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Chapter One ~ 1872


“I don’t believe it!”

“I am afraid, my Lord, that is the truth, unpleasant as it may be,” the Solicitor replied.

The Earl of Rayburne could only stare at the man with an expression in his eyes that was even more dramatic than the way he had spoken.

“But surely,” he said after an uncomfortable pause, “you could have written to me.”

“We did not know that things were as bad as they do appear now,” the Solicitor replied, “and in any case. Your Lordship had given Mr. Basil Burne Power of Attorney. Therefore whatever he did was entirely within the Law.”

The Earl could not think of anything to say.

He had come back from India looking forward to living happily on his estate and he had supposed that everything would be exactly the same as when he had left.

His father had died in 1868, and he had come into the title, which was a very old one.

Majestic Rayburne Castle and its huge estate in Oxfordshire was one of the beauty spots of the area.

When Michael Burne left Oxford University he had then joined the Household Brigade in which his family had served for many generations.

He was, however, thrilled and delighted when later in the same year he was asked by his cousin, the new Viceroy of India, to go out and join him.

It had been a great surprise when the Earl of Mayo had been appointed by Mr. Benjamin Disraeli, the Prime Minister, after Lord Lawrence’s early retirement from the post.

He was unknown to most of the English people, but Mr. Disraeli was relying, as he had done so often before, on his intuition and it proved to be a stroke of genius.

One thing everyone knew about the Earl of Mayo was that he was a brilliantly successful Master of the Kildare Hunt.

His young relative, Michael Burne, an outstanding horseman, was a frequent visitor to the Earl’s house in Ireland.

In a way Michael closely resembled the Earl, who, tall and broad-shouldered, was a fine figure of a man.

He had both a strong determination to succeed in life and a great sense of humour and his enthusiasm and his gaiety gave him a magnetism that made him friends wherever he went.

To the young Earl of Rayburne, to be in India with a man he greatly admired and whose friendship had coloured his boyhood was an invitation that he could not resist.

As he looked round his broad acres that surrounded Rayburne Castle, everything seemed to be in order.

There appeared to be nothing that especially needed attention and he could see no reason why he should not go to India.

Everything was made easier when his father’s brother, the Honourable Basil Burne, had offered to look after The Castle and the estate in his absence.

“That is very kind of you, Uncle Basil,” he said. “You are quite sure that it will not be a nuisance rather than a pleasure?”

“I think I have been in London long enough,” Basil Burne replied. “It will do me good to be in the country and I can look after everything for you, so you need have no worries when you are in India.”

The Earl then gave him Power of Attorney and set off on a tedious voyage, which took several months as it then meant going round the Cape of Good Hope.

He knew that at the end of it he would find an adventure such as he had never had the opportunity of participating in before.

He arrived in India to find that his relative had already begun to gain a popularity that no previous Viceroy had ever enjoyed.

The Earl of Mayo’s commanding presence, his smile, his joyous vigour and enthusiasm, appealed greatly to the Indians.

They also appreciated the magnificence of his splendid entertainments.

Lord Lawrence had been rather an austere Viceroy and reluctant to spend any money, but the Earl of Mayo and his wife brought back gaiety and glamour to Government House.

The fact that he had appointed a fine young and high-spirited staff made everything seem very much easier than it had been before.

Michael was entranced from the very moment he arrived.

The new Viceroy had been considerably helped by the fact that the Government at home had changed while he was actually on his voyage to Calcutta.

He was a Conservative, of course, like Mr. Disraeli, but a Liberal Government under Mr. William Gladstone had just come into power.

This might have been an embarrassment, but instead it was a help, because the Liberals did not seem inclined to interfere in any way in Indian affairs.

This gave the Viceroy a free hand to pursue his own policies and agenda.

People had sneered at him and said that he would have no idea of how to handle such a large country.

It was, however, his experience in Ireland and his sympathy for the peasants of his own country that made him such an outstanding Viceroy.

He was particularly worried about famine and this was indeed a serious problem that he had already encountered in the ‘Hungry Forties’ in Ireland.

He also wished India to build schools and hospitals as well as railways, canals and more roads and he wanted also to see everything for himself, which was another reason why he had invited his young friend, Michael, to join him.

Much of his travelling about the country was done on horseback.

The only aide-de-camp who could keep up with him was Michael and they often rode eighty miles a day.

Although he was not aware of it at the time, Michael Burne was learning to command people as well as his relative did.

