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Accommodation, Steamer 17 Advertising, N. Y. C. 175 Alaska, S.S. 145 Alberta, Steamer 121 Albany Northern Railroad 42 Alciope, Steamer 29 Algoma, Steamer 35, 44, 121 Algoma, qualifications of electors 46 American Civil War 43 American Colonists under James II 81 American Constitution Compared 47 American Express Line 37 American Prisoners from Queenston Heights 14 Arabian, Steamer 37 Armenia, Steamer 126 Asia, Steamer 78 Assiniboia, Steamer 121 B. Barre, Chevalier de la 81 Barrie, R. N., Commodore 29, 30 Baldwin, Dr. 15 Bankruptcy of Steamers on River 43 Bay State, Steamer 37, 105 Baxter, Alderman John 152 Beatty, Jas, Jr., Mayor 114 Bell, Mr. David 64 Benson, Judge 33 Benson, Capt. 33 Blockade-Running 160 Bolton, Col. R. E. 48 Book Tickets Introduced 132 Boswell, A. R 114 Bouchette, Commodore 13 Bowes, Mayor J. G. 38 Boynton, Capt. George B. 156 Brampton, Mills 42 Britannia, Steamer 33 Brock, General 15, 33, 169 Brock's Monument, Imitation of 33 Brooklyn, Steamer 48 Bruce Mines 44 Buffalo & Niagara Falls Railroad 31 Buffalo Dry Dock Co. 63 Buffalo in Sailing Days 64 Buffalo & Niagara Falls Burlington, Steamer 32 Butler, Col. 84 Butlersberg Begun 84 C. Callaway, W. R. 123 Caldwell, Warships 13 Caledonia, Schooner 15 Caledonian Society 97 Caledonian S. S. Co. 140 Canada, Steamer 26, 28 Canadian Through Line 37 Canadian Constitution Compared 47 Canada Coasting Law Suspended 49 Canada Railway News Co. 93 Canadian Pacific Railway Terminals 51 Campana, Steamer 120 Campbell, Capt. Alexander, Selects Queenston portage 170 Captain Conn's Coffin, Schooner 14 Captain, position of, high importance 27 Cannochan, Miss Janet 119 Cataract, Steamer 37, 105 Cayuga Creek 10 Cayuga, 112 ways of spelling 189 Cayuga, Steamer, launched, speed trials 190 Century, the close of a 198 Campion, Steamer 37 Charleston, S. C. 159 Charles II. Adventurers 45 Chicora, Steamer— With Woolesly 47 History name 148 Renown 138 Chicora, Steamer, decision to build partner 136 Chief Justice Robinson, Steamer 34, 39, 41 Chief Deseronto 152 Chief Brant 152 Chippawa River 9 Chippewa, Steamer— Name 173 Launched 174 Cibola, Steamer— Burned 17 Built 145 History of Name 148 City of Toronto, 1st Steamer 25 City of Toronto, 2nd Steamer 35 Rebuilt as Algoma 44 Transferred to Upper Lakes 45 City of Toronto, 3rd Steamer 35 Goes ashore 123 Burned 125 Clermont, Steamer 17 Collingwood-Lake Superior Line 109 Columba, Steamer 141 Commodore Barrie, Steamer 30 Connaught, H.R.H. Duke of 51 Conn, Capt. 14 Corona, Steamer— Named 179 Launched 179 Cornell, Mr. George 89, 102 Cross raised at Fort Niagara 81 Cross raised at Quebec by Cartier 81 Cumberland, Col. F. W., M.P. 48, 49, 53, 62, 78, 121 Cumberland, Barlow—61, 109, 120, 172, 198 Cumberland, Mrs. Seraphina 122 Cumberland, Miss Mildred—174, 179 Cumberland, Miss Constance 150 Cumberland, Steamer 63 Currie, James C. Neil 36 D. Daniels, Geo. H. 176 Dawson Road 44, 48 Dennis, Joseph 14, 26 Denison, Lt.-Col. Robert 154 Denonville, Marquis de 82 Demary, J. G. 73 Dick, Capt. Thomas 30, 44 Dick, Capt. Jas. 44 Doctors prescribe Niagara Line 132 Docks purchased— Queenston 91 Youngstown 166 Niagara-on-Lake 181 Lewiston 191 Toronto 195 Dongan, Col. Thomas 81 Donaldson, Capt. William 110 Don Francesco de Chicora 149 Dorchester, Lord 13 Dorchester, Lady 13 Dove, Schooner 14 Dragon, H. M. S. 30 Dufferin, Lord 52 Tour through Upper Lakes 53 Dufferin, Countess of 54 Duke of Richmond, Packet 15 Duke and Duchess of York 183 Dunbarton, Scotland 38 E. Early Steamer Routes and Rates 23, 24, 29, 31, 32, 134 Early Passenger Schedules— Albany and Bugalo 128 Early Passenger Agents 131 Early Closing Movement 185 Eckford, David 18 Electrical Traction, Infancy of 167 Emerald, Steamer 32 Empress of