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ОглавлениеANGELICA ARRIVED at the store several minutes before ten the next morning. The two older men she’d seen yesterday were both in the same spot. Had they spent the night there?
“Good mornin’,” one said.
“Morning, miss,” the other echoed.
She greeted them both and then turned to look down the road. She hadn’t a clue in which direction Kirk would come from. Probably not from the B&B as he had walked back toward the store when he left yesterday. She hoped he’d meant it when he offered her a ride. She hadn’t a clue how to get to Bryceville on her own.
“Nice day,” one of the men said.
“Beautiful,” she agreed. Then took a moment to really appreciate the morning. It was already warm, but not as hot as it had been yesterday. The tall trees were widespread, shading a good portion of the store and parking lot. She could hear birds trilling in the branches. She tried to remember the last time she’d noticed birds singing in the morning. She rarely opened the windows in her high-rise apartment. And when she did, it was traffic noise she heard, not birds. Her parents’ home in Boston had huge elm trees in the yard, yet she couldn’t remember ever listening to birds. How odd. Was she so oblivious to what was going on around her?
A low rumble sounded to her left and she looked that way. In only a moment a motorcycle roared into view, stopping when it reached the porch. The throaty purr of the engine filled the morning air. Taking off his helmet, the driver grinned at her.
“Ready to go to Bryceville?” Kirk asked.
She stared at him and at the big black-and-chrome motorcycle, fear and fascination warring. “On that?” she almost squeaked. She’d never ridden a motorcycle in her life! What if it crashed? She flexed her fingers. What if she spilled onto the pavement and damaged her hands?
“I have an extra helmet,” he said, unstrapping it from the back and holding it out to her.
Angelica stared at it for a moment. She looked into his eyes which seemed to challenge her. The seconds ticked by. No one spoke. Only the trilling of the birds filled the silence. Almost fatalistically she stepped off the porch. She had come into a different world. She had wanted something different and found it—in spades.
Hesitating another moment, she took the helmet, put it on. Then, following his instructions, she climbed on to the powerful motorcycle. Once seated, she felt the vibration beneath her, the warmth of the man in front of her.
“Hold on,” he said, putting his own helmet back on.
When she hesitated, he reached back and brought both her arms around his waist, slapping one hand over the other. It was impersonal and expeditious. But it brought her slam up against his back. She felt every muscle as he moved and pushed the bike back from the store. She didn’t view it as impersonal, this was very personal. Her body against his, her arms around his hard stomach. She couldn’t breathe. She was so aware of his strong body, her blood pounded through her veins.
He gave the two old men a wave. In seconds they were flying down the narrow country road.
Angelica caught her breath in fear, closed her eyes and tightened her grip on the one solid thing in her world right now, Kirk Devon. His entire body was rock solid. His stomach muscles were like iron. His back muscular and hard. Once she caught a breath again, she risked opening her eyes. She rested against his back, head turned sideways. Slowly she lifted her head and peered over his shoulder. Trees whipped by. The black pavement seemed to unfold like a ribbon before them, curving and twisting, opening up straight ahead for long stretches before diving back into the thickness of the trees.
Gradually the fear morphed into elation. She felt as if they teetered on the brink of disaster, yet Kirk seemed to know exactly what he was doing. If this was his normal mode of transportation, he was an expert. She couldn’t ease back on her desperate hold, but she could breathe again. And slowly begin to relish the wind racing across her skin, seeping into the helmet. She wondered what it would be like to fly along without the safety helmet.
Fear faded. He hadn’t crashed, no reason to think he would with her onboard.
Conversation was impossible. Which was a good thing. She couldn’t think of a single topic of conversation that might interest him. She could hardly ask out of the blue if he were married. She shouldn’t be so aware of another woman’s husband. Her curiosity spiked. Had he always lived in Smoky Hollow? What did he do for a living? He hadn’t been working yesterday. And obviously wasn’t working this morning. Did he have rotating days or something? Was this his weekend? Or was he visiting like she was?
No, he’d known those men on the porch. Known Sally Ann. So what was a guy as dynamic as he was doing in sleepy Smoky Hollow, Kentucky?
Maybe he was unemployed. Lot of that going around.
