Читать книгу Jane Darrowfield, Professional Busybody - Barbara Ross - Страница 2



As she crept onto Route 2, Jane thought about the events at Walden Spring.

Bill Finnerty was dead. What was he doing on the golf course in the middle of the night? Did he go there willingly, or was he taken? Did he arrive at the golf course dead or alive? Most important, who killed him?

Maurice had pointed out the obvious suspect, Mike Witkowski. Mike and Bill were bitter rivals, and everyone in the community had heard Mike threaten Bill.

Jane wondered how Mike reacted when Paul took away the key to the game room. She should have asked Paul. In the literal heat of the moment, she hadn’t thought of it.

Paul Peavey lied to the police about seeing Bill after dinner. A lie that had been quickly uncovered. Why had he been so reluctant to confront Bill about the tee times in the first place? And why, as Regina pointed out, had Paul brought Jane in to do his dirty work?

Karl Flagler found the body and made no bones about hating Bill. Jane had been shocked by the admission. People so rarely spoke ill of the dead. But if Karl had killed Bill, would he have admitted hating him so easily?

These were the people Jane could think of who had tangled with Bill Finnerty in her short time in the community. They, along with a couple of ghosts, were the most likely people to have killed him. . . .

Jane Darrowfield, Professional Busybody

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