Читать книгу Change Your Story, Change Your Life: Rewrite the Past and Live an Empowered Now! - Beatrice Elliott - Страница 6
I have always been a lover of stories. I think, if having to choose between food and fable, I would be very hard pressed to pick the obvious. Growing up in an over-populated clan of Irish Gypsies, I was raised on stories, tales and folklore. Of all the characters to ever manifest in the theater of my mind via the words of some wonderful storyteller, the one that I most related to was the little child in the Emperor’s New Clothes who pointed out the simple yet seemingly manipulated truth, that the King was indeed naked. I loved this child and this story for the same reasons that I love Bea Elliott and her wonderful book Change Your Story, Change Your Life.
Although the whole world was trapped in an illusion, the child stayed fully rooted in the truth and was able to set the whole village free. Yes, “the truth will set you free,” and yet the truth can be so subjective. There is my truth and the parking attendant’s truth, there is our truth and their truth and never the twain shall meet. Until now, that is. Bea Elliott is a truth worker and the path that she has paved for us is a wonderful journey of resurrection that will reveal and heal illusions of separation and dis-ease and lead the reader to understanding, forgiveness and enlightenment.
Many years ago, I had the fortune of taking a workshop entitled “From Wound to Wisdom.” At the time this student was ready, the teacher appeared, and it was Bea. Under her guidance, I was able bring to light old stories that had kept me in old beliefs, beliefs that no longer served me. I began to see how these unexamined stories of my past kept me running on a hamster wheel. It was bittersweet to acknowledge the fact that I had been wearing the ruby slippers all along.
The truth is: the past does not have to be set in stone. Through working these simple exercises and examining these questions you can begin to restructure your stories, and thereby redirect your life.
I think another good title for this book may have been “Bea, Not Afraid.” For it is from Bea Elliott’s courage to examine the many faces of Truth that we all have the opportunity to benefit. She is the child who continues to challenge us to take another look, see a greater possibility and be open to a new actuality. As you begin your journey, I encourage you to “be not afraid,” for greater peace and freedom awaits you.
Maureen Muldoon, RScP
Creator/Director “Booby Trap”
Actress TV and Film