Читать книгу Friendship Isn't a Big Thing, It's a Million Little Things - Becca Anderson - Страница 29


Husbands and boyfriends are nice accessories, but girlfriends are the essential must-haves of life. It’s our gal pals who get us through both good times and bad. The course of my life has been charted over coffee with the girls, new plans made over a margarita (or two), and many a late-night phone call dedicated to the topic of love. Who else do we turn to for the best advice, gossip, and fashion tips? There are many different aspects of friendship—from sharing secrets to sharing tears, and from being each other’s cheerleaders to comforting one another with hugs and good advice. I once had such a bad breakup that my friend Leslie came over, scooped me up, and installed me in her spare bedroom, where I curled up into a fetal position for days. I was in such bad shape that I couldn’t even speak, but she was there for me and surrounded me with a secure blanket of unconditional love and understanding. No judgment; just support. After a few days, I crawled out of my cocoon. Not exactly a butterfly, but I was wiser, and I learned something far more important than any lesson about the travails of romance. I learned that the bonds of true friendship are stronger than anything. For better or worse, your friends are there for you when you need them.

Friendship Isn't a Big Thing, It's a Million Little Things

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