and all spiritual graces and powers that man ever attained to he may possess today. 2nd. That in the testimony of modern prophets and saints the evidences of God's existence and the truth of the gospel are so enlarged that the unbelief which today distresses the religious world and limits the extension of Christianity would be swept away. 3rd. That in the Book of Mormon there is evidence of the authorship of the Jewish scripture of which Christendom in the face of modern criticism—commonly called the "Higher Criticism"—stands much in need. That criticism, as is well known, is not directed so much to textual errors which may have found their way into the great collection of sacred books, as it is to utterly destroy the authorship and all idea of the divine inspiration of them. This modern criticism has decided that Moses is not the author of the Pentateuch, and indeed, the authorship not only of the Pentateuch but of nearly all the prophets and even the books of the New Testament is unsettled in the minds of many. The Book of Mormon gives an account of a colony of Israelites that left Palestine six hundred years before Christ, which colony carried with it a copy of the law of Moses and the writings of the Prophets down to the days of Jeremiah. These scriptures they preserved with great care, handing them down from generation to generation, and from them both they and their descendants learned of the hand dealings of God with his children in ancient times. When the civilization of these people on the Western Hemisphere was overthrown, and their records in order to preserve them were hidden by righteous men, the truths which their fathers had learned from them were preserved—though somewhat distorted—in their traditions. Thus is accounted for the knowledge of the creation, the flood, the coming of the Messiah, which Europeans found among the races inhabiting America at the time of its discovery. Portions of the ancient Jewish Scriptures which these colonists brought with them to America were transcribed into the Book of Mormon, and there they stand in the translations that have been made of it to testify not only to the existence of the writings of Moses and the other prophets at least six hundred years before Christ, but to testify also that the records which have come down to us from the Jews are substantially correct. More important as confirming the accuracy and inspiration of the Jewish Scriptures, more potent to silence the new forms of unbelief which have arisen in modern times, more powerful to confirm the faith of believers in God's word is this new volume of scripture—the voice of nations of people who sought and found God—than all the newly deciphered hieroglyphics of Egypt, or the still more recent evidences that come from the ancient cities of Assyria: and for this reason we make bold to invite the attention of our Christian brethren to the consideration of this New Witness for God.
Besides preaching the Gospel for the salvation of men, "Mormonism" has an especial mission, viz: to prepare the earth for the coming and reign of Messiah. This mission authorizes the servants of God to warn mankind of the judgments which shall precede that appearing, and to call upon all men to repent of their sins, that they may escape the threatened calamities. This preparatory work includes the gathering together of the dispersed tribes of Israel and placing them in possession of the lands which God, by covenant, gave to their fathers. It contemplates the erection of a great city upon this continent of America to be called "Zion," the abode of the pure in heart, from whence the law of God shall go forth to all the world. It contemplates the restoration of the Jews to the city of their forefathers, the rebuilding of Jerusalem, from whence shall go forth the word of the Lord.
Then shall the earth rest from its wickedness, as all the prophets have predicted; then shall peace and truth and righteousness spread over all the world, and all the tribes and kindreds of men shall know how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.
Splendid as this consummation is, "Mormonism," instructed by divine wisdom, looks even beyond it, and contemplates the time when this earth shall receive even a fuller redemption, and become a celestial sphere, the abode of resurrected, celestial beings forever, who shall dwell always in the presence of God.
In conclusion, let me say that "Mormonism" accepts and includes within its boundary-lines all truth. It is progressive and is destined to become the religion of the age. Within it is scope for all the intelligence that shall flow unto it. "Within its atmosphere is room for every intellectual wing." It does not, as some have supposed, thrive best where ignorance is most profound, nor does it depend upon superstition and ignorance for its existence and perpetuity. It possesses within itself principles of native strength that will enable it to weather every storm, outlive all hatred born of ignorance and prejudice; and it will yet prove itself to be what indeed it is, the gospel of Jesus Christ, the power of God unto Salvation to all those who believe and obey it, the Church of Jesus Christ.
[1 This was written in 1893.]
[2 A slight alteration has been made in this paragraph since the publication of this article in the Improvement Era.]