The quality that the Viceroy looked for was, as he put it himself, ‘an enthusiasm which makes a man believe in the possibility of improvement and strives resolutely to obtain it.’

It was not long before Michael developed the same enthusiasm that his Chief possessed so abundantly and he was soon entrusted with difficult assignments that the other aide-de- camps were not keen on undertaking.

Everything seemed to be going well for the first four years of the Viceroy’s reign.

The Earl of Mayo had two more years to serve and it appeared as if he would be, without doubt, the most successful and the most loved Viceroy there had ever been.

It was then in February 1872 that the Viceroy arranged a visit to the Andaman Islands and a tour of the convict settlement at Port Blair.

It was the aide-de-camp’s job to see that the most stringent security measures had been taken for his visit and everything went off well.

Later in the afternoon the Viceroy visited another island of the group and then, when the official day’s arrangements were over, he crossed back to the principal island and climbed up Mount Harriet.

Only Michael was eager to go with him. It was a stiff climb to an altitude of more than one thousand feet.

The two men refused to ride ponies and walking reached the top.

They sat down for ten minutes to admire the sunset and the Viceroy exclaimed,

“How beautiful, how very beautiful!”

By the time the party had descended back to the waterfront, it was completely dark.

A launch was waiting to take the Viceroy back to his ship. The torch-bearers led the way and the Viceroy walked between Michael and the Chief Commissioner of the Andamans.

Just as the Viceroy was stepping forward to board the launch, the Commissioner gave an order.

The guards who had cordoned off the pier opened their ranks to let him through.

Before they could close up again, a tall Pathan rushed through the opening and jumped, as someone said at the time, ‘like a tiger’, on the Viceroy’s back.

He stabbed him twice between his shoulders.

The man was dragged away, but the Viceroy staggered to the side of the pier.

He raised himself out of the shallow water, saying,

“They have done it!”

A few minutes later he collapsed and the back of his coat was dark with blood.

He was lifted into the launch, but by the time the ship was reached he was dead.

To Michael it was a nightmare and he could hardly believe what had happened.

The man he had loved and admired would never again say to him,

“Come on, Michael, you and I can do it together.”

After the funeral his one thought was to get away from his memories and what had been the happiest time of his life.

He decided that he must return home and the voyage back home was very different from his passage out to India.

The Suez Canal had been opened in 1869, the year following his arrival, and so now the new ships of the P. & O. took only a little over seventeen days to reach England.

Michael had everything he possessed packed and he went aboard the first available ship.

His perturbed thoughts were still on the dead Viceroy, who was in Michael’s mind ‘the ‘Ideal Viceroy’. That was what one of his most distinguished successors was to call him.

It did not, however, ease Michael’s sense of loss.

He thought that never again would he be with someone who could arouse in him such an enthusiasm and a sense of gaiety in everything he undertook.

By the time the ship in which he was sailing had reached Tilbury, the first agony had softened a little.

He was now looking forward to seeing his own Castle and estate again.

He felt very sure that his uncle would, as he had promised him, have kept everything in perfect order.

He would go first to The Castle, which had been his home since his birth and would find it exactly as he had left it. The servants who had looked after him and had called him ‘Master Michael’ would be there waiting for him.

He would then ride the horses of which his father had always had a full and outstanding stable.

As Michael had left India so hurriedly, he had not arranged for anyone to meet him at the Port.

After the short journey from Tilbury to Central London, he took a train to Oxford and engaged a Post chaise to take him out to Rayburne Castle.

He paid for the best chaise available, which was drawn by two strong horses

He arrived at The Castle in under an hour, which he considered very good timing.

He thought as he entered the drive that the lodges appeared to be empty, which surprised him.

And the drive itself seemed rough and uncared for.

When he then saw The Castle, it seemed for a moment, in the sunshine, to look as it had always done, outstandingly beautiful and silhouetted against the fir trees behind it.

It had been a Castle since the thirteenth century, but each generation of Rayburnes had added to it and in their own way improved it.

Finally in the eighteenth century the tenth Earl had the whole façade altered.

The original Castle stood at one end of it and the rest of the building, which by now was very symmetrical, was given a new façade.

It made it not only even more beautiful but far more impressive.

The renovation was all designed by the Adam Brothers, who were known as the greatest architects of their time.

Now, with the sunshine glittering on the windows, the young Earl felt his pride swelling up within him. Not even in India had he seen a Palace more impressive or in more exquisite taste than his own home.

