Читать книгу Friendship Isn't a Big Thing, It's a Million Little Things - Becca Anderson - Страница 7


As I write this, I am looking forward to a girlfriends’ night out tomorrow evening. Even though we are no longer twentysomethings dancing into the wee hours every weekend, we still get together regularly. Time spent with each other is absolutely essential. Truth be told, it is a combination of group therapy, the latest news, sharing helpful tips and recipes, and a whole lot of what we call processing. We process the state of the world, our jobs, and our relationships. This week, we’ll be featuring the “Ex Files.” One of my dearest friends has a crazy ex-husband who is a rage texter. And now he has a crazy new girlfriend who completely loses it if any photos of the good old days show up on Facebook or Instagram. Such is life in the twenty-first century where you not only have to plot a course through each day of our over-busy schedules, but also have to navigate the sometimes-tricky waters of social media.

What’s a girl to do?

I say we stick with the friends who know us best and see us through all the ups and downs of life; I have always said that our friends are some of the great loves of our lives. My friends have seen me through everything, from crushes and fashion disasters to shared vacations and long, lazy days of sheer delight. They are also there when the chips are down. I have weathered breakups, makeups, financial woes, career crises, and everything in between, thanks to my good friends. Good friends make the world go ‘round, so treasure yours, dear reader, and you will reap the benefits tenfold.

In closing, I remind you of the wise words of this memorable wild woman:

Friendship Isn't a Big Thing, It's a Million Little Things

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