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From the Plains of Africa

To the Jungles of Parliament

From the Plains of Africa

To the Jungles of


Barry Turner

With Preface by Patrick Hemingway

Optimum Publishing International

From the Plains of Africa to the Jungles of Parliament


Barry Turner

Copyright © Ottawa 2012 Barry Turner

With Preface by Patrick Hemingway

Published in eBook format by

Optimum Publishing International Inc.

PO Box 524, Maxville ON


K0C 1T0

Converted by http://www.eBookIt.com

First Impression October 2012

Turner, Barry, 1946-

From the plains of Africa to the jungles of Parliament / Barry Turner; with

preface by Patrick Hemingway.

Includes index.

ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1113-2

Editor: Michael S. Baxendale

Book and cover design: Optimum Publishing

Photography: Unless otherwise credited, from the Turner Collection

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise without permission in writing from the publishers except for brief passages which may be quoted in a review for publication in a periodical or by a broadcast reviewer

From the Plains of Africa to the Jungles of Parliament

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