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In the upcoming chapters, I will discuss the theory of data management by giving an overview of the relevant terminology and a discussion of key data management topics. Each chapter discusses a single data management capability. The chapters are based on theory (the DMBOK and other sources), as well as my experiences in the field. Throughout these chapters, I have included many examples to illustrate key points, as well as brief interviews with people from the field. In this way, you will get a good overview of the field.

I have used the following principles for structuring part I of this book:

■ Each chapter is kept as short and to the point as possible, as I am trying to convey the main points rather that give a complete coverage of a specific topic.

■ There is no single best way to implement data management in an organization. Each organization is different. This implies that processes, roles, and responsibilities will be different in each organization. Therefore, I focus on the key concepts and shy away from guidance/ definitive statements on “who does what”. This is partially covered in chapter 33 in part II of this book.

■ Data management is not an “isolated capability”, meaning that its processes, roles, responsibilities, and tools are highly connected to others. I have included brief discussions to key topics related to data management in several chapters. For example, the chapter on data governance has a link to IT governance. These discussions are kept deliberately short in order not to over-emphasize their importance.

Before diving in, I would like to stress that these chapters are very much connected and equally important. I have strived to give each topic equal attention. The discussion is deliberately neutral and avoids implementation recommendations. These are left for part II of this book.

Data Management: a gentle introduction

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