Читать книгу The Daredevil Tycoon / Hired: Sassy Assistant - Barbara McMahon - Страница 12
Оглавление“NOT today,” Rafael replied.
The balloon stabilized. Once the erratic motion ceased, Amalia opened her eyes. Rafael wished she could get over her fear and enjoy the trip. It would make it more pleasant for her, since she was essentially stuck with a week in the air. And easier on him as the hours stretched out.
Not that he should care. Stefano had known his PA wouldn’t be an asset—while Helena was so efficient, she had probably mastered the controls and was offering Stefano streamlined ways to do things. Still, it was Rafael who maintained a slight lead. If he could increase it over the next few days, he’d win the bet.
Giving another blast, he shut down the burners and went to sit beside his unwilling crew. The space was tight and his leg brushed against hers.
She shifted a couple of inches away and the action caused him to give way to the devilment that rose.
He reached for her hand, prying the fist open and interlacing his fingers with hers. She tugged, but he held firm.
“Let go,” she said.
“We need to get some ground rules established,” he said, ignoring her puny attempts to pull free. It gave him hope she really didn’t want to. It was so much easier to get things he wanted if women met him halfway.
“Like what?” she asked. He could hear the reluctant curiosity in her tone.
“Like, you can’t sit in this corner the entire seven days.”
“I told you I have a fear of heights.”
Slowly he traced the back of her hand with his thumb. Her skin was silky soft and cool.
“So don’t look down. Look out. Forget the space beneath us and enjoy the beauty of the flight. Together we can win this race.”
“You practically kidnapped me and now you expect me to help you?”
“I do. Make the most of the chance, as Jose said. And show your boss you don’t answer to him outside of work. He put you in this situation, not I.”
She thought it over a moment.
Rafael moved closer. He liked women, especially pretty ones with big brown eyes and windblown brown hair with streaks of gold. “Pretend—if only for a week—that this is what you want. If we win, the money goes to your favorite charity—which you have not yet told me. If Vicente wins, we get nothing and so all this effort would be in vain.”
She studied him with those large eyes, questioning, weighing.
Victory was close.
Leaning back, he continued to caress her hand, waiting. Maybe he needed to make the pot sweeter. “If we win, I’ll treat you and your brother to a week at a place of your choice.”
“Do you think you can bribe me, Señor Sandoval?’ she immediately said hotly. “It is enough to have the money be put to use and not just exchanged from one rich man to another.”
That response was not what he’d expected. “Do you have something against rich men?” he asked.
“Only when they are foolish in the extreme.”
He smiled slowly. “Like this bet?”
“Exactly. You shouldn’t have made the stupid wager.”
“But I did, and here we are. He’s the one who made the terms. You help me, I donate the winnings,” he said.
“And if you don’t win?”
“I won’t even consider that. But if I lose, I’ll still donate to your charity.”
“It’s a win-win for me then. So why would I help?” Amalia asked.
“For honor,” he said slowly. He knew more about this woman than she suspected. He was good at judging character and knew integrity was important to her.
She watched his thumb rubbing her hand for a long moment. He wondered if she would capitulate or continue to defy him. It would prove a long week if they were not pulling together.
“Agreed. Either way I win, but I’ll do what I can to make sure we both win,” she said slowly. Tugging her hand again, she watched as he slowly released her. Was that disappointment in her eyes?
“But you needn’t try your blandishments on me,” she continued. “I know you were voted Barcelona’s most eligible bachelor last year, but I’m not one of your society women to date for a couple of months before moving on. This is strictly business. Agreed?”
“Most certainly not. You interest me, Amalia. You don’t want me to grow bored on the flight, do you?” He loved being with her. She was so different from the other women he knew.
“I don’t care much about what you do on the flight. Just win so the money goes to the Sisters of Charity Children’s Home. That was my parents’ favorite charity and I want you to donate in their names.”
“And something for you?”
“Nothing for me.”
