Читать книгу Honour Among Men - Barbara Fradkin - Страница 3


The Inspector Green Mysteries

Do or Die Once Upon a Time Mist Walker Fifth Son Honour Among Men


The theme of Honour Among Men is a timely one as Canada searches its soul for its place as peacemaker in the modern world. The characters and the story are entirely fictional, and any resemblance to persons living or dead, is purely coincidental. However, the historical places and details are based on fact, and I am indebted to two authors, military historian Sean M. Maloney and journalist Carol Off, for their detailed and compassionate books on our peacekeepers’ experiences in the former Yugoslavia, which provided much of the background information for my story. Any errors or distortions, whether accidental or intentional, are mine alone.

Writing a novel is a solitary, uncertain journey, but as always I am grateful to the many people who provided information, inspiration and constructive criticism along the way. As always, a very special thanks is due to Mark Cartwright of the Ottawa Police for his technical expertise and critical eye for realism. Second, thanks to Paul Fiander and my cousins Sally, Ed and Jeff Goss for their colourful insights into Halifax. Third, writers need a mirror to see the images they create, so I’d like to thank the members of my critiquing group, Joan Boswell, Vicki Cameron, Mary Jane Maffini, Sue Pike and Linda Wiken, who held up the mirror for me by diligently wading through the first draft. Fourth, I am grateful for the ongoing belief and support of my agent Leona Trainer, my editor Allister Thompson and my publisher Sylvia McConnell, whose efforts brought it to final fruition.

And last but not least, a very special thanks for my family. For everything.

Honour Among Men

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