Читать книгу The Three Questions: How to Discover and Master the Power Within You - Barbara Emrys, Don Miguel Ruiz, don Miguel Ruiz Jr. - Страница 12

5 One Mind, One Community


TO UNDERSTAND THE governing mind a little better, let’s first take another look at the ways in which we’ve been governed throughout our lives. We were each born into a vast community called humanity. Over many thousands of years, humans have created groups, or civilizations, all over the planet. We create groups in order to survive. We agree on certain rules—written laws or ritual customs—so that order can be maintained within those groups. We establish governing bodies made up of respected men and women. We create cities and nations, all run by their own government. Every nation is made of smaller governing bodies, and it all starts with the family.

A family is its own little nation, traditionally composed of a man, a woman, and their children. A family cannot be defined any one way, of course—a family is formed when people of different genders and ages come together in order to provide for the welfare and safety of the group. The group may consist of two people, a dozen people, or many more. Together they create a home, which is an extension of themselves. Every family is regulated by its own government. Families establish rules of conduct, rules that help maintain harmony within the group: “Work hard,” “Look after each other,” “Respect your elders.” They also devise punishments for breaking those rules. The head of a family makes key decisions, setting the rules and enforcing them.

One parent may yield authority to the other, or both parents may share power equally, forming government within the family. You and I were born to different families and grew up in different households. The rules were probably different, along with penalties for bad behavior, but we were both domesticated using a system of punishments and rewards. From the time we were toddlers, we learned there was a price to pay for rebellion. Whoever served as the head the family imposed the rules, using the power of authority.

The Three Questions: How to Discover and Master the Power Within You

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