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Physical Characteristics of theAiredale Terrier

(from the American Kennel Club

breed standard)

Skull: Long and flat, not too broad between the ears and narrowing very slightly to the eyes.

Head: Well balanced with little apparent difference between the length of skull and foreface.

Ears: V-shaped with carriage rather to the side of the head.

Eyes: Dark, small, not prominent, full of terrier expression, keenness and intelligence.

Foreface: Deep, powerful, strong and muscular.

Nose: Black and not too small.

Lips: Tight.

Teeth: Strong and white. Bite either level or vise-like.

Neck: Of moderate length and thickness gradually widening towards the shoulders.

Shoulders: Long and sloping well into the back.

Chest: The depth of the chest should be approximately on a level with the elbows.

Forelegs: Perfectly straight, with plenty of muscle and bone. Elbows should be perpendicular to the body, working free of sides.

Feet: Small, round and compact with a good depth of pad, well cushioned; the toes moderately arched.

Body: Back should be short, strong and level. Ribs well sprung. Loins muscular and of good width.

Tail: The root of the tail should be set well up on the back. It should be carried gaily but not curled over the back.

Hindquarters: Strong and muscular with no droop. Thighs should be long and powerful with muscular second thigh, stifles well bent.

Coat: Hard, dense and wiry, lying straight and close, covering the dog well over the body and legs.

Color: The head and ears should be tan, the ears being of a darker shade than the rest. The legs up to the thighs and elbows and the under-part of the body and chest are also tan and the tan frequently runs into the shoulder. The sides and upper parts of the body should be black or dark grizzle.

Size: Dogs should measure approximately 23 inches in height at the shoulder; bitches, slightly less.

Airedale Terrier

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