She could consider herself unemployed. Her last contract had ended and she had yet to sign the new one waiting for her at her agent’s office. She had enough in savings to live quite a while before she needed to find another position. Inevitably, she’d return to New York. What else could she do besides play the violin? She hoped by then, however, that she’d know herself better and be able to withstand the pressure placed on her by others. This was her first vacation ever. She’d gone right to the symphony from the conservatory. Toured Europe when the New York season ended.
She needed this break, and hopefully the new direction it would give her.
Today was too awesome to have to consider the future. It was enough to take delight in this moment.
After being plastered to Kirk’s solid back for the better part of thirty minutes, Angelica was reluctant to move when they reached the hospital.
He sat for a second after he stopped and then said, “It’s safe to let go now.”
Burning with embarrassment, she snatched her hands back and awkwardly got off the motorcycle unassisted, almost falling on her face. His arm caught her around the waist while she was still trying to get her legs to move. Heart aflutter, knees wobbly, she pulled back and took off the helmet. She slicked her hands over her hair; it still felt in place. Tied back as it was, it didn’t get mussed often. Though she’d never worn a helmet before.
He took both helmets and placed them on the handlebars. Then headed for the hospital entry.
“Are they safe here?” she asked, glancing back at the motorcycle in the parking lot.
“Sure.” He shrugged. “If someone needs them more than I do, let him take them. I can buy others.”
She’d never thought about that aspect of theft. “What if they just want to resell for money?”
“As I said, if they need it more than I do, okay by me.”
She followed, trying to understand his thought process. Where she lived everyone was out to get ahead, to be the brightest and best, to make more money, to protect what they’d acquired. Now this man seemed totally unconcerned about the safety of his equipment.
Entering the hospital, Kirk guided her to the elevator and they rose to the third floor. Angelica kept her face forward, denying herself the opportunity to gaze at Kirk Devon. She hoped he had no idea of how edgy she felt around him—so aware of herself as a woman and him as a man.
Maybe Webb Francis would be well soon enough to help her out. If not, she wasn’t sure what she’d do. Having made the break, she did not want to return home without having accomplished her goal. But she hadn’t a clue what she could do in Smoky Hollow waiting for him to recover.
There seemed to be a lot of bustle in the corridor leading to Webb Francis’s room, with doctors jotting notes on charts, nurses checking on patients. Kirk walked confidently along and knocked perfunctorily on the partially opened door.
Entering right behind him, Angelica saw the older man propped up in bed with an oxygen cannula in his nose. His white hair was brushed back from his face. He looked pale and wan to her eyes. He smiled when he saw Kirk, then looked pleasantly curious when he saw her.
“Brought her, I see,” Webb Francis said.
Kirk offered his hand and gripped the sick man’s briefly, then turned to look at Angelica. “Angelica Cannon, meet Webb Francis Muldoon.”
“Hello, Mr. Muldoon. I’m sorry to learn you’re ill. Professor Simmons suggested I come to see you.” She pulled out the letter the professor had written on her behalf. “This explains things, I hope.”
Webb Francis took the letter. He read it through then looked at Angelica. “Miss Cannon, I’m honored you’d come to learn from me. Seems like I could learn from you.”
“Please, call me Angelica. I’ve had a rather narrow focus lately. I want a change. My favorite class at the Conservatory was folk music. I’d love to hear it firsthand and put some effort into learning the music, maybe writing it for future generations.” The memory of her parents’ horrified rejection of her suggestion she follow up with more folk music classes back in her student days flickered. She pushed it away. She was old enough to be in charge of her own life and the direction she wanted it to go.
“Ah, a good project, though a lot of the writing down has already been done. Bet we could come up with a few songs not yet saved for posterity, eh, Kirk?”
Kirk shrugged. “If you say so. Seems like the same ones are played over and over—favorites of course. What’s the latest from your doctor?” He looked intently at Webb Francis.
While the man responded, Angelica watched the interaction. Kirk had the habit of focusing entirely on the person speaking. He didn’t let any distractions enter in. She liked that. It beat someone always looking at his watch, or scanning the surroundings to be noticed, or to scope out who else might be around.
“The man says I’m not going to be released until my blood gases are back to normal. Then I need some in-home care. Told him I’m feeling better and I’ve been taking care of myself for a long time,” Webb Francis said.
“Sure, but everyone needs a hand from time to time. That’s easily taken care of,” Kirk said. “Just let me know when to come get you.”