The Post chaise carried him over the bridge that spanned the lake and into the courtyard beside the front door.

Eagerly the Earl jumped out to pay the driver and gave him a generous tip.

As he did so, he was astonished to see that moss was growing on the steps leading up to the front door.

Several of the windows on the front of The Castle were cracked and broken.

The door was open and, as the Post chaise drove away, the Earl walked into the hall.

It was then that he stood still as if he was shocked into immobility.

The hall, which he remembered as being particularly fine, was now dirty and undusted.

There were ashes in the huge fireplace and an atmosphere of neglect, which he thought must be part of his imagination.

There appeared to be no one about and he well remembered that there were always two liveried footmen on duty in the hall and the butler was always within call.

Finally he found his way to the kitchen.

It was there from Marlow and Mrs. Marlow, who had been butler and cook since he was born, that he learned the ominous truth.

From the moment that he had left for India and his uncle had taken over, Basil Burne had started to economise on everything.

He dismissed most of the staff, not only in the house but on the estate.

“We couldn’t believe it, Master Michael,” Mrs. Marlow related in a tearful voice, “and I kept thinkin’ you’d come back from India and stop what that wicked man was a-doin’.”

What that wicked man was doing, the Earl was to discover, was to take every penny that he possessed and put it into his name.

Holding Power of Attorney, Basil Burne had sold every share that his nephew owned.

At the same time he sold everything he could find in The Castle that was not entailed on to succeeding Earls.

Fortunately there was not a great deal that was not entailed.

But things that had belonged to his mother had gone and his father’s superb collection of snuffboxes of which he had been exceedingly proud.

Early next morning, after a sleepless night, the Earl drove into Oxford to see his father’s Solicitors.

It had not been a fast journey.

There were only two horses left in the stable, which had been kept by his uncle for him to use up to the last minute before he disappeared. They were getting on in age and would travel only at a pace that suited them.

Without any help the Marlows had looked after Basil Burne as best they could.

He told them bluntly that they could stay with him and he would provide their board and lodging, but they would have no wages.

“No wages!” the Earl exclaimed in horror.

“What could we do, my Lord?” Marlow asked. “If we left, it meant the workhouse.”

“I cried and cried and pleaded with him,” Mrs. Marlow joined in, “but he wouldn’t listen. There was no one we could turn to for help.”

“What did the Vicar have to say to all this?” the Earl asked.

“Oh, he left a year after your Lordship went to India,” Marlow replied. “Mr. Basil told him he wouldn’t pay his stipend so there be nothing he could do but go.”

“So you mean the Church is closed.”

“Someone comes from the other Parishes about once a month. Otherwise the Vicarage be shut up and I’m not sure who has the key of the Church.”

When the Earl confronted his father’s Solicitors, he had difficulty in choosing his words because he was feeling so angry.

They should at least have written to tell him what was occurring.

The Solicitor facing him across the desk was an elderly man who, he learnt, had at first been entirely hoodwinked by his uncle.

“He told me, my Lord, that things were difficult on the Stock Exchange,” the Solicitor said, “and a great number of your father’s investments had fallen in value. So he thought it only right that he should economise.”

“Do you realise,” the Earl asked him angrily, “that the pensioners have not been paid for three weeks and before that they were receiving only a pittance? I gather that they are now on the verge of starvation.”

“I did not know that, my Lord,” the Solicitor replied. “Of course when the news came through that the Viceroy had been murdered, your uncle would have then expected that your Lordship would come home.”

“So he then took everything that he had not taken already,” the Earl said sharply. “The servants tell me that he has gone to America.”

“If that is true,” the Solicitor answered, “it will be extremely difficult to get hold of him. America is a very large country and so it would cost your Lordship a great deal of money to bring a case against him.”

“Which, as you are well aware,” the Earl retorted, “I do not now have.”

As he drove back to The Castle, he wondered despairingly what he could do.

He had travelled home comfortably and had had a number of things to pay for in India before he left.

He had taken only a little money with him when he went out in the first place.

He then relied on his salary for all that he required.

The Viceroy had been most particular in not allowing his young aides-de-camp to run up large debts.

He made it possible for them to have ample pocket money while everything else, more or less, was provided for them.

The Earl realised now that he had nothing in the Bank and his entire fortune, if that was the right word for it, consisted of under twenty pounds.

He had intended to cash a cheque at his Bank in London.

