Читать книгу The Ghost Tree: Gripping historical fiction from the Sunday Times Bestseller - Barbara Erskine - Страница 30



The entire crew, officers and men, had been assembled on deck to witness Farquhar’s punishment. The charge was insubordination and persistent recklessness in such a way as to cause the death of another crew member. They had given him the benefit of the doubt, and decided he had not intended murder. The sentence was to be flogged publicly at the gratings, followed by de-rating, which meant he was to be turned forward as an ordinary seaman with loss of status, pay and patronage.

Tom watched, his mouth dry, as Andrew was brought up from below deck. His face as he came past the line of officers was set, with just the smallest glimmer of defiance in his eyes. His gaze lingered for a second as he passed Tom, who felt a sudden shiver of fear. Andrew was unpopular on the ship, but there were many among the junior officers and seamen who would perhaps have preferred to deal with this matter amongst themselves. Here even Mr Harrison and Mr Wyatt were required to be present. The ship must be shown to be united on the side of discipline. Andrew’s irons were removed, he was stripped naked to the waist and secured to the grating that had been lashed to the lee rigging.

As the sound of the cat whistling through the air cut through the hiss of the waves and the thrum of the wind in the rigging, Tom closed his eyes. Farquhar’s back was systematically laid open with the full force of the lashes and his blood began to run down on the deck. Later the duty watch would scrub all signs of it away after he had been sluiced with ice-cold sea water and carried below.

Life resumed much as usual after the flogging, but without Farquhar’s malign presence amongst the midshipmen. Tom saw him only from a distance, though he was aware of his eyes following him and of the strength of Farquhar’s hatred. He tried not to care. He had done the right thing, he was sure of it. He still couldn’t get the picture of Robbie’s face out of his head, the touch of the small boy’s hand, already calloused from his shipboard duties, and the feel of it slowly losing its heat as the chill of death took him away. An innocent, happy child had lost his life after weeks of utter misery and homesickness. That he himself was only a few years older did not occur to him. He was nearly a man compared to Robbie and he felt intensely both his responsibilities and his failure to save the boy’s life.

The Island of Barbados was first sighted on 13 May. Tom felt a jolt of excitement as the lookout made the call and the ship’s company ran to the rail and saw for themselves the shadow on the western horizon and watched as it grew more and more solid in the haze. As the ship anchored, the whole crew were looking longingly towards the shore. The air was heavy with the scent of trees and flowers and earth, carried on the warm wind with the call of the gulls.

To his joy, Tom found the captain had selected him as one of the shore party escorting Mr Harrison and Mr Wyatt to the observatory with their precious timepiece.

It was strange to be on shore again. The beaten track from the port up the hill to the observatory seemed to rock and undulate under his feet and the scents of the island were overpowering after the clean salt and wind on the sea and the stink of the ship. Tom took in every detail. The boy chosen to come as the captain’s other servant was Jamie, and amongst the men rowing the party ashore was, to Tom’s disgust, Andrew Farquhar.

By now they all knew the story of Mr Harrison’s father, John, and his quest to find a clock accurate enough to maintain perfect time at sea. Tom had listened to the conversation of the two men and the officers at the captain’s table and he knew all about John Harrison’s race against his rival for the enormous prize offered for a timepiece that could be used to work out a ship’s exact position by using longitude as well as latitude.

At the observatory, a clergyman named Reverend Maskelyne was waiting for them. Tom didn’t understand the shock and anger with which their passengers greeted the man as he removed his hat in a sweeping bow, but Maskelyne’s smug smile alerted them all to the fact that there was something very wrong. It was only later that Tom heard that Mr Maskelyne too was engaged in the quest for an accurate timepiece and that he, who was to be the judge of Mr Harrison’s instrument, had recently completed the ocean voyage himself and had already claimed the prize. He dithered as he made the observations of the sun and claimed he could not see it for cloud. It was Captain Lindsay who pointed out that there wasn’t a cloud in the sky and insisted the observations be done again and later noted in the ship’s log that the watch had worked to perfection, losing only a few seconds on the month’s voyage from Madeira.

As Tom looked on, his eyes glued to the proceedings, he became aware of someone standing close at his elbow. He glanced up to find Andrew staring at him, a strange expression on his face. Tom moved away slightly and returned to studying the men making their careful notes. Andrew moved with him. ‘That’s right, pretty boy. Make sure you don’t miss anything.’ The whisper in his ear was so quiet it was lost in the sound of the rustling palms and the cry of the birds. ‘Are you planning to add Astronomer Royal to your list of titles?’

Tom did not reply. He was busy memorising everything going on between the astronomers, planning already the letter he was going to write to David.

The ship proceeded to cruise between the Windward Islands and up as far as the coast of Florida where they would anchor off Pensacola. As before, the men maintained the ship, scrubbed the decks, watched for distant sails and the midshipmen went about their duties, interspersed with lessons in seamanship and navigation. Once or twice an American privateer was spotted and they gave chase, but to their intense disappointment the ships were too far away to catch and slipped out of sight beyond the horizon.

There was plenty of time for Tom to write his letters and his own diary and to practise drawing, and now there were more frequent opportunities to put the letters in the mailbag to be taken aboard an eastbound ship or a mail packet, and to collect plants on their trips ashore. He discovered too that the ship’s officers were invited to the great plantation houses for dinners or sometimes for parties. It was on one of those trips, accompanying Sir John as his personal servant, that, having been sternly reminded of the need for discretion as part of the duties of an officer and a gentleman, he met the captain’s woman.

The party was to spend several nights ashore as guests of the plantation owner and Tom gazed as usual in awe at the splendours of yet another great house. He was given a small room adjoining the captain’s and it was before the dinner on the first night when there was a knock at the door. Automatically he went to answer it and stopped abruptly at a sharp command from Sir John. ‘Leave it! You may go, Tom. You may take the rest of the evening off. I shall not need you again tonight.’

He gestured towards the door which led to the adjoining dressing room. As Tom went obediently towards it Sir John himself went to answer the knock. Tom glanced back and was astonished to see one of the slave women at the door and even more astonished to see his captain seize the woman in his arms, swing her off her feet and kiss her. He caught sight of Tom standing open-mouthed, his hand on the doorknob. ‘I said, you can go!’ he shouted.

‘Yes, sir, sorry, sir.’ Tom hastened out of the room.

He sat down on the bed wondering what to do next. He knew some of the officers availed themselves of the services of the women ashore; white women and slaves both seemed equally willing and indeed eager to seek the company of the men from every ship that dropped anchor as they sailed from island to island. That the captain should do the same was not surprising in itself, but the strength of feeling between the two in that short glimpse had been undeniable. The woman was beautiful, he had seen enough of her to notice that, and they obviously knew each other well. With a sigh he levered himself off the low divan and let himself out into the corridor. Suddenly he had hours of free time to himself and he wasn’t sure where to start.

The Ghost Tree: Gripping historical fiction from the Sunday Times Bestseller

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