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Devin was more than pleased with the lawyer Steve had provided for the temporary custody hearing. The man made his points to the judge concisely and eloquently, describing Devin’s bond with Amelia, how Devin had been present during her birth and that Amelia had lived in Devin’s house since coming home from the hospital. He provided testimonial letters from friends and neighbors speaking of Devin’s parenting skills, the nursery she’d outfitted for Amelia and her attention to Amelia’s health and well-being.

He’d then contrasted Lucas’s lack of parenting experience, his plans to hire a nanny instead of being hands-on himself and the fact that he’d spent almost no time with Amelia since her birth. He acknowledged the security concerns around a child from such a wealthy family, but pointed out there were many options to ensure her safety.

Devin had to admit, she’d never thought about the potential of someone kidnapping Amelia for ransom. Did that even still happen in America? It had been a long time since the Lindbergh case.

She’d thought he’d done a stellar job, thought they were sure to win. But then at the last minute Lucas’s lawyer stood up to address the judge.

He acknowledged Devin’s bond with Amelia, talked about the portability of Devin’s career as a self-help book writer, then suggested what he called a compromise—that both Amelia and Devin take up temporary residence at the Demarco mansion. Amelia could be with Devin, but she’d also have the advantage of the Demarco security.

Devin’s gaze flew to Lucas’s face. His smug expression told her he’d planned this all along.

He’d known he couldn’t beat her in a straight-up fight, and he’d come up with an underhanded way to snatch her victory. By the time permanent guardianship was considered, Lucas would have built a bond with Amelia. And Devin’s best advantage would be gone.

She opened her mouth to protest, but she knew there was no way out. Any argument she put forward would make her sound unreasonable. This same judge would eventually decide permanent guardianship, and Devin couldn’t afford to yield the moral high ground to Lucas. On the face of it, he was offering a reasonable solution.

In reality, he had outmaneuvered her. Amelia would be under his roof, and under his care, and Devin knew he would pull out all the stops to make the Demarco mansion a perfect home for the baby.

“Ms. Hartley?” asked the judge, her hand going to the gavel.

Devin’s lawyer spoke up. “We can’t support that kind of disruption to Amelia’s life. She’s already lost her mother. Ms. Hartley’s house is the only home she’s ever known.”

The judge’s gaze moved to Devin. “You’re a writer? You work from home?”

Devin had no choice but to nod.

“Do you have other children?”

Devin shook her head.

“Do you object to coming to a compromise?”

Devin recognized a trick question when she heard it. Next, the judge would want to know why she objected to better security for Amelia. She shook her head in capitulation.

The judge brought the gavel down. “So ordered. Temporary custody goes to Ms. Hartley, provided she and the child reside at the Demarco mansion. Open visitation is awarded to Mr. Demarco. I trust you will arrange for security, sir?”

“Of course, Your Honor.” Lucas nodded.

Devin’s lawyer leaned sideways. “Sorry about that.”

Devin shook her head. “You couldn’t have seen it coming.”

“Lucas is a good strategist.”

Devin scoffed. “In my neighborhood, we call that conniving.”

“That’s what we call it in my neighborhood, too.” He placed the file folders back in his briefcase. “But it works.”

“It works,” Devin agreed. And she had no one to blame but herself. She’d underestimated Lucas. She’d make sure that never happened again.

“Devin?” Lucas stepped across the courtroom to her table, his shadow coming over her.

“You’re a piece of work,” she said as she gathered her purse and pushed back her chair.

“So I’ve been told.”

“You backed me into a corner.”

“Yes, I did.”

Devin looked up. “You play dirty.”

He didn’t even bat an eye. “Only when it counts.”

“Why do I get the feeling it counts a lot?”

“I play to win.”

“This isn’t a game, Lucas.” A little girl’s future was on the line. Amelia wasn’t some pawn to be passed around at the whim and convenience of the adults in her life.