However in the end he had just boarded the first train that would bring him back to The Castle.

‘What am I to do? What the devil am I to do?’ he asked himself over and over again.

He knew frantically that he had to do something.

Then suddenly he felt as if the man he had loved and admired so much was guiding him.

‘There must be someone,’ he told himself, ‘from whom I can borrow enough to at least keep my people from starving.’

He had not missed, as he drove through the village, that the cottages all needed the thatch on their roofs to be repaired.

Windows were broken, gates were falling down and it was so obvious that not a spot of paint had been applied in the four years that he had been away.

He remembered that in his father’s day the village had been one of the prettiest in the whole County and people who had come to gaze at The Castle always admired the village as well.

Now the only word to describe the situation was ‘appalling’.

“I must have money,” the Earl said and it was a cry for help.

It was then that he knew the answer.

Adjoining his estate was that of Lord Frazer.

He was an enormously rich man whose father had made a fortune in shipping.

He had come down from the North because he wished his son, who had been to Oxford University, to get to know the right people.

The present Lord Frazer had quarrelled with his neighbour, the tenth Earl of Rayburne, over a wood.

It was a very fine wood on the boundary between the two estates.

The Earl of Rayburne, Michael’s father, had said that without question it belonged to him and always had.

Lord Frazer had contested this by producing an ancient map and it depicted the wood as belonging to what was now the Frazer Estate.

The two old gentlemen fought fiercely for what they each believed to be their rights.

Shortly before his death, his father had told him that he was still getting rude letters from Lord Frazer, complaining that their gamekeepers had been in Duncans Wood and interfering with his game.

His game indeed!” the Earl had exclaimed. “I have never heard such impertinence in my life! Those pheasants have been ours since the thirteenth century and no amount of maps will ever convince me that I am wrong.”

When Michael left for India, he had forgotten about Duncans Wood.

Now he thought that if he agreed to let Lord Frazer take it once and for all as part of his estate, he might lend him enough money to take his own land back to normal.

He had no idea what it would cost, but it would be a large amount.

At least his experience in India with the Viceroy had taught him how to make fertile an area of land that was growing nothing.

Natives who had very little knowledge of farming were shown how to produce crops and carry livestock successfully and the means by which the Viceroy had succeeded in the famine areas made him feel that he could do the same.

After all the Rayburne Estate was not as large as India.

The Earl, therefore, told the old groom, who was driving him, to proceed to Watton Hall.

Wicks, who had been with his father for over twenty years, said with the familiarity of an old servant,

“Your Lordship won’t get no change out of that Master of Watton Hall. He’s been a-fightin’ against us ever since he come there.”

“I know that,” the Earl said, “but I have an idea that might well tempt him.”

He thought that Wicks knew what he meant, but he did not comment.

He had learned how the servants had managed to keep alive after his uncle had gone.

There were a few vegetables from the garden because the old gardener had remained in his cottage, having nowhere else to go.

They snared rabbits and even managed to shoot a wild duck or two on the lake.

“The swans flew away a long time ago,” he had been told, “after Mr. Burne refused to let us feed them.”

Everything the Earl was hearing about his uncle made him hate him more.

Yet Basil Burne was safely on the other side of the Atlantic and out of reach.

The Earl doubted that he would be in the slightest perturbed by what anyone felt about him in the land he had left.

The only thing that really mattered, the Earl knew, was to find enough money so that the pensioners and children in the village would not starve.

Those who were still working on the land had received nothing in wages since his uncle had guessed that he would be returning from India.

The Earl kept on turning over and over in his mind how shocking it all was.

While he had been so happy in India, he had no idea that his people were suffering, his fields were growing weeds and his Castle was, day by day, becoming more dilapidated.

The horses turned in at the drive leading up to Watton Hall.

It was infuriating to see how well-kept everything looked and the two lodges had very obviously been recently painted as had the iron gates with their gold tips.

It would be ridiculous to say that Watton Hall in any way rivalled The Castle.

Yet it was a prepossessing large mansion and in its own way very impressive. It had been built in the Georgian style early in the reign of Queen Victoria.

As the horses drew up outside the porticoed front door, the Earl could not help feeling that his appearance would be a great surprise to Lord Frazer.

He did not feel nervous, only slightly uncomfortable.

Then he remembered how his relative, the Viceroy, had always won everyone over to his side. It was by what the ladies in the Hill Stations called his magnetism, charm and charisma.

