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After thirty plus years in the working world I found myself, like so many others, with an aging self and an aging spouse. In addition to the aging self and the aging spouse, I had aging pets. I spent all those years in business mode in the healthcare industry only to become the caregiver in my own home.

Although I do not profess to be an expert in any specific area of life, being a lifelong caretaker of fifteen pets has given me some depth of experience that I should share.

Like everything in life we all have good intentions and those of us with pet children want to properly care for them, enjoy them and bask in their unconditional love. But along with that we must realize they have needs from the moment we feel them in our hearts until the moment we must part. So you probably know what to do, but where is that helpful list of how to map it out and get it done?

This book is a compilation of topics with guidelines and suggestions to help you formulate ways to do the things you want to do for all those loving years of pet companionship. Hopefully it will help you care for them even if you leave this earth before they do.

Within these pages I reference many different suggestions, but do not endorse any one method of care, specific publication, or product. It is up to each of you to do what you find best for your pet and your family. My goal is to give enough food for thought and reliable references so you can develop your own “things to do” list that will help you to better care for and love your precious pet.

No reference is a complete problem solver, but my hope is that this book will help you get the basics in place by providing guidelines and examples, plus encouragement to keep at it by entertaining you with funny and moving stories that show why it is a good idea to prepare and to care.

Over the years I have had periodic phone calls from friends and work associates asking me all sorts of questions about pets that were ill, pets that needed to be re-homed, etc. One call in particular that comes to mind came from a work associate whose dog had died under a neighbor’s porch and she wanted to know what to do next. She had heard me discussing how comforting it was for me to have interred my pet in a local pet cemetery. I shared the number for Memory Park Pet Cemetery with her. She called and they went to her home, picked up her pet, and arranged a simple service to honor her pet. She was most grateful. I did my best for each and every one of my pets.

Pet companions are living, breathing, and feeling organisms. They depend on us to care for them. If you own a pet it is time to put feelings and emotions into your everyday life. In this Internet world keep in mind the “world” of living things does not stop at the back of the screen. Food, water, shelter, and nurturing are all needs that cannot be satisfied via the keyboard and wifi.

So by all means, use your computer to research any pet information you need to learn more about; search for the best deal on a new bed for your buddy or find a coupon for high quality pet food, but always be there with a free hand to touch your pet companion and experience unconditional love for the meager price of some food, some clean water, and bed for the night…all right there is more to it than that sometimes, so read on to find more ways to be the best human companion you can be.

Be Your Pet's Best Friend

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