He paused for a moment, expression hardening, obviously taking offense at Devin’s candor. “That’s why it counts.” He rapped his knuckles decisively on the tabletop. “How long will it take you to pack?”

She stood to confront him. She’d worn two-inch heels, but she wished she had a little more height. He was easily over six feet, neatly trimmed hair, freshly shaved, an expensive suit, fine silk tie, everything pressed to within an inch of its life. The man positively reeked power.

“You mean in days?” she asked sarcastically, thinking she’d need a couple of weeks.

“I meant in hours.”

She did an expression check to see if he was joking. He wasn’t.

“When you say jump, do people generally ask how high?”

He tented his fingers on the table and leaned slightly forward. “I try not to say jump unless I have to.”

She refused to flinch under his attempt at intimidation. “I need a week.”

“No problem.”

She blinked in surprise.

“I’ll take Amelia with me now, and you can catch up.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

Lucas turned to Devin’s lawyer, who had been watching the exchange with obvious interest. “Bill? Is there a countdown to the judge’s order? Some sort of implementation period?”

Devin looked to Bill. “No countdown,” he admitted with an apologetic glance in Devin’s direction. “The order takes effect right away.”

Lucas turned his attention back to Devin. “How long will it take you to pack?” he repeated.

She couldn’t let him win again. Certainly not this early, and definitely not this decisively. She frantically searched her brain for a comeback.

Then it came to her, and her shoulders relaxed with relief. The man was bluffing.

Instead of answering his question, she reached into her purse for her cell phone, flipped it open and pressed the speed dial for Lexi.

Lexi picked up after a single ring. “How’d it go?” Her voice was breathless.

“How are you, Lexi?”

There was a confused pause. “Uh, fine. But what the hell happened?”

“It’s a bit complicated.”


“Can you get Amelia’s car seat and diaper bag ready?”

“Sure,” said Lexi.

Devin tipped the phone beneath her chin, addressing Lucas. “You do have a backseat in that sports car, right?”

His eyes narrowed.

“Lucas is going to pick her up.”

Lexi’s voice lowered to a growl. “He didn’t. Tell me he did not get custody.”

“No.” Devin kept her voice even. “It’s just a visit.” She watched Lucas carefully. She’d seen his reaction to Amelia’s crying, the fear and loathing of her messy diaper. No way, no how, was the man going to put himself into a position where he was alone with her.

But instead of capitulating, Lucas gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head. He pressed a number on his phone. “Beauchamp Nanny Service?” He held Devin’s gaze while he spoke. “I’m going to need a nanny within the hour.”

Devin swore under her breath.

“What was that?” asked Lexi.

“I’ll be home in an hour,” Devin responded.

“The car seat?”

“I’ll tell you about it when I get there.” Devin ended the call.

“I’ll call you right back,” Lucas said into his phone. Then he tucked it into his pocket and looked expectantly at Devin. “So, how long will it take you to pack?”

Lucas watched while two members of the household staff lugged the last of Devin and Amelia’s belongings up the wide, curving staircase that rose from the octagonal entry foyer of the Demarco mansion. It was completely dark now, and Devin had tartly informed him a few minutes ago that it was past Amelia’s bedtime, before pointedly closing the nursery door in his face.

“Told you not to trust him,” Byron Phoenix said as he ambled into the two-story foyer from the hallway that led to the great room and the study.

“I never trusted him,” Lucas responded, turning to face his deceased mother’s second husband, Byron, who was dressed in his usual blue jeans and Western-style shirt. His trimmed brown hair was streaked with silver. He had a highball in his hand—cola and something. His custom-leather tooled boots clicked against the tile floor.

“He shelled out for her lawyers?” Byron came to a halt, his broad shoulders squaring, thumbs hooking into his belt loops while his gaze followed the stairs to the second floor where Devin and Amelia had been given adjoining rooms with a shared bathroom.

“Probably should have seen that one coming,” Lucas admitted. At least it explained why Steve had gone out to Lake Westmire, and why Devin had at first denied the fact that he’d been there. “At least she’s finally home.”

