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Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

Dear Reader,

The paths of our lives take many twists and turns and just as many ups and downs. I firmly agree with those who say you can’t recognize the good times if you haven’t experienced the opposite. I also believe that going through difficulties builds character and makes us more resilient. But why, oh why do the tough times have to be so hard? I had the idea for this book ten years ago when a loved one, my fiancé, was diagnosed with stage IV cancer with very few options. I was his primary caretaker, and I did my best to paste on a smile, speak about a positive future, and above all, stay upbeat for him. He was unable to work, so I was also the breadwinner; I arranged a steady stream of meal deliveries and friendly visitors while I worked my very long days. One day I was at a business lunch with an author who asked me how I was handling this. Suddenly, I was gasping for breath and had to run outside. I had to go home; after a couple more episodes, I went to the emergency room. I was diagnosed with stress-induced asthma and prescribed heavy-duty medications and ordered to rest. But I knew I couldn’t sleep this off. The medications took effect after a couple of days, but the feeling that I was being suffocated by stress did not dissipate at all. To add to the load, I felt like I needed to be strong for someone else and that I was going to fail him. He passed very quickly, which somehow compounded the grief. We had barely had time to adjust to the severity of his illness when he died. One of the blessings to come from this was that his family and friends became a very close-knit group and have remained so, sharing memories and making new ones.

When the vicissitudes of life remind me that the only constant is change, I think back to those dark days and reflect on how it felt, oftentimes hopeless with a depthless sadness. The only thing that helped me was praying and reading the wisdom of others. I remembered wishing I had a book that I could carry with me at all times just so I could turn to it when I felt I just could not go on. I know you, dear reader, have also faced circumstances that seemed insurmountable. My sincere hope is that the prayers and homilies I have gathered here offer some comfort and courage to you. I would love to hear from you—tell me the stories of what you and your loved ones have lived through and overcome. I would love to hear your encouraging words and gain strength from you.

With gratitude and blessings,

Becca Anderson

Prayers for Hard Times

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