Читать книгу The Buddha's Guide to Gratitude - Becca Anderson - Страница 22


Learn as You Go: How Should I Sit When I Meditate?

When you meditate, you don’t have to sit on the floor with your legs crossed in some amazingly flexible way. In fact, if you don’t normally sit on the floor or cross your legs, you should avoid doing either of those things! Instead, you can sit on a chair in an easily maintainable position, your feet flat on the floor and your back straight, but not rigid. Meditation is supposed to help you, so it’s important to set yourself up for success by sitting in a comfortable position.

“Feelings, whether of compassion or irritation, should be welcomed, recognized, and treated on an absolutely equal basis; because both are ourself. The tangerine I am eating is me. The mustard greens I am planting are me. I plant with all my heart and mind. I clean this teapot with the kind of attention I would have were I giving the baby Buddha or Jesus a bath. Nothing should be treated more carefully than anything else.”

—Thích Nhất Hạnh

“In a true you-and-I relationship, we are present mindfully, nonintrusively, the way we are present with things in nature. We do not tell a birch tree it should be more like an elm. We face it with no agenda, only an appreciation that becomes participation: ‘I love looking at this birch’ becomes ‘I am this birch,’ and then ‘I and this birch are opening to a mystery that transcends and holds us both.’ ”

—David Richo

“It takes a little bit of mindfulness and a little bit of attention to others to be a good listener, which helps cultivate emotional nurturing and engagement.”

—Deepak Chopra

“With silence comes mindfulness, and thus we become better at choosing our words with kind intent before we express them.”

—Alaric Hutchinson

“When you open your mind, you open new doors to new possibilities for yourself, and new opportunities to help others.”

—Roy Bennett

“Respond; don’t react.

Listen; don’t talk.

Think; don’t assume.”

—Raji Lukkoor

“When you practice mindfulness, you bloom like a flower.”

—Debasish Mridha

The Buddha's Guide to Gratitude

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