Читать книгу 101 Ways to Win at Scrabble: Top tips for Scrabble success - Barry Grossman - Страница 4




Title Page



1. Think Positive

2. Two-letter words

3. Using the A-Team

4. Too Much of a Good Thing

5. Three-Letter Words

6. Three-dom!

7. Small but Powerful

8. Not the B All and End All

9. Queen Bs

10. B is for Bonus

11. Four-Letter Words

12. Four Play

13. More on All Fours

14. The C

15. Bonuses with a C

16. Starting on the Sevens

17. Seventh Heaven

18. Sizing Up the Eights

19. Fantastic Fours

20. Evaluate Your Rack

21. The D

22. Short Ds

23. Making the Change

24. Before We Leave Those Vowels …

25. Keep Scoring

26. Play Parallel

27. Ode to the E

28. Short Es

29. You Can Put an E After That?

30. Six-Letter Stems

31. Retain Those Good Letters

32. Using the F

33. Bonuses with an F

34. Seven-Letter Stems

35. Q but no U

36. Don’t Forget the Americans

37. The G

38. Nuthin’ but a G Thang

39. G8 Summit

40. Retains is a STARNIE

41. Teasing Anagrams

42. The Angriest Words

43. K-Obsessed Kiwis

44. The H

45. H-H-High Score

46. Noun(s)

47. Verbs

48. Don’t Push a Verb too Far

49. Tricky Adjectives

50. The I

51. Is on the Prize

52. Captain Hook

53. Compound your Chances

54. Those Incorrigible Aussies

55. Double Trouble

56. Joy with J

57. Wonders of India

58. The Blank

59. Don’t Forget Mnemonics

60. Remember Retold

61. Watch Where you Put Those Tiles

62. The K

63. Out of Africa

64. Opening and Closing Time

65. Premium Squares

66. Benjamins

67. Anagrams

68. Which Anagrams are the Most Useful?

69. How Do You Spell That?

70. Calm Canadians

71. Spoilt for Choice

72. The L

73. The M

74. Bonuses with M

75. You Don’t Get Two Goes in a Row

76. Keep on the Right Track

77. The N

78. Challenge!

79. The O

80. The P

81. Sneak Preview

82. The Q

83. The R

84. Match an Opening with an Opening

85. Words Can Begin and End with Anything

86. The S

87. Time for T

88. Play to the Board

89. Edge the Endgame

90. How Many can Play?

91. The U

92. The V

93. The W

94. (Im)proper Nouns

95. Serious Hooking

96. The X Factor

97. A Word to the Ys

98. Y is that a Word?

99. Last but not Least – The Z

100. More Than Just a Name

101. The Strangest Words

The 124 two-letter words playable in Scrabble are …

The three-letter words playable in Scrabble are …

Further Resources

What’s this about Clubs?

And what about Tournaments?



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101 Ways to Win at Scrabble: Top tips for Scrabble success

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