India, Steamer—114, 126 Engineer Corps of U. S. A. 193 Erie Canal 36, 40 Erie & Ontario Railway 38 Ernestown 18 Esquesing, Mills 42 Estes, Capt. Andrew 28 Evolution of the Niagara Gorge 180 Exclusive Rights for Navigation by Steam 18 Excursion, Queen's Birthday 94 Expansion of Niagara Navigation Co. 194 Exposition, Buffalo 182 F. Fast Time to Niagara 26−31 Filgate, Steamer 114 Finkle's Point 18, 19, 25 First Vessel on Lake Erie 10 First Navies On Lake Ontario 17 First Company to Build Steamer for Lake Ontario 17 First Steamer on Lake U & First Steamer on Hudson River 17 First Steamer on St. Lawrence 17 First Steamer on Lake Ontario 19 First Steamers on Lake Ontario, dimensions of 22 First Board of Directors N. N. Co. 197 First Steamer to Run the Rapids 121 First Niagara Camp 119 First Twin-screw Steamer on Upper Lakes 121 First Canoe Route to Upper Lakes 9, 45 First Name of Niagara 155 First Iron Steamers 36 First Railroads in New York State 127 First Sleeping Cars 129 First Electric Railway to Niagara River 167 First U. E. Loyalists 153 First Suspension Bridge over Niagara 171 Flour Rates (1855) to New York 41 Flour via Lewiston to Montreal 42 Folger, Mr. B. W. 186 Fort William 45 Fort Garry 44 Fort George 83, 120 Fort York—Toronto 154 Fort Missasauga 80 Fort Niagara, contests for possession of 12 Fort Niagara— Established by French 81 Evacuated 83 Captured by British 83 Never captured 83 Americans 83 Formalities on Early Steamers 26 Four Track Series 176 Foy, Hon. J. J. 184, 198 Foy, John 62, 109, 132, 188 Foy, Mr. A. 150 Foy, Miss Clara 179 French River 9, 45 French Pioneers, Trail of 11 French Encompass British 12 Friendly Hand Excursions 100 Frontenac, Count 10 Frontenac, Steamer, commenced 23, 24, 28 Frontenac Lake 12 Frontier House, Lewiston 146 Fulton, Robert 17 G. Gallinee, Pere 81 Gibraltar, Point 14 Gilbert, Abner 84 Gildersleeve Family Record 15 Gildersleeve, H. 25 Gildersleeve, Steamer 33 Gilkison, Robert 30, 31 Glasgow, Winter in 143 Gordon, L. B., Purser Peerless 41, 136 Gore, Steamer 30 Gorge Electric Railway 179 Governor Simcoe, Schooner 13 Grand Trunk Railway, opened 42 Great Britain, Steamer 29 Great Western Railway 42, 60 Great Trek to Western States 171 Griffon, Sloop 10, 81 Grimsby 32 Gunn, J. W. 37 Gzowski, Mr. Casimir 64 H. Hall, Capt. 76 Hamilton, Hon. Robert 25, 29, 170 Hamilton, Hon. John 29, 36 Hamilton Steamboat Co. purchased 114 Hanlan, Edward, reception of 114 Harbottle, Capt. Thomas 36, 92 Harbour Regulations, Toronto, 1851 37−38 Hastings, Steamer 150 Hayter, Mr. Ross 152 Head of Navigation Portages 170 Hendrie, Geo. H. 173 Hendrie, Hon. J. S. 197 Hendrie, William 173 Hennepin, Father 10 Heron, Capt. 34 Highlander, Steamer 37 Historical Society, Buffalo 20 Horse Canalling through Welland 68 Hudson River Railroad 41 Hudson's Bay Fort 50 I. Ice Jams on River 191−194 Irea, A Novel 59 Immigrants by Chippawa River 171 Indiana Excursions 99 Interest, Points of 101 Iroquois Cap 11 Irwin, C. W. 88 Isle Royale 11, 63 Israel Tarte's Decisiveness 184 J. J. T. Robb, Tug 62 Jean Baptiste, Steamer 114 Johnson, Sir William 12, 83 Jonquiere 83 K. Kaministiqua River 45 Kathleen, Steamer 150 Kendrick, Mr. D. M. 175 Kent, H. R. H. Duke of 13 Kerr, Capt. Robert 32, 87 Kingston Gazette 19 Kingston Dockyard 29 Kirby, Mr. Frank 173 L. La Salle 10 Lady Dorchester, Schooner 13 Lady Washington, Schooner 13 Lahn, S.S. 138 Lake Superior 44 Lake Ontario Steamboat Co. 20 Lake Nipissing 81 Leach, Capt. Thomas 43, 62, 125 Leach, Alexander 62, 103 Legislature, Provincial 46 Lewiston 12, 20, 89 Lewiston, Railway Development 134 Liancourt, Duke de 85 Ligneris 12 Limitation of Passengers 116−118 Limnale, Warship 13 Livingston 18 Long Point Bay 14 Lord of the Isles, Steamer 141 Lunt, Mr. R. C. 88, 110, 111, 118 Lusher 19 M. Mackinac