“But so is that mama bear Devin Hartley,” Byron pointed out.

“She is a problem,” Lucas admitted. He’d won today, but then so had Devin.

Byron puffed out his broad chest. “We shoot intruders back in Texas.”

“If we shot intruders here in Seattle, you’d have been dead years ago.”

“You know I loved your mama.” Byron’s words weren’t defensive, he was simply stating fact.

It had taken Lucas a few years, but he’d come to respect that the rough Texas cattle baron made his mother—Crystal—happy.

“Back then, everyone called you an intruder,” Lucas pointed out.

“Are you defending Devin?”

“No.” Lucas hadn’t meant to take up Devin’s side. She was a very big problem for him. She obviously wasn’t going to disappear easily, and now she had Steve to bankroll her efforts.

Lucas glanced at Byron’s crystal glass and decided a drink was a good idea. He started toward the great room, which was accessed by a wood-panel and portrait-lined hallway. Byron fell into step.

“What’s your next move?” asked Byron.

Lucas had been thinking about that. “Since she just matched my biggest advantage over her—legal resources—I suppose I’ll have to match her biggest advantage over me.”

“You going to put on a wig and an apron?”


The big man grinned. “I thought so.”

“Amelia adores her.” Lucas knew he had to make certain Amelia was comfortable with him, too.

The amused grin grew on Byron’s face as they entered the softly lit room. “Lucas Demarco, Uncle of the Year?”

“How hard can it be?” Lucas paused. “I mean, I’ll hire a nanny for the sticky stuff. But I can read her a book, build her a castle or play catch or something.”

“That little gal can’t even walk yet.”

“You know what I mean.”

Byron turned thoughtful. “You do know that Bernard and Botlow have had past dealings with Pacific Robotics, right?”

“I’m aware,” said Lucas, his gaze going to the bank of picture windows that looked out over the concrete terrace, the sloping lawn of the estate and the lights of the ships on Puget Sound below.

“If you were to ask, the court might just declare that a conflict of interest.”

“Or they might consider me an obstructionist for trying to block Devin’s legal support.”

“And give little ol’ Devin the sympathy vote,” Byron concluded.

“Sweet young aunt,” Lucas mused out loud, a picture of Devin’s fresh, girl-next-door beauty flashing in his mind as he poured himself two fingers of Macallan. “Self-employed and making ends meet at a lakeshore cottage in a bucolic little community with pets and picnic tables. I’m sure she attends town hall meetings and bakes cookies for good causes. Amelia clearly adores her. I tell you, the last thing we want to do is turn her into even more of a sympathetic underdog.”

“A sympathetic underdog?” It was Devin’s surprisingly sharp voice.

Lucas set down the Scotch bottle and turned.

She started across the room, stride confident, shoulders squared. She wore a baggy T-shirt and some kind of clingy slacks topping white running shoes.

“At least you didn’t call me pathetic,” she challenged.

Byron recovered first and stepped forward, extending his hand. “Byron Phoenix. Pleased to meet you, ma’am.”

“Lawyer?” asked Devin, eyes narrowing as she gave him a brief handshake.

Byron scoffed out a laugh. “Extended family.”

Devin raised her brows in an obvious question.

“He was married to my mother,” Lucas explained.

“You have a stepfather?” Devin was clearly surprised.

Byron chuckled heartily at that one.

“I was twenty-two when they got married. We hardly played catch.”

“My mistake,” said Devin.

“Could’ve taught you to rope steers,” Byron remarked.

“Care for a drink?” Lucas asked Devin, his manners belatedly kicking in.

“No thank you.” She peered through the wall of windows and out into the yard. “And I don’t need the sympathy vote. I’m planning to beat you fair and square. Is there someplace out there I can go for a run?”

“Hear that?” Lucas said to Byron. “She’s going jogging. The woman appears to be a paragon of all virtues. I suppose you’re a vegetarian teetotaler, as well.”