Rafael studied her expression for a moment. She was serious. It threw his calculations off. How could she not want something for herself? Everyone did. He didn’t mind, he had the money to indulge himself and his friends. He knew how life went. Those with money were targeted by those without. It wasn’t good or bad, just the way things were.
Or the way he thought they were. What was Amalia’s game?
“What?” Amalia asked. She found his stare unnerving, as if he were trying to dissect her or something.
“Just thinking,” he replied, and looked away. For a moment she wanted to ask him about what, but thought it best to leave things alone. He had already unsettled her enough for one day. She tucked her hands against her chest, still feeling the warmth of his palm, the erotic rubbing of his thumb. She wished he’d held on a bit more. Getting hot and bothered by his presence sure beat being afraid for her life. Though, given the two choices, she suspected that riding in the wretched balloon was safer than getting caught up with Rafael Sandoval.
Yet she wouldn’t be human, wouldn’t be a woman if she wasn’t intrigued by his sexy good looks and charming manner. She knew it had to be calculated, he’d been getting his own way for far too long to change his manner of operating. For a few seconds she’d let herself go, imagined he really cared for her. It would be beyond anything she’d ever experienced to have a fling with Rafael.
Her heart raced at the thought and she looked away lest he catch a glimmer of the awareness that rose every time she came near him. Actually, if she were honest with herself, every time she even thought about him.
“So what are the rules?” she asked a moment later.
He looked back and smiled. The light dancing in his eyes almost had her groaning with pleasure. He looked incredibly masculine with that devil-may-care look, and incredibly sexy with that smile.
“We pull together, all for one, one for all.”
She laughed. “That’s original.”
He smiled again. “Agreed?”
“I’m not out to sabotage your race,” she repeated.
“So there’s no problem with that one.”
“There’re more rules?”
He leaned closer. “We spend time getting to know each other.”
Her breath caught. He was close enough to her that she could feel his breath brush against her cheeks. Close enough that leaning forward only a few scant inches would put her mouth against his, her lips brushing his.
“We know each other quite well enough.” Was that breathless voice hers? She wanted to jump up and run away. A quick flick around the gondola convinced her that was totally impossible.
“We could know each other even better,” he said, his fingers brushing her hair lightly.
She jerked back as if stung, scooting away several inches and trying to show her displeasure. Only, she was afraid her reaction was a bit extreme.
“Didn’t we just agree you are wasting your time trying to charm me?” she said.
“Ah, but it’s so much fun,” he said, watching her with those dark eyes.
“I don’t think there’s any point in it.”
“It will make the journey more interesting. We can become friends.”
She rolled her eyes at that notion.
“Or lovers.”
She snapped her gaze right back at him. “You’re crazy. We don’t know each other enough to ever get to that level.”
“It doesn’t take long to get to know someone when confined to such a small space for endless hours,” he said, his voice deliberately pitched low and sexy.
She raised her right hand, index finger shaking at him. “Stop right there. We are not going to become that close.”
He leaned back and stretched out his long legs, taking up all the available floor space. “Maybe not. But it’s worth thinking about.”
“You need to think about this balloon and keeping us up in the air,” she said, scarcely able to form two words together as the mere thought of them tangled together in lovemaking almost erased all her thought processes.
He touched her cheek lightly and then rose in one easy movement and glanced around at the gauge. A second later the jets roared to life.
Once her breathing was under control, Amalia stood and looked around. Looking out instead of down, she spotted the other balloon. It looked closer than before. Now it was slightly higher than they were.
“Clear sailing until the ambient air warms too much to make it easy to keep our altitude,” he said.
She nodded, amazed he could switch off the charm and move to dedicated racer in a heartbeat. She was still reeling from their discussion.
And wondering what it would be like to be a close, very personal, friend of Rafael’s.
Rafael switched to the last fuel canister later. He was not getting as much lift as earlier when the air temperature had been cooler. Time to begin looking for a place to stop and exchange these tanks for fresh ones. It was early afternoon. He’d already covered more distance than every day of the festival combined. The wind was steady and probably moving them more than twenty miles an hour. He estimated they’d covered more than a hundred miles.
