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“Would you read me a story tonight?” little Alexandre asked Matt, slipping his hand into the man’s larger one.

It was startling. The child was without pretension. He said whatever came into his mind. Holding his hand, Matt was swept away with a feeling of protectiveness toward the boy.

How unfair life had been, losing his father when so young. Who would teach him how to be a man?

The sun had set only moments before. Twilight afforded plenty of light to see. The soft murmur of wavelets against the sand was soothing. Stars had not yet appeared but undoubtedly would before they reached the inn. With Alexandre between them, each holding one of his hands, Matt thought how like a family they must appear.

The thought came more and more frequently. He railed against it. He was on holiday. That was all. Looking over at Jeanne-Marie, he was struck by her air of serenity. Content with her life, happy with her child, she cast a spell over him. He wanted that serenity, that contentment.

From Daredevil to Devoted Daddy

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