“Still gonna be a few days.” Webb Francis tapped the refolded letter against the sheets. He studied her for a moment, then said, “Angelica, you could stay in my house until I get back. Save B&B expenses at Sally Ann’s. I got a couple of empty bedrooms. Pick the one you like. When I’m better, we can discuss what I can or can’t do for you.”
She flicked a glance at Kirk. What would he think of his friend offering the use of his house to a virtual stranger?
From his frown, Kirk was not in favor of the idea. But he said nothing.
“When you come home, maybe I could help out a bit,” she said. She’d love to learn as much as she could from the man. Until he returned home, she’d talk to some of the residents of Smoky Hollow to find out about the old music. From what her professor had said, music was well represented in the hamlets of Kentucky.
“We’ll see.” The older man looked at Kirk then Angelica. “Show her around for me, Kirk, will you? And introduce her to Dottie and Tommy. They know lots of the old songs. Tommy plays the dulcimer, you know. And Gina. She’ll be a help.”
Kirk hesitated a moment, then shrugged and nodded.
“Did you come on Kirk’s motorcycle?” Webb Francis asked Angelica.
She nodded. “First time I’ve ever been on one,” she confided.
Kirk grinned. “Best way to see Kentucky,” he said.
It must be a private joke because Webb Francis laughed at Kirk’s comment. “You take care of my guest until I get there, you heah? Show her around. Make sure she has everything she needs.”
“I hear. I’ll make sure she gets the royal treatment.” He looked at her while he said it.
Angelica felt every cell in her body come to attention. She wasn’t sure she liked that idea. She’d rather not spend a lot of time around this disturbing man. How was she to get anything done? She’d never felt this strong attraction before. Most of her dates had been with men more interested in being seen with a rising star than in developing deep personal relationships. Not that she dated much. Schooling and then practice had taken a huge priority in her life. She wasn’t comfortable about her reaction to Kirk. Hopefully it would fade in the next ten minutes—or sooner.
The two men chatted for a few minutes. She stepped back and watched, fascinated by the peek into their lives through their conversation about people they both knew. Most of her friends were musicians. From the comments made, Webb Francis and Kirk had a wide assortment of friends. She listened wistfully, fascinated.
“What about the music festival?” Webb Francis asked at one point.
“It’ll all come together,” Kirk said.
The topic piqued Angelica’s interest. “What music festival?” she asked.
“The last weekend of August we have a big musical festival with folks coming from all over the state. We play, sing, dance. That’s one event you don’t want to miss,” Webb Francis said. “There’ll be a couple of impromptu gatherings before then, I expect. Rehearsals, sort of. Usually happens throughout the summer. Kirk, see what you can get going. Then Angelica can play for us.”
Kirk nodded, looking at her. “Play that fiddle you carry around, huh?”
“It’s a violin. A very old and valuable one,” she said with some asperity. A fiddle indeed.
“Same thing,” Webb Francis said. “I’ve got some sheet music in the little room off the living room. Find you some music so you can play at the festival,” he suggested.
She nodded, annoyed Kirk seemed amused at her defense of her violin. Obviously once away from the music world she was used to, she shouldn’t expect the same reverence she received in New York. Well, that’s what she wanted, more anonymity and less pressure. She couldn’t have it both ways.
In only a few moments, Kirk suggested they leave. Angelica could see Webb Francis was growing tired. Would he truly be up to returning home in a few days? She hoped so, but doubts began to grow.
As they walked out of the hospital, several people greeted Kirk—mostly women, Angelica noticed. Not that she blamed them. He looked even better today than when she’d first met him. The jeans were newer and fit like a glove. The shirt with the sleeves rolled back wasn’t as fitted as the T-shirt had been, but still showed off the perfect physique. His dark eyes seemed to notice everything, and the smile he gave when greeting people sent her heat index spiking.
“Need anything here before we return to Smoky Hollow?” he asked when they approached the motorcycle.
“How would I carry it if I did?” she asked.
“We’d manage.” He was looking at her with the same intensity. Those dark eyes seem to see right down into her soul.
She felt light-headed. Looking at the motorcycle, she drew in a breath.
“I’ll wait until I get to Smoky Hollow. If I’m really going to stay in Webb Francis’s house, I’ll need some food and things. The store there sells everything I’d need, right?”
“Pretty much. We’ll stop for lunch before heading home. All right with you?”