The mountainous terrain below didn’t offer many wide meadows where there would be room to set down and let the envelope deflate without becoming tangled with trees or ground growth.
The chase crew would have replacement tanks and plenty of food, as well as the tents and bedrolls he hoped they would not have to use. If he didn’t have to rough it, he’d choose not to. On the other hand, dossing down on a sleeping bag beneath the stars was something he’d done more than once. Once they refueled they’d be off again. Long jumps were also an endurance event. He’d go for a few more miles before setting down for the night.
Amalia had not said a word for a while. She had gradually relaxed enough to doze for a few minutes but she hadn’t offered to help in any way. So much for a truce. If Vicente thought that would slow him down, the man had rocks in his head.
“We’ll be setting down soon,” Rafael said to Julio when he’d reached the chase team on the radio. He scanned the terrain for a suitable place. “Where are you?”
“You are a bit behind us and farther north. Maria has you in our sights comparing it with the topographical map. Do you see any place to set down? How far ahead of Vicente are you?”
Rafael noticed Amalia was awake now and watching him.
“His balloon set down about twenty minutes ago. I’m riding at half tank on the last one right now and would prefer to come down soon. But all I see is tree-covered hills.”
“Wait, Maria says there’s a new reservoir north of your position. Any chance you could get near that? There should be plenty of cleared space. Just don’t land in the water.”
With that Amalia rose and clutched the side of the basket, looking around. “We aren’t going to land in water, are we?”
“Can’t swim?” he asked.
“Of course I can swim, but I’m not dressed for it. What if the balloon comes down on top of us and drowns us?” she asked anxiously.
“Relax, we’re not landing in water. Often reservoirs have a lot of cleared land surrounding them, to allow for water fluctuation.” He spoke back into the radio, “I see a clearing, and a road leading to it. We’re lined up for it, I’ll try for that.”
The balloon began descending.
“We’re heading in that direction,” Manuel said.
She looked around. “Where’s the other balloon?”
“They put down already.”
“Why would they do that?”
“If he found a meadow Stefano wanted to take advantage of, he’d land. He needs fuel. So do we. Once we switch out the tanks, we’ll be good to go again.”
“Why didn’t we put down when he did?”
She’d wanted time to talk to Stefano, get him to agree to let someone else take her place. Maybe she could switch with Maria and be part of the ground crew.
He smiled at her tone. “Don’t you like to win?” he asked.
“Not if we’re risking our lives!” she snapped.
“We’re not. Relax. I promise to get you home all in one piece,” he said. He saw the reservoir. He wished he had some better way to gauge the wind rather than flying in it to see where he ended up. Experience told him if they continued at the current rate, they should reach ground about the time they reached the cleared area surrounding the water.
“When we get on the ground, one of us has to keep the envelope inflated enough to keep it from tangling with the trees. The other has to jump out with a rope and secure the basket to the ground. Which task do you want?” he asked.
“Neither,” she said, glancing around as if looking for a third alternative.
“I need your help in this, Amalia,” he said. “This is no time to argue. We’ll be on the ground, so your phobia about height shouldn’t get in the way.”
She glanced up at the balloon overhead. “I can’t keep it properly inflated. I’ll try to tie the rope.”
“Don’t try, do.”
She glared at him. “Just tell me how I’m supposed to do that and I’ll do my best. I am not here to sabotage your blasted race. Though if something happened, I’d sure get home sooner.”
“Don’t even think it.”
She looked away. Her anger seemed to drive away her fear.
He gave her directions, keeping an eye on the rapidly approaching clearing. It was going to be a bit more tricky than he liked—especially with a novice on board. But unexpected challenges were what made the race interesting.
In less than ten minutes he set the basket down right at the edge of the clearing at least a dozen feet or more from the water’s edge. As soon as it hit the ground he yelled at Amalia to jump off and grab one of the tethering ropes. She used the step in the side to scramble over the edge and he heard her land, then jump to her feet and pull on the rope.
