Читать книгу The Girl Who Came Back - Barbara McMahon - Страница 3


Dear Reader,

We all had best friends in childhood. Some of us are lucky enough to stay in the same town and continue those friendships all our lives. Others have moved away. What happened to those best friends? Do you sometimes wish with all your heart you could once again be close to someone who knew you back when you were five? Do you long to share confidences and learn what’s going on in her life?

The three girls from Poppin Hill were best friends. When a tragic incident separated them, they went their own ways. Now, ten years later, a family emergency is calling them back, one by one. Will they find that special friendship they remember so fondly? Or have the years and distance put too much in the way to reconnect with that unique bond?

Come and see how Eliza makes the first step by returning. And discovers that, as Dorothy said, there’s no place like home.

All the best,

Barbara McMahon

The Girl Who Came Back

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