She nodded, interested in what she would see of Bryceville. Much more developed than Smoky Hollow and a larger town to boot, it was nothing like New York, but few places were. She was curious to see more.
By the time they reached Smoky Hollow in the midafternoon, Angelica’s head was swimming with new impressions and ideas. She had not, however, learned much about her guide. He’d driven through Bryceville pointing out landmarks. They’d eaten at a little café on a side street where everyone seemed to know Kirk and were friendly and welcoming when introduced to her. The ride back had been hot, the heat couldn’t be outrun and she was feeling limp when they stopped in front of the store.
“Stock up on what you need. I’ll be back and we’ll get your things from Sally Ann’s, then I’ll take you to Webb Francis’s place,” he said when she got off the bike.
Handing him her helmet, she eyed the bike. “On that?”
“I have a truck.”
She wondered why they hadn’t taken the truck into Bryceville. But she merely nodded. “Thank you, I appreciate that. This is such a small town, once I’m settled, I’m sure I can walk everywhere.”
“Pretty much.” He pushed back, then took off.
The two permanent fixtures on the porch asked her how she’d liked Bryceville.
“Very nice,” she replied as she passed to enter the store. She’d heard people in small towns knew everybody’s business. What a novelty that was. She didn’t know all the neighbors in her apartment floor and she’d lived there three years.
Stepping inside, Angelica was immediately fascinated by the old building. The wooden floors beneath her feet were worn, as if from a hundred years of shoppers. The shelves were not as tall as in most supermarkets, but from the assortment of merchandise, she realized the store carried all she’d need—just not in the vast quantities of larger establishments.
Bella Smith was the shopkeeper and as friendly as Angelica was coming to expect. The woman had her confiding her plans to move to Webb Francis’s home and the fact Kirk was helping before the shopping cart was half filled.
“He helps everyone. Such a contrast to his grandfather,” the woman said, watching as Angelica added pasta to her shopping cart.
“His grandfather lives around here?” Angelica asked, curious about her reluctant guide. Could she get the shopkeeper to tell if Kirk was married or not?
“Sure does. Lives down on Doe Lane. Mean old man. He raised Kirk. Amazing to me the boy turned out as well as he did.”
Angelica blinked at the older woman’s choice of words. Boy? The man was all man and then some.
When she had enough food to last a few days, she went to the checkout counter.
“How’s Webb Francis doing?” Bella asked as she rang up the purchases.
“Seemed very weak and tired to me. But he’s hoping to come back home before long.”
“Good thing Kirk checks in on him. He could have been worse if Kirk hadn’t found him when he did and taken him to hospital. There, I think that’s all you wanted. You let me know if you need anything else.”
“Thank you.” Angelica looked at the four bags of groceries, wondering how she was going to get them to Webb Francis’s home. She had stocked up so she didn’t need to shop again soon, but now she wondered if she would have been better off with just a few things to tide her over until morning.
“Ready?” Kirk walked in the store. His timing was perfect.
She nodded, careful to take a deep breath in case she didn’t get to breathe again until she got used to him being around. Was there something in the air that was making her crazy around this man? She wasn’t even sure she liked him. He didn’t seem to like her that much either.
“Got your truck?” Bella asked.
“Sure, lots to carry,” he said, taking two of the bags as if they weighed nothing. Angelica picked up the third and Bella the last one. When she stepped out on the porch, Angelica saw a big pickup truck parked nose in. Kirk placed the bags in the area behind the passenger seat of the extended cab. He quickly took hers and Bella’s and stowed them as well.
“Let’s go,” he said, pushing back the passenger seat so Angelica could climb in.
“If you have this, why did we take the motorcycle this morning?” she asked when he climbed in behind the wheel and started the engine. Refreshing cool air blew from the vents. She relished the coolness, moving one vent so the air blew directly on her face.
“This is practical. The bike is fun.”
Angelica thought about that. When was the last time she’d done something for pure fun? She needed to get a life. She loved music, but felt very one-dimensional with all the focus on the classical and modern compositions and the endless hours of practice.
So now she was expanding music to include other aspects. What else could she expand in her life?
She glanced at Kirk, considering. She did not have a steady man in her life. And up until now, that hadn’t bothered her. She still didn’t know if he was married, but there was no ring on his left hand.
They made quick work of getting her few possessions from Sally Ann’s and then headed back past the store and on down a quiet street heading east.
“How far from town is Webb Francis’s house?” she asked when they were underway.