Devin shot him a look of disdain. Then she caught him by surprise, snagging the glass out of his hand and downing a healthy swallow. “I’m not a paragon of anything,” she told him, handing the glass back to him, voice only slightly wheezy from the straight Scotch.

Byron couldn’t seem to stop himself from chuckling. “The woman definitely has spunk. Too bad there, Lucas. A shrinking wildflower would have made your life a whole lot easier.”

“I sleep better when I run,” Devin told him. “And since I don’t have the luxury of my own bed, and since Amelia is likely to be up at 4:00 a.m., I’d like to take a quick jog around the grounds if that’s all right with you.”

“One of the housekeepers can get up with Amelia,” Lucas offered.

Devin widened her stance and crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not staffing out my niece.”

“I retract my earlier criticism,” said Lucas, holding her gaze. “You’re not a paragon, you’re a purist.”

“I’m only trying to survive.” For a split second, a flash of unvarnished hurt traced through her eyes.

Lucas felt a shot of empathy. Devin’s sister might have broken his brother’s heart, and Devin might blame Konrad for Monica’s death, but they’d both suffered a terrible loss. They shared that much.

Then she blinked, and the moment was gone, and she was his adversary once more.

He downed the remains of the drink. “I’ll show you.”

“Show me what?”

“Where you can jog.”

“Just point it out. I’ll find my way.”

But Lucas was already on his way to change. “Meet me on the pool deck. Downstairs, past the kitchen.”

Devin didn’t know why she’d waited. It wasn’t as if she’d get lost on the estate. The extensive yard was well lit, and she was fairly certain it was fenced—not that she was planning to go out of sight of the big mansion anyway. There were lights on all the way up to the third-floor turret. She’d probably be able to spot it for miles.

The clear water sparkled in the outdoor pool, submerged lights illuminating its beautiful blue depths. She couldn’t help but admire the tiered decks and the gardens surrounding the pool. The chairs and loungers were padded with burgundy cushions. Both dining tables and occasional tables dotted the seating areas. Sun umbrellas covered many of the dining tables, while tall propane heaters were placed strategically throughout furniture groupings. It was obvious the Demarco family spent a lot of time out here.

Devin couldn’t help feeling as though she’s wandered into a five-star resort.

“Ready?” Lucas’s footfalls sounded on the wooden steps that led from a sundeck to the pool deck. He wore runners, a pair of lightweight black shorts and a sleeveless gray T-shirt with a Seattle Mariners team logo across the front.

“I don’t need a babysitter,” she informed him, trying valiantly not to notice the definition of his biceps and broad shoulders. Nobody had ever accused the Demarco men of being unattractive. With dark eyes, strong chins and straight aristocratic noses, both Lucas and Konrad often graced the cover of Seattle Entrepreneur. The urbane and sexy image was what had attracted Monica to Konrad in the first place.

How could an ordinary woman be expected to resist when one of the Demarco brothers set his sights on her? Predictably, Konrad had swept Monica off her feet. It had taken her about five minutes to fall in love with him. And though she’d later been angry with herself for being duped into doing so, and furious with Konrad for doing the duping, Devin also knew that Monica had never actually fallen out of love with her husband.

“How far do you want to go?” asked Lucas.

Devin wished the question hadn’t turned into a double entendre inside her head. She wished even harder that her expression hadn’t given her away.

“I meant jogging,” said Lucas with a knowing smirk.

“I know what you meant.”

“But I’m open to discussion….”

“In your dreams.”

“Apparently, in yours.”

“Get over yourself. Two miles.”

“Is that all?”

She glared at him. “Five, then.” It would mean she’d get to bed later, but it would be worth it to show Lucas she wasn’t a wimp.

He shrugged easily. “This way then.” He pointed to a bark mulch path that wound down the sloping hill toward Puget Sound. At the same time, he gave a wave to the house behind him. It must have been some kind of a signal, because the path lit up with pot lights in front of them, highlighting an emerald lawn, bushy shrubs and fragrant flower gardens.

