Читать книгу Texas Witness - Barb Han - Страница 12


Chapter Five

The baby stirred at Colin’s booming voice. Melissa’s heart dropped. This time, Angelina whined and Melissa knew that her daughter was about to cry.

“Shhh, baby. It’s okay,” Melissa soothed. She needed to get out of there fast before Colin saw her daughter’s face—correction, their daughter’s face. All Melissa’s plans at keeping everyone safe while starting a new life were being threatened. O’Brien men were too honest and too much about family for Colin to stand by while she took his daughter on the run without him knowing where they’d gone or if they’d return. Coming to the hospital had been a huge risk, but what choice did she have? She’d had no idea where her handler was and her daughter needed protection. The storm that had been brewing inside her was developing, swirling, threatening to devastate her.

There was a ray of sunshine, though. Marshal Davis had finally contacted her. He was okay. Melissa needed to get to the checkpoint so she could disappear. Wow, she didn’t expect that word to hurt so much.

“I’ll give you some privacy,” Dallas said. He stopped as he rounded by Angelina and all Melissa could think was, Keep walking, Dallas.

Melissa feared he’d have questions, especially if he made a quick calculation and estimated Angelina’s age. Her heart dropped as one of her worst nightmares threatened to play out before her eyes. She held her breath, waiting. Dallas gave her a look as he passed by but he didn’t say a word.

She let out the breath she’d been holding.

“What’s going on?” Colin’s tone was harsh, his words like daggers being thrown at her.

“Colin, I can’t do this right now,” she shot back under her breath, trying to will her body to stop shaking. “I need to take care of my daughter and I have to go.”

Texas Witness

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