He had, the Earl remembered, a quite deliberate way of speaking and those who met him found him easy-going and informal.

At the same time he had a dignity and bearing that made it impossible for anyone to be unduly familiar.

The Earl remembered too that those who worked for him loved him both for his kindness and for his efficiency.

Surely, he thought, with the Earl of Mayo to guide him, he could get help from anyone, even from Lord Frazer!

The butler, who was very smart and the two footmen in the hall, looked at him in some surprise.

He gave one of the footmen his hat.

Then he followed the butler down a wide passage into what he thought would be either the library or Lord Frazer’s study.

It turned out to be the study and the owner of Watton Hall was sitting there at a most impressive desk.

The inkpot, the pen holder and the candlestick to seal the letters with were all made of solid gold.

“The Earl of Rayburne to see you, my Lord,” the butler announced in a stentorian voice.

Lord Frazer looked up in surprise.

Then he rose slowly to his feet as the Earl walked towards him.

As they shook hands. Lord Frazer said,

“I thought you would return from India after I heard the Viceroy had been murdered.”

“I returned home immediately,” the Earl replied, “and I have come to you now, my Lord, for help.”

He thought that Lord Frazer raised his eyebrows.

At the same time there was a glint of satisfaction in his eyes.

He indicated a chair in front of the fireplace and, as the Earl sat down, Lord Frazer seated himself in one beside it.

“I thought,” he began as if he was deliberately choosing his words, “that you would be surprised at what you found when you returned.”

“I was not just surprised,” the Earl said, “but horrified and appalled. How could any man, especially one who bears our family name, behave in such a shocking manner?”

“Your uncle was greedy,” Lord Frazer said, “and, when I heard what was happening, I was amazed that no one had communicated with you.”

“That has not surprised me,” the Earl said. “I understand my uncle told my people they were my orders as well as his and they therefore accepted that there was nothing they could do.”

“I heard that he had gone to America,” Lord Frazer remarked.

“That is what my Solicitors have just confirmed to me and I have also discovered that he has taken every penny that I possessed with him.”

“I thought that was what he would do,” Lord Frazer commented with a slight smirk.

The Earl wanted to say that he thought in that case he might have taken it upon himself to communicate with him.

However, he thought it wiser not to say so.

Instead he said,

“I have come to you, as my nearest neighbour, to ask for your understanding and help.”

He thought, as Lord Frazer did not say anything, that perhaps he was not as hostile as he might have expected.

He went on quickly,

“I possess nothing at the moment that I can offer you except Duncans Wood, which has always been a contested property between you and my father.”

He paused for a moment and then continued,

“All I can say is that if you will trust me and lend me enough money to keep my people from starving and to get the farms working again, I will promise on my word of honour to pay back everything you have given me as speedily as is possible.”

The Earl hoped as he spoke that he sounded convincingly trustworthy.

He hoped even more, since it was by no means a good business proposition, that Lord Frazer would be generous.

There was silence and then Lord Frazer enquired,

“Have you any idea how much you need?”

“As much as you can possibly lend me,” the Earl replied. “The pensioners have been given no money for the last month and they were also down to half what my father allowed them in his time.”

His voice sharpened as he went on,

“Young men have been thrown off the land so that nothing has been cultivated. Some of them have left the village altogether to look for work and the rest are just surviving on what they can poach in the woods since there are no deer left in the Park.”

“I heard they were killing them,” Lord Frazer said. “But, as they were not fed either, they were not very fat.”

The Earl pressed his lips together and he could not help noticing that there was almost a triumphant sound in Lord Frazer’s voice.

He could in a way understand that Lord Frazer was pleased that this was happening to a family who had opposed him for so long over Duncans wood.

“I expect you know already,” the Earl continued, “that The Castle has not been properly kept up since I have been away and, because most of the servants were sacked, it has not even been kept clean.”

“I heard that too,” Lord Frazer murmured.

“Horses have also been sold out of the stables. And as you will doubtless remember, my father was very proud of the horseflesh he possessed.”

The Earl thought that there was a glint of satisfaction in Lord Frazer’s eyes.

“If you will not help me,” he went on, “I must go to London and beg from my friends whom I have not seen for four years.”

He paused to say more quietly,

“I felt, my Lord, as our estates march with each other, you would understand better than anyone else the predicament that I find myself in.”

“Of course I understand,” Lord Frazer replied. “Your uncle’s behaviour since you left has been the talk of the County.”

The Earl had not realised this and he frowned.