Okay, much as she resented the Demarcos, and resented staying here, and resented having to fight for her rights with Amelia, this was one gorgeous estate.

Devin started off slowly, letting her heart rate increase and pump oxygenated blood into her muscles.

Lucas was slightly ahead, so she increased her pace to come abreast. He lengthened his stride to stay in front, and she cursed him under her breath. The showoff.

“What’s that?” she asked him, nodding toward a rectangular building, half from curiosity, and half to show him she had enough breath to carry on a conversation.

“A garage,” he responded, dropping back to run beside her. “Konrad liked antique cars.”

It was an awfully big garage. “Did he have a collection?”

Lucas nodded. “Twenty-five, I think. Oldest is a Model T, right up to a ’56 Caddy. A Coupe de Ville, burgundy and cream.”

“And over there?” Devin asked, indicating a distant building up the hill with a few lights shining from windows.

“The stables,” said Lucas. “You ride?”

Devin shook her head. Horseback riding wasn’t something most middle-class urban kids learned growing up.

“Go ahead and try it while you’re here.”

“I don’t plan to be here that long.”

He glanced down, the ocean breeze wafting through his short dark hair. “You know something I don’t about the court date?”

“I hope they move it up.”


The answer was obvious. “So Amelia and I can go home.”

His voice went soft in the cool night air. “What if I win?”

She tossed her own short hair, determined to show the man nothing but confidence. “The only thing you’ve got going for you is money.”

“Money helps.”

“It also corrupts.”

The path curved, and they began a gentle uphill climb. Devin breathed deeply, determined to keep up her pace. She didn’t want to show Lucas one iota of weakness, on any front.

“Amelia’s got a whole lot of money of her own,” he pointed out.

“I assume that’s held in trust.” Devin didn’t want Amelia’s money.

“You assume right. For now. But whoever manages her shares in Pacific Robotics will also manage her money. And they had better know what they’re doing.”

“I can hire a business manager.”

“Just like I can hire a nanny.”

“You know the obvious solution, don’t you?” Devin felt compelled to ask.

“I take guardianship and hire you as a nanny?”

And have Amelia subject to Lucas’s whims and control? Not a chance. Devin turned the tables. “I take guardianship and hire you as a business manager.”

“Never going to happen.” Lucas increased his pace as they passed the horse stables. The boathouse and docks came into view far below at the shore.

Devin struggled to keep up. They were on their way back now, but the mansion was at least a mile away.

She brought herself abreast of him, but he sped up. She did it again, and he went faster still.

Her breathing was becoming erratic, and she’d long since lost any semblance of her regular pace. She was running on adrenaline and frustration, in a futile attempt to keep Lucas from beating her.

“You might want to save your strength,” Lucas finally mused. The rat didn’t even sound winded.

“I’m fine,” she gasped.

He turned around and jogged backward. Even through her humiliation that he could do it so easily, she couldn’t help but be grateful that they’d slowed down.

“Don’t be stupid, Devin.”

She let a glare do her speaking for her.

“This isn’t the hill to die on.”

“Then why…do you…care who wins?”

He shrugged, allowing a sheepish grin. “It was fun watching you try.”


“Guilty.” His eyes darkened. “You might want to remember that.”

The mansion was closer now. The pool deck a beacon spurring her burning leg muscles forward.

Why, oh, why had she waited for him? She should have set off jogging by herself, done her usual two miles, and been in the shower by now, maybe even in bed, asleep, catching a few precious hours before Amelia woke up, and she started all over again.

Her days were beyond hectic. It had been weeks since she got any decent amount of writing accomplished. Her new self-help book on setting priorities, Snarled Traffic in the Information Age, was due to her publisher in three months. And she had eight more chapters to go.

Her feet pounded on the bark mulch.

A hundred yards to go.



Thank goodness.

She slowed to a walk, gulping air, keeping well away from Lucas in the hope that he wouldn’t see how winded she’d become.

He’d slowed his run, taken it down to a jog, coming to a walk when his feet hit the concrete deck.

