Читать книгу My Virgin Kitchen: Delicious recipes you can make every day - Barry Lewis - Страница 6


Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen

Growing up I always had a fascination for food. I was never really afraid to try new things, but when it came to cooking I had very little exposure to it; sure, I licked the bowl when making cakes with my mother and, despite being awful at home economics at school, I did really enjoy trying to cook. I also enjoyed TV cookery shows and found them quite soothing to watch – my hero when I was younger was Keith Floyd. I loved his casual approach to cooking and the way he told the cameraman what to do. Those were also the days of classic TV chefs such as Delia, Gary Rhodes (loved his spiky hair) and good ol’ Ainsley Harriott and co in Ready Steady Cook. Then giants like Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver burst on to the scene and took TV cooking up a notch. As I’ve said before, it was really Jamie Oliver who inspired me to pick up a camera. After watching him poach an egg as part of a more complex dish where he just pretty much threw the egg into the water, I was inspired to give food vlogging a go and MyVirginKitchen was born.

You see, when it came to the kitchen I was a virgin, a self-taught chap just having a go. I had no idea what I was really doing and not just when it came to the cooking – I’m talking about the filming, editing, presenting and all that goes with it. But that first poached egg I filmed worked; I had a couple of nice comments and things just rolled on from there. I found that rather than just inspiring myself, I was beginning to inspire others, too. I realised it was becoming a passion: the fear had gone and I’d fallen in love with the world of food. I started to make sacrifices, like giving up football or tennis, and focused more on putting out content. It brought my daughter Phoebe and me together – laughing and having fun in the kitchen – but learning, too. Instead of running around a football pitch I was making flapjacks with her and I loved it. My second daughter Chloe has grown up with a daddy who ‘does cooking videos on the internet’. Things evolved fast and now my wife, Becky (aka Mrs Barry), is part of this crazy world of vlogging, appearing whenever she can as well! It’s been an insanely crazy journey to date; if I’m honest it still just feels like one big day stitched together. But I’m going with the flow and would still do videos even if I had my old job. Cooking is simply what I do now and I love it.

People sometimes refer to me as a chef: I need to state categorically that I am not a chef of any sort. I’m just a self-taught cook who wants to inspire people to get into the kitchen, have some fun, make some great food, laugh and learn. That’s all there is to it. To me, cooking is about embracing the fun moments, the adventure, the unknown and the gastronomic playground that is your kitchen! My technique for inspiring you is to make you smile. So what if you make a cake and get a little flour over you, or a little eggshell in the mix? No one is perfect, so embrace the fun, the laughter and the chaos in the kitchen.

Day by day I’ve learned new techniques, cooking styles, hints and tips, and tried hundreds of recipes – a lot of the ideas have come from you guys. I’m immensely proud of bringing some of my best ideas to life in this book and cannot wait to see you all getting stuck in and sharing your attempts.

Each chapter has its own introduction, but I feel it’s pretty important to say why each chapter is there and what you can get from it:


In this section you will find a real variety of lighter bites and recipes that make you feel good. As with so many of the recipes in this book, many of them are vegetarian or can be adjusted accordingly. Sometimes a slightly lighter meal or one that makes you feel good is just what the doctor ordered. This chapter is a really great way to kick off the book.


As the title suggests, this chapter is about showcasing lots of recipes to cook with and for kids. There’s a good balance of inspiration here between recipes that the kids can pretty much do by themselves (maybe with a little help or guidance) and dishes to get them eating food in a fun way, often presenting it differently or exposing them to different flavours.


These recipes are inspired by dishes from all round the world. Many of these are my spin on ideas that have been shared with me online, some of which I had never heard of before. Of course, nothing can quite beat eating foods from round the world in their original countries, but this is my way of showcasing some different styles and concepts without having to hop on a plane! The Pizza Parlour is the place to start your own pizzeria at home with some hints, tips, recipes and suggestions based around five unique pizzas, including a gorgeous sweet potato base version. Mix and match your toppings here and be sure to let me know how you get on.


On a personal level, this is about winding back the clock for me. There are several moments in my life from which the food memories are so vivid; eating those dishes always triggers my taste buds and my memories. The Chicken Thigh Parmigiana is a great starting point – it’s absolutely delicious. Food really does create memories and hopefully some of the recipes in the book will become memorable for you, too.


For me, putting a spin on traditional dishes is like thinking outside the box. I really enjoy experimenting with different concepts and breaking the norm; I could have easily written a whole book on this topic alone! There’s something for everyone in this section and don’t forget: you can always put your own twists on these twists too and take them to another level!


A huge serving of delicious desserts for you right here, with lots of lovely flavour combinations going on. There are some gorgeous cakes along with some pretty simple (but impressive) puds, too; try the No-bake Bounty Tart. I’m confident this chapter will get a fair bit of usage!

So, what do I want you to get from this book? I just want to make the point that it is really a guide. I want you in that kitchen getting stuck into the recipes and learning for yourself – what works for me may not work for someone else. If you’re not keen on an ingredient (or don’t have it to hand), tweak the recipe. I love personalising recipes and want you to do the same, then share, share, share! I’m on most social media platforms and the most awesome thing is seeing you guys getting into the kitchen. I’m regularly sent pictures of fellow kitchen virgins giving something a go, kids cooking with their parents or even established cooks and chefs shaking it up with some new ideas. We’ve got a little community going on and now you have bought this book you are part of it too!

Right then, what are you waiting for? Get exploring the pages, mark out some favourites, grab the ingredients and get in that kitchen! Good luck!

My Virgin Kitchen: Delicious recipes you can make every day

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