“There’s nothing here to tie it to. If you lift off, I’m letting go,” she called.
He could just see her over the edge of the basket. It skidded along the ground for a few feet. He glanced at the balloon. He wanted to keep it as inflated as possible for quick rising once the tanks were switched, but not so much it pulled against the basket while they were on the ground. He didn’t want to skid across the ground, but couldn’t let the envelope collapse all the way, or they’d take valuable minutes reinflating it.
“Wait, there’s a stump sticking up. It’s a big one, maybe too big for the rope to go around.” Her voice faded as she disappeared from view. He looked over the edge. She was winding the rope tightly around a stump. If she didn’t secure it just right, it could slip off. Frustrated, Rafael wanted to jump off and do it himself, but it would be a stupid move to leave the balloon unmanned.
When she finished, she looked up and smiled. Standing, she did a little dance.
“I’m on the ground again!” she shouted, turning in a big circle, her arms outstretched.
“Take this rope and secure a second anchor,” he called, tying another to the frame and tossing it to her.
She found another stump and quickly tied that rope then sat on the stump and looked up at the balloon, then around the clearing. The basket was anchored; now it was up to the chase crew to find them.
Rafael tried the radio again, but being lower than the surrounding hills, the signal wasn’t reaching the rest of the team.
There was nothing to do but wait.
“How long do you need to keep the balloon inflated?” she called.
“Until the crew can switch out the empty tanks with full ones, or we run out of propane. If that happens, I’ll need your help to keep the balloon away from the water and the trees.”
“How long before they get here?”
“Whenever they get here.”
Amalia went to the water’s edge and gazed across the expanse. It was a large reservoir with wide cleared areas surrounding it. Obviously trees had been cut—stumps were scattered as far as she could see.
Amalia took a deep breath. She relished being back on the ground. Somehow she’d have to convince Stefano to renegotiate the bet. She did not want to go up again. Though all things considered, it hadn’t been as bad as her imagination. No one had fallen out. The basket hadn’t given way. And she had been held closely for a brief moment by one of Barcelona’s most exciting bachelors. Not that she had bragging rights. But for those few moments she’d felt totally safe.
She refused to think about the moments he’d held her hand and tried to charm her into joining forces with him. Best left in the past. It wouldn’t be repeated.
Sighing softly for what could never be, she looked around, spotting a road winding down through the trees. When the chase crew arrived it would be from that direction.
She walked back to the basket.
“Now I’d like some thing to drink, please,” she said.
Rafael tossed a soda to her. “Something to eat, too?” he asked.
“In a little while. I’m hoping this will settle the butterflies in my stomach.”
“You did fine, Amalia. No need to be afraid,” he said gently, leaning against the side of the basket, taking a long drink from the can he held.
“Phobias aren’t something that go away on your say-so,” she said. She drank from the cold can, then looked around.
“No, I guess not.” He was silent for a moment then turned toward her. “So why the Children’s Home, to make the check out to?”
“You’ll really do that?” she asked.
“I said so, didn’t I?” There was a hint of steel in his tone.
She flashed back to the meeting in her boss’s office. Rafael had become angry with the slightest hint from Stefano that he wasn’t honorable. Obviously that meant a lot to him, which struck her as odd, given the ruthless nature of every successful businessman. Was Rafael a bit different? Unlikely.
Amalia had never had such a generous gesture made for her. “My parents were both orphans. My mother actually lived in the Home for a few months when she was about eleven. It was a favored charity for them. Made in their name should bring hope to other children that when they grow up they’ll be happy, too.”
“And were your parents happy?” he asked.
“Yes. We did things together as a family. It wasn’t perfect. My mother had a real temper and she would let it fly rather than bottle things up inside. But ten minutes later the storm was over and they were hugging and kissing.” She smiled a bit at the memories. “I want a relationship like that if I ever get married,” she said, looking at the water, remembering the sudden storm that had swamped the boat they’d been on, ending their happy family life forever.