He thought, however, that it would not help matters for him to comment.

“I suppose you could go cap in hand to our neighbours,” Lord Frazer continued, “like the Lord Lieutenant who is known as one of the meanest men in Oxfordshire. When he attends Church, his contribution is not worthy of the seat that he sits on.”

The Earl remembered this and he smiled.

“There is also Sir William Forrester,” Lord Frazer continued, “who, I believe, has fallen on hard times because of his son’s extravagance at the gambling tables. He is not at all likely to be open-handed to the young at this particular moment.”

The Earl tried to think of someone locally who was known as being generous.

It was not a question that he had asked before he went to India. He had accepted people as they were and had not been in the least concerned with their bank balance.

There was a poignant silence until at last he said pleadingly,

“Please, my Lord, help me if you can. It is not a question of me alone. The people who are at your gates as well as mine are on the verge of starvation.”

Lord Frazer rose to his feet and stood with his back to the fireplace.

He was not a tall man, yet for the moment he reminded the Earl of Mount Harriet.

He and the Viceroy had climbed to the top of it and that was what he had to do now!

For his people’s sake he must not fail.

Although it went against the grain to crawl, he kept seeing the faces of the children as he passed through the village.

They looked thin and pale and hungry.

He tried hard to pretend that it was not as bad as the famine-stricken places that he and the Viceroy had visited in India.

Yet it was bad enough for him to know that not only the old people were suffering but so were the children.

It was something that most definitely could not be allowed to continue.

He had to save them, however much he had to humiliate himself to do so.

With an effort, because it went against every grain in his body, he said,

“Please help me, my Lord. I am desperate, absolutely desperate. If you refuse, I can think of no one I could possibly turn to.”

His voice seemed to ring out and he knew that it came from the very depth of his being.

He had to save his own people, the people who had served his father and mother, as their parents had served his grandparents.

He had to save The Castle, the land and eventually himself.

Lord Frazer did not answer.

He merely walked across to his desk and, opening a drawer, took out a map.

He put it down on the carpet in front of the Earl and he saw with some surprise that it was a large and comprehensive map that covered the two estates.

Both his own, which was much larger and, on the right-hand side, Watton Hall, with the two thousand acres that surrounded it were featured.

The Earl had never seen this map before and he thought with surprise that Lord Frazer must have had it drawn recently. He was sure of that when he saw that it included cottages which had been built just before he went to India.

“I had this done a little while ago,” Lord Frazer said, “because I thought that it would be interesting to see the comparison between our two estates. As you will see, Duncans Wood separates us and remains, of course, the bone of contention it has always been.”

“That is why I have offered it to you,” the Earl answered, “because I have nothing else that is not entailed on the son I shall never be able to afford.”

He spoke bitterly.

At the same time he despised himself for pleading with Lord Frazer.

He was obviously delighted that for the first time since he had lived at Watton Hall he had in his power a neighbour whose father had proved so stubborn and difficult.

Once again the Earl thought of how the Viceroy would have handled this situation.

He knew that he would have used his charm and, at the same time, without losing his dignity, his friendliness.

The Earl then said,

“Perhaps, my Lord, we can do something together. Not only in this emergency but in the future.”

“That is exactly what I was thinking,” Lord Frazer replied, “and what I have in mind is something that I actually thought of some years ago.”

“What is that?” the Earl enquired.

“It was that our two estates, which we know cover all of eight thousand acres, should be joined.”

“Joined,” the Earl repeated.

He thought that he was speaking rather stupidly.

His father would no more have joined his land with that of Lord Frazer than fly over the moon. He disliked the man and was determined that he should not get his way over Duncans Wood.

Nevertheless Duncans Wood would most undoubtedly feed the pensioners and save the children from starving.

He was therefore prepared to give it to Lord Frazer without bothering about it again.

“Now, what I will do,” Lord Frazer said slowly, speaking as if he must emphasise every word, “is to give you fifty thousand pounds so that you can start to clean up the mess your uncle has left behind.”

The Earl stiffened in astonishment and then he gasped.

He thought at first that he had not heard right what Lord Frazer had just said to him.

His Lordship went on,

“When that is spent, and you will find that you need every penny of it, there will be the same amount to follow when you ask for it.”

“I cannot begin – ” the Earl began.

Lord Frazer then held up his hand.

“My gift,” he said, “is offered with one condition. That you marry my daughter.”

The Patient Bridegroom

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