Читать книгу The Trade Lifecycle - Baker Robert P. - Страница 11

Part One
Products and the Background to Trading
Chapter 1
1.1 How and why do people trade?


People engage in trade primarily for one or more of the following reasons:

■ Require more or less of a product

We go shopping because we need things. The same is true of financial products. One person buys something that another person has in surplus and is prepared to sell.

■ To make profit

If someone anticipates that he can buy for less than he can sell and has the ability to hold a product long enough to take advantage of the price differential, he trades.

■ To remove risk

Sometimes we need protection. We are worried that future events may cause our position to deteriorate and we therefore buy or sell to reduce our risk. The ship is safe, fully loaded in port today, but how will it fare exposed to the open sea tomorrow?

The Trade Lifecycle

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