She shivered.
“I shall be happy to make the donation in their name,” Rafael said, watching her.
The minutes dragged by. By feeding the hot air into the balloon periodically, enough to keep it from fully deflating and drifting to the ground, Rafael watched the gas gauge. It was getting lower each time he fired the burners. If the propane gas ran out, the balloon would gradually sink to the ground. If that happened before the rest of the team arrived, he’d just have to hope he and Amalia could control the deflating envelope enough to keep it from catching in the trees.
Amalia drank her soda and ate one of the sandwiches Maria had prepared.
“How far to the nearest town?” she asked, looking around.
“I saw one toward the east before we came down. I don’t know, maybe ten miles.”
Ten miles. Was there any traffic where she could hitch a ride? Now she wished she’d spent some of her time up in the air studying the layout on the ground.
Just as she heard the burners fire up again, she heard the honking horn and turned to see the chase team racing down the narrow road, horn blaring.
“They’re here!” Amalia said, jumping up from the stump she’d been sitting on for most of the afternoon. “We’re rescued!”
Rafael laughed. “We didn’t need rescue. We’ll refuel and lift off again. This time you won’t be so afraid. You know how it all works.”
By the time the balloon lifted again, Amalia hoped she would discover a way to be far gone.
But she didn’t. Working in perfect synchronization, the team swapped full propane tanks for the empties, keeping the envelope almost full. In less than thirty minutes one of the chase team called to Rafael that he saw the other balloon.
“Oops, time to go,” Rafael said. “Come on, Amalia.”
She wanted to argue, but the camaraderie of the ground crew and the pride she felt that she’d actually survived the morning mellowed her thinking. If all these people thought the event worth taking part in, maybe she needed to give it one more chance. And, truly, if she didn’t look down, she had grown used to the gentle movement of the gondola and almost gotten used to the sudden noise when the burners were engaged.
She had not gotten used to Rafael, however. Still, she could do this, what choice did she have?
She looked up and saw the other hot air balloon almost overhead.
“They’ll get ahead of us,” she said as she grabbed the jacket she’d discarded and hurried to the gondola. By the time they rose enough to catch the current, Vicente’s balloon would have a slight lead.
Rafael turned his head to smile at her. “We’ll catch them if they get ahead. Fire up the fans,” he called as he opened the burners and the roaring filled their ears. In only seconds the balloon began to rise rapidly.
Amalia watched, her attention torn between their own efforts and the balloon sailing silently overhead.
“They’re getting ahead,” she said. If her boss outdistanced Rafael the first day, would that settle the race? Glancing at the charged energy Rafael showed, she doubted it. He’d fight to the last second to gain even an inch of distance.
“You come and take the controls,” Rafael said. “I need to consult the weather maps of the area. Keep the burners going until the temperature gets near the limit.”
Amalia stepped closer to the center. She grabbed the lever and pulled down, feeling almost like a pro. They were gaining altitude rapidly now. Soon they were level with Stefano’s balloon, though some distance behind.
Rafael glanced up from the charts and maps he was perusing and looked around. He jotted a note on the margin of the paper.
The trees had dropped away, the surrounding hills were left behind. The burners roared and Amalia laughed in sheer delight. She’d done it! She wasn’t about to go near the edge of the basket, but she’d lifted the balloon from the ground. Looking at the other balloon, she saw they were rapidly passing it in elevation. Would a different air current sweep them past?
She glanced at Rafael and found him grinning at her. “Told you it would get better,” he said.
The euphoria she experienced allowed her to incline her head regally and agree. “So you did. How long do we have to keep the burners on?”
“You judge. Keep an eye on the gauge.”
Amalia watched, and when it got close to the high temperature, she closed the controls. The silence echoed in her ears, ringing from the sound of the burners.
She kept her hand on the lever for balance and looked triumphantly at Rafael.
“We’re higher than Stefano’s balloon.”