Kirk didn’t answer. She glanced at him. He was watching the road. Catching a glimpse of her movement, he flicked a look her way.
“How far is it from town?” she repeated, louder. The motor wasn’t that loud. Was he preoccupied?
“How far? How about here?” He pulled into a graveled driveway. Twenty feet in front of her sat a charming little cottage. White with bright blue trim, it looked like a doll’s house. The front yard consisted of a lawn in need of mowing, one rosebush bent over with blossoms and lots of shade trees. It was a spacious lot. The only neighbor she could see was the log cabin to the right.
“Easy walk to town,” she said.
“Get settled in and I’ll take you around and introduce you. Then you’re on your own.”
“You don’t have to do that,” she said stiffly. It sounded like he wanted no more to do with her than she wanted with him. But as a favor to his friend he would follow through. She could relieve him of that obligation. She’d do fine on her own.
“Webb Francis asked me to.” He got out and slung her backpack over one shoulder. She jumped out and retrieved her violin case before he could reach it. Taking one of the bags of groceries, she stepped to the front door and waited. Kirk came a minute later carrying two more bags.
“Open it, it’s not locked.”
Angelica blinked. She tried the door. It wasn’t locked. “Amazing.” She stepped into a comfortable living room. Through the opening in the back wall she glimpsed the kitchen.
“Come on, through here,” he said, passing her and heading straight to the kitchen.
She liked the spaciousness of what she saw. From the outside the cottage looked tiny. But it was easily three times the size of her apartment. She put her bag of groceries on the old farmhouse-style table and looked around. Kirk headed back to the truck for the last of the groceries. The appliances weren’t new, but looked well kept. The window in the back gave a view of more woods, the thick green foliage shading the backyard. She pushed it open and let the warm air in. The house smelled a bit musty. She didn’t mind the heat, savoring the different scents that were so unfamiliar.
He dropped the bag on the table. “Guest bedrooms are off the hall to the right when you entered. Bath farther along. Might need sheets which are probably in the hall linen closet. Webb Francis’s room is in the back. Need anything else?”
“No, I’m fine. Thank you.”
“Want to go to town today or wait until the morning?” he asked, his dark eyes gazing into hers. His entire body seemed focused on her.
“Tomorrow’s fine. I’ll settle in this afternoon.” She wanted to look away, but those dark eyes held. What was Kirk thinking as he gazed at her? She never could figure out how other people thought. She held her breath until he nodded and turned.
He glanced around. “If you need anything, holler. I’m next door.”
“Next door?” she repeated. He had the log house she’d seen when they arrived.
“Problem with that?” He looked back.
She shook her head quickly. The last thing she wanted was for Kirk Devon to have a clue how badly he affected her equilibrium. “I’ll be fine.”
“Tomorrow at ten then.”
Angelica followed him to the door and watched as he backed the truck out of the driveway and in only seconds pulled into the one by the log house she could see through the trees. He parked the car on the far side. Behind was another building. Was that his garage? It was hard to see through the thick growth of trees and shrubs. There was so much green!
Sighing softly, she returned to the kitchen to put the food away. Then she wandered around the cottage, checking each room. She ended up in the small room Webb Francis had told her about. It was lined with shelves that seemed to hold an inordinate amount of sheet music. There were harmonicas in cases on one shelf, two violins, a banjo and a mountain dulcimer. Two music stands stood in the corner, two folding chairs leaned against one wall. She ran her fingertips over the strings of the dulcimer. She’d only heard one played once.
She leafed through some of the sheet music. She recognized a couple of songs from the class at the conservatory. For the first time in a long while she felt some excitement about playing.
It was growing dark when Angelica put her violin down. She hadn’t practiced like that in a long time. Feeling lighter and happy for the first time in months, she went to prepare her dinner. It was after nine. She’d eat, go to bed and be up in the morning in time to go with Kirk to meet people Webb Francis thought could help her.
Getting ready for bed a little later, she glanced out the bedroom window toward Kirk’s house. It was dark. But the building behind was lighted. What was he doing in the garage this late at night? Tinkering with his car? She stared at the building for a long time, lost in thought about her reluctant neighbor and the wild fantasies she was weaving in her imagination. He’d probably laugh himself silly if he knew. She sighed softly and turned away. She was here to get rejuvenated, not fall for some man who lived hundreds of miles from New York City.