Devin took her time joining him, feeling a rush of relief when her lungs slowed back to normal. Her legs were still rubbery, but it was much easier to hide that weakness.

As she approached Lucas, he tossed her a chilled water bottle. She caught it in midair. Obviously someone had set them out while they were away running. What a life the man led.

Devin cracked the seal and took a long, satisfying drink. Her heart rate was getting back to normal, but she knew she’d have some very sore muscles in the morning. She’d give her eyeteeth for a miracle where Amelia slept until seven.

Lucas flopped down on a lounger, gesturing to a low table between it and another identical chair. “Care for some fruit?”

Devin realized she was famished, and the fruit platter looked delicious. The temptation to rest her weary legs was too much to resist. She took the other lounger and stretched out.

Lucas popped a grape into his mouth and munched. “You have everything you need in the nursery?”

Devin selected a slice of pineapple. “It’s a dream nursery.”

It was.

From the custom-made crib to the designer sheets, to a rocking chair she could practically live in, to a state-of-the-art baby monitor, paintings, mobiles, curtains and the thickest white carpet she’d ever stepped on, Amelia might as well have been a princess.

Devin nibbled the edge of the pineapple. “You must have been pretty confident you’d need it.”

“I was.” He turned his head to watch her. “I am.” He paused. “You should really give up now.”

“Sure.” She shrugged. “Why not. Who needs the grief, anyway? All those lawyers, a court date, fighting you—and you’re clearly a superior human being. I might as well just call it quits.” She popped the rest of the pineapple into her mouth.

He grinned, and plunked his head back on the lounger, closing his eyes. “Ah, Devin. You’re entertaining. I’ll give you that much.”

She sucked the pineapple juice from her fingertips and tried to stay angry with Lucas. It seemed like too much of an effort. “Okay if we use the pool tomorrow?”

Living on a lakeshore, Devin had already decided to get Amelia accustomed to the water as early as possible. She might as well make the best of being a prisoner at the Demarcos.

“Do anything you want,” Lucas answered without opening his eyes. “I’ll make sure the staff all know who you are. The cooks will help you with breakfast, or you can feel free to make whatever you want. Give them a list of foods for Amelia, or yourself for that matter. Try out the horses, take out a boat, swim, play tennis—”

“Amelia’s a little young for tennis.”

“I meant you. There’s an army of people here who can babysit.”

“Teresa is listening to the baby monitor right now,” Devin said.

It felt supremely self-indulgent to take advantage of the Demarco staff, but without Lexi next door, Devin knew she’d need at least occasional help. Hopefully, the times would be few and far between. She’d needed to tire herself out before bed tonight, but she certainly wouldn’t be abandoning Amelia to take tennis lessons.

“I’d like to spend some time with Amelia,” said Lucas.

His statement caught Devin’s attention. “Why?”

Lucas opened his eyes and turned. “She’s my niece.”

“You’re afraid of her.”

“I am not,” he denied. “Okay, I’m a little afraid of the slimy bits.”

Devin fought a smirk. “The slimy bits are what make her a baby.”

“I prefer clean, dry babies.”

“Those are called adults.”

Lucas frowned. “I want her to get to know me.”

“I know. So I won’t have an advantage over you in court.” She shook her head and gave a dry chuckle. “She’s not a puppy, Lucas. We’re not going to put her down between us and see who she runs to.”

Lucas’s eyes hardened, but he didn’t answer.

She helped herself to a slice of kiwi. “But how very Machiavellian of you to think that way.”

“She’s Konrad’s daughter.” All traces of humor and friendliness were gone from his voice.

“And a ten-percent shareholder of Pacific Robotics. I understand completely.”

His jaw tightened, and a muscle ticked next to his eye. “You haven’t a clue.”

Oh, but she did.

While he might occasionally appear to let his guard down, Lucas was single-minded in his objective. And that objective was Amelia. And Devin was the only protection the little girl had.

Billionaire Baby Dilemma

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