“Well done. Come here and I’ll show you the route I think the currents will take us.”
She hesitated a moment, glancing straight out over the side of the basket. But they were so high, she could see little. Her heart lurched and she quickly sat down beside Rafael. He held out the edge of the paper and she drew it closer. Leaning near, Rafael pointed out the topography and explained how air currents rose and fell, some on different currents, some impacted by the terrain and the heat of the day. His shoulder brushed hers and Amalia caught her breath, forcing herself to concentrate on his words and following where his finger pointed.
Turning her head slightly, she saw the faint lines radiating from the outer edges of his eyes, as if he squinted in the sunlight a lot. His skin was tanned and taut, covering high cheekbones. His dark eyes sparkled with the excitement of planning where he’d try to take their balloon.
He glanced at her, and Amalia quickly turned back to the map, trying to quell her rapid heart rate. Surely he could hear her blood pounding through her veins? Better if he thought she was suffering from fright than the true nature of her feelings. She was too much attracted to the man!
“Any questions?” he asked.
“How did you get involved in this?” she asked, daring to look at him again.
“This race or hot air ballooning?” he asked, standing and doing a 360-degree scan.
“I know how you got into this race, I meant the entire sport.”
“It was something new to try and I liked it once I did.”
“Flying airplanes and scuba diving isn’t enough?” she asked.
He raised one eyebrow in silent question.
She refused to admit she’d been interested enough in him to look him up and find out about him before the race.
“I like challenging myself,” he said at last. “And exploring unusual things. I’m thinking of taking part in an archaeological dig in the Holy Land next spring.”
“At least that would be safer than depending on hot air to keep you above ground,” she said. “Doesn’t your family worry about your recklessness?”
He laughed. “No one worries about me,” he said. “And I’m not sure they’d consider what I do reckless, anyway. I’m not, you know.”
“Now, how would I know that? I scarcely know you.”
“I’ve been doing business for Vicente since before you were hired.”
“Maybe, maybe not. I’ve worked for the firm for more than seven years. It’s only the last three I’ve been Stefano’s PA.”
“And before that?”
“I worked for another company. It didn’t offer the chances for advancement that I needed. I do have my brother to care for, remember.”
He nodded, his expression becoming thoughtful.
“What?” she asked as he kept quiet.
“I was wondering if my brother would have put his life on hold to watch out for me if we had been in your situation.”
“Why wouldn’t he?” she asked. “It’s what families do.”
“Not all families. Some families don’t stick together.”
“I know your parents are divorced,” she said. “Your father’s mentioned enough in the papers.”
Rafael laughed. “And you don’t approve.” He knew that for a fact from her tone of voice. Her expression supported it, as well.
“His life has no bearing on mine. But don’t you think it’s not in good form for him to be dating women younger than you are?”
“As long as we don’t get our wires crossed and date the same woman, then, no, I don’t care.”
“I would. Parents are supposed to be a good example to their children.”
“I’m hardly a child,” he said.
“You were at some point.”
Not liking the trend of the conversation, Rafael rose and looked over the side of the basket. They were gradually losing altitude. Vicente’s balloon was farther to the west, and it was difficult to gauge if he was ahead or behind, since Rafael had lost track of where they were by talking to Amalia.
“Bring the map and let’s figure out where we are,” he said, opening the burners and heating the air above them.
Amalia slowly got to her feet and stepped closer, holding it out for him.
“Can you check the terrain and see what you think?” he asked.
“No.” She thrust the map at him and reached for the controls. “You figure that out, I’ll keep us afloat.”
She didn’t trust the amusement in his eyes, but didn’t try to figure out what she’d done. Reaching for the knob, her hand brushed his and she felt the touch as if it had been a caress. Oh, oh, bad, bad, bad. She drew a deep breath and looked everywhere but at Rafael. She was not going to get some stupid crush on the playboy. That would be the dumbest thing she could do. Her immediate goal was to get back to earth in one piece and have a good night’s sleep. Maybe tomorrow something would happen to end the race and let her return home.
Rafael calculated where they were and called the chase team. When he’d notified them, he handed her the walkie-talkie. “Press this button to talk, release to listen,” he said.
“What do I have to say?”
“Anything you want, I merely want you to know how to use it.”
“In case something happens to me, of course.”
Amalia felt a flare of panic. “What could happen?”
“Nothing, this is just in case.”
She stared at him as she pressed the button. “This is Amalia. Will we stop near a town that has a good restaurant for dinner?” It was inane, but the only thing she came up with.
“We can hope, Amalia,” Marie responded. “And we hope for a decent hotel with hot shower and comfortable beds. Over.”
Rafael took it back. “We have air mattresses. No time to be locating five-star hotels. We have a long-distance race to win. Out.”
He heard their laughter before the radio went silent.
“We’re sleeping on the ground?” she asked.
“Not if I can help it. But it keeps them on their toes.”
She nodded. He had a good relationship with his ground crew. Did he operate his business that way? It was far different from the way Stefano ran things. He was the boss and he wanted everyone to know that.
The other balloon remained in sight all afternoon. Amalia felt more courageous and, as long as she didn’t look directly over the side, she was able to keep her fear of heights under control. She enjoyed the distant views, watched the other balloon when it would move up or down, trying to see if Stefano or Rafael’s PA was at the controls. Most likely Stefano. He didn’t like to share the spotlight and would want bragging rights if he won.
At one point Rafael peered over the edge and called the chase team. It was time to switch out the tanks again and there were several wide-open spaces he thought would work.
This time the team was waiting when the balloon settled to the earth. Once again Amalia was amazed at the precision exchange. They were airborne again within thirty minutes.
Late in the afternoon, Rafael called the ground crew.
“I see what I think is San Paolo up ahead. If so, there’s a large soccer field on the outskirts. I’ll see if we can touch down there.”
There was momentary discussion among the ground crew, then Manuel came on and confirmed Rafael’s estimation. The small resort town was in a valley between two mountain ranges. Amalia had heard about it, but never thought to visit. It looked as if Maria might get her five-star hotel after all. Surely they wouldn’t camp out if a hotel was that close?
She looked at the other balloon.
“Do you think they’ll keep going?” she asked. Already Rafael was descending.
“I have no idea, but this is the best landing area around. I for one wouldn’t take the chance on finding something else farther on before dark.”
Even as he said that, she could tell the other balloon was beginning to descend.
“I’ll be able to call my brother, right?” she asked.
“Yes. Are you worried about him? I assure you my housekeeper will take care of all his meals. Beyond that, he’s well able to look after himself.”
“I’m not worried, but I do want to check in with him. He is only seventeen. Besides, he’ll have a million questions about today. I wish he had been able to go in my place.”
“Suggest that to your boss. Do you mother Jose a lot? In another year he will be going off to university. Are you planning to accompany him?”
“Don’t be absurd. Of course not.” Intellectually she knew she had to let her brother go. He was almost a man, had his own way in life to make. But it had been just the two of them for so long. Was this how parents felt when their children left the home? “Didn’t your parents worry about you and your brother when you left home?” she asked.
“I doubt it. We were sent to a boarding school from the age of eight. Neither seemed particularly concerned.”
“I gather you aren’t close.”
He looked at her and slowly shook his head. “Not close at all. I’ve only met my mother’s current husband once. I avoid my father’s woman of the week. He changes them too frequently to keep track.”
“That’s sad,” she murmured.
“It’s reality. Not that you have such a great life in comparison. No parents, no other family apart from your brother, and you’re obviously struggling with money issues.”
“I make a good living and support us just fine. There’s money for Jose’s university fees and he can also work.” She was insulted he thought her unable to provide.
“I only meant it must have been hard when your parents died and everything fell on you.”
She hated to talk about that time. It still could cause nightmares. She’d been so scared of the future, so worried she’d not be able to take proper care of her younger brother.